Chapter 130

Due to Tang Hao's injuries urgently needing medical treatment, the original ten-day journey between Tiandou City and Suoto City only took him a week to arrive at Tiandou City after traveling day and night at Shrek Academy.

After arriving in Tiandou City, all the members of the Imperial Team left for various reasons except Ye Lengleng, and Ning Rongrong also returned to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School with a batch of hidden weapons.

Only Qin Ming and Ye Leng Leng took the rest of the Shrek members to visit the Jiuxin Haitang Sect to visit Ye Hua.

Although Ye Lenglen was absolutely unwilling to let Nine Hearts Begonia Sect and Tang Hao get involved, but for Qin Ming's sake, he still agreed to take them to Nine Hearts Begonia Sect and let her father make his own decision. She was not worried about this. People can make trouble in Jiuxin Begonia Sect.

Nine Heart Begonia, each generation can only have one successor, and there can only be two Nine Heart Begonia soul masters who are alive at the same time. Only one who dies can be reappeared in future generations. It can be said that it is the least number of spirits.

Although the number of soul masters of Jiuxin Haitang is rare, Jiuxin Haitang's auxiliary ability is unquestionable, even the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda can't match it, just like the chapter of Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School that has two guardians, Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo, Nine Heart Begonia also has its own guardian.

Different from the aggressive guardians of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect, the guardian family of Jiuxin Haitang is the Shi family known for its defense. Responsible for protecting Ye Leng Leng.

And the grandfather of the Shi family brothers is already a Contra who is unparalleled in defense, and with the assistance of Ye Lengleng's father Ye Hua, it is difficult for Titled Douluo to kill him. What big waves happened, not to mention that the brothers of the Shi family had already taken the lead in reporting back to the sect.


Leaving the Nine Hearts Begonia Sect, Tang San's heart was gloomy. At the beginning, Ye Hua refused to heal Tang Hao, but Tang San had no choice but to take out his trump card to deal with auxiliary soul masters - the hidden weapon, and promised to create a magic weapon every time in the future. After the new hidden weapon, it was the first to supply two copies to the Jiuxin Begonia Sect before Ye Hua relented.

Thinking that in the future, Buddha's Fury Tanglian, Rainstorm Pear Blossom Needle, and Peacock Ling, these hidden weapons exclusive to Tang Sect, would be given to Jiuxin Haitang Sect for free, Tang San was extremely angry.

"It's all about Fu Tian, ​​who caused my father to be seriously injured, made me feel sorry for Tangmen, and made Xiaowu suffer so much." Tang San didn't know that Tang Hao had been seriously injured before, so he pushed everything on Hutian. , Tang Hao's injuries were too serious, and without timely treatment, even Ye Hua couldn't make him wake up immediately, so he could only stay in Jiuxin Begonia Sect to heal his injuries secretly.

Although Ye Hua promised to treat Tang Hao, he didn't want to have anything to do with them. He asked them to keep Tang Hao's recuperation in the Nine Hearts Begonia Sect a secret, and during this period, the Shrek members, besides delivering hidden weapons, Do not step into the Nine Hearts Begonia Sect to avoid suspicion.

And Xiao Wu, since returning from Star Dou Forest, Tang San has never seen Xiao Wu's smile again, Tang San knew that his naughty and cute Xiao Wu sister was completely gone, and was forced to disappear by Hu Tian.

"Now we are not his opponents. After both of your spirits have broken through the Title Douluo, it will not be too late to find him for revenge. Let's go to Tiandou Royal Academy first. The All-Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition is for you. Growth is beneficial, only Tiandou Royal Academy can give us this opportunity, after all they have two places, Qin Ming has already contacted the education committee first.” Yu Xiaogang persuaded from the side, it’s not that he didn’t think about other academies, but Give up, ordinary colleges only have one place for the competition, how could it be given to them for no reason.

Not to mention Tiandi College, Tang San's identity is no secret in the upper three sects, and members of the upper three sects have seen Tang San. Thinking of the man-eating eyes of the Haotian sect when the clan saw Tang Hao, Yu Xiaogang didn't want to let it go. Tang Sanyang entered the tiger's mouth.

"Stop, who are you?" As soon as they arrived at the gate of Tiandou Royal Academy, the Shrek members were stopped by ten young soul masters, all wearing the uniforms of Tiandou Royal Academy, and they were all students of Tiandou Royal Academy.

Flender said sharply: "We are here to communicate at the invitation of your Tiandou Royal Academy, let's lead the way."

The leading young man on the other side looked Flender up and down a few times, and then looked at the attire of the others, with a trace of disdain on his face, "Just you idiots, you still come to our academy to communicate? I see, where did you come from?" Beggars are right, hurry up, otherwise, we will use force."

Shrek members, both teachers and students, are arrogant people. After being abused by Hu Tian, ​​they themselves have resentment. How can they bear this kind of insult now.

Dai Mubai was already in front of Flender with just a flash of his figure, his cold breath burst out instantly, he is a prince, since he was a child, no one has ever insulted him like this, if the evil-eyed white tiger can bear it, Then he is not a tiger, but a sick cat.

Pa pa pa pa, several youths flew out backwards, they were not Dai Mubai's opponents at all.

Flender couldn't help frowning, and said to Zhao Wuji beside him, "Is this the student of Tiandou Royal Academy? It's just a pile of rubbish. I'm starting to wonder if it was a wrong decision to come here."

Zhao Wuji smiled and said: "Didn't you say that it doesn't matter if you are arrogant, but you must have the capital to be arrogant, otherwise you have a problem with your brain, I guess they have a problem with their brains, it's just that the fight with the little monsters last time was difficult." This is not the case for the Huangdou team, there may be dross everywhere."

"Okay, Mubai." Flender called Dai Mubai, looked at several wounded and crippled students of Tiandou Royal Academy, and snorted coldly, "Unfortunately, it's just rubbish, call your academy's teacher to come out."

"Who dares to act presumptuously in Tiandou Imperial Academy." A figure came out from the academy, it was Qian Renxue who turned into Xue Qinghe.

"Brother Huang, these people beat up the academy students as soon as they came to Tiandou Imperial Academy. They are provoking the majesty of the empire." Xue Beng came behind Qian Renxue, pointed at the Shrek members and said.

"Xue Beng, you are the prince of the Heaven Dou Empire after all, why are you competing with a few beggars, and you were beaten so helplessly by them, where is your guard!" Qian Renxue took a look at Xue Beng, who was covered in injuries, and shouted loudly road.

"They did it for no reason!" Xue Beng defended in a low voice.

Qian Renxue frowned, looked at the members of Shrek, and asked: "Where are you beggars, Tiandou Royal Academy is not a place for you to be presumptuous, why do you beat the students of the academy for no reason!"

"It was the students of your academy who called us beggars first!" Flender said, if he had known that Xue Beng was the prince, he would never have dared to let Dai Mubai do it.

"Call me Your Highness, aren't you beggars? If you want to beg for food, go to other places. Tiandou Imperial Academy is not the place for you." Qian Renxue yelled loudly.

For a week, the members of Shrek were all on their way. They had just arrived in Tiandou City, and they hadn't even had time to change their clothes. They really looked a bit down and out.

"It's just a prince, what's the big deal, be careful I'll fight you too!" Dai Mubai said hehe, he is also a prince, so he doesn't accept this.

"Presumptuous, you're just a beggar who dares to challenge the majesty of the empire, here comes someone, take it for me, and resist Killing Unforgiven." Qian Renxue gave the order, and hundreds of soul masters rushed out of the academy, followed by Shrek. A group of cavalry rushed out, completely cutting off the Shrek members' retreat.

Before Shrek Academy could explain, hundreds of soul masters released their martial souls and rushed over, including several soul saints.

There was no need to think about the scene at all, although Qian Renxue gave the order to take them down, but no one meant to take them down, they just held down one and beat them wildly.

As soon as Flender used his spirit avatar, before he could fly, he was pushed to the ground by three soul sages who also had a spirit avatar. Zao Wou-ki also encountered the same situation, and was beaten by two soul sages. , the few soul emperors were beaten so hard that they could only protect their faces desperately. They had already seen that these soul masters did not kill them, and deliberately avoided their vital points.

"Arrogance doesn't matter, but you must have the capital of arrogance, otherwise you have a brain problem. I don't think you have any capital for arrogance. It should be a brain problem." Qian Renxue sneered beside him, and there was no Step in and besiege them.

After finishing speaking, Qian Renxue took a look at Xue Beng, and said casually: "If you want revenge, go there, if you provoke the empire, you have to pay the price."

(End of this chapter)

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