Tiger Roaring Douluo

Chapter 133 Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School

Chapter 133 The Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School

"Grandpa Jian, Grandpa Bones, what's wrong with you, who can hurt you like this." Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect Ning Rongrong's face was pale, tears streaming down, hugging the empty right sleeve of an old man in white She didn't understand why the two grandpas, who were invincible in her eyes, would receive such severe injuries.

"It's because we are too self-righteous. We actually forcibly broke into the inner circle of the Star Dou Forest. We thought that with the strength of the two of us, we would be fine even if we met the Titan Giant Ape and the Sunny Bull. I didn't expect that we couldn't even catch a single move from them. , the power inside the Star Dou Forest is terrifyingly great, and it cannot be broken through by humans." Sword Douluo Jianchen said slowly, thinking of a shocking claw, he felt palpitations.

"Grandpa Jian, what are you and Grandpa Bone going to the Star Dou Forest? I have seen the two forest kings of the Star Dou Forest, Titan Giant Ape and Qingtian Bull Python. Although they are very strong, if the two grandpas want to leave, they should not be able to stop them. It's right, why are you still hurt like this?" Ning Rongrong said in a tearful voice, looking at the broken arm of Sword Douluo Luo Chenxin, and Bone Douluo Gu Rong's pale face without any blood, she felt extremely distressed.

Gu Rong next to him sighed, and blamed himself: "It's all my fault, I shouldn't have brought your Grandpa Jian to the Star Dou Forest for breakthrough cultivation, I was the one who got him hurt."

"Grandfather Gu, why did you break through to the Star Dou Forest? You are already Title Douluo, you don't need a soul ring anymore." Ning Rongrong asked.

Chen Xin explained for Gu Rong at the side: "Rongrong, don't blame your bone grandfather, he has been practicing Dao level 95 for a long time, and he still can't break through the threshold of level 96, and Star Dou Forest helps him break through A chance at level 96, I have to accompany him on the journey both in public and privately.”

"What kind of opportunity is worth the two grandpas taking such a big risk?" Ning Rongrong came to Gu Rong and asked.

Gu Rong paused for a moment and said: "My martial spirit is Bone Dragon, although it is good, it still has a lot of gap compared with Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex, my age is older than your Grandpa Jian's, but he I'm already at level 96, and I still can't break through. I gave up at first, but not long ago I suddenly felt a dragon aura emanating from the Star Dou Forest. This is what I can conclude that there must be corpses of pure-blooded dragons in the Star Dou Forest or Dragon souls are present, and bone dragons are already sensitive to dragon corpses. The blue electric Tyrannosaurus Rex can't catch up with this. As long as I get dragon corpses or dragon souls, my martial arts will definitely rise to a higher level, and my soul power can also break through, so I immediately I found you, Grandpa Jian, and went to the Star Dou Forest together, but I never thought that there would be such a terrifying existence in the Star Dou Forest besides the Titan Giant Ape and the Blue Sky Bull Python."

"Grandpa Bones, what caused you to be hurt?" Ning Rongrong asked.

"A bear, with just one claw, severely injured me and your Grandpa Jian, forcing your Grandpa Jian to break his arm and take me away." Gu Rong said.

"Why are there such terrifying soul beasts in Star Dou Forest? Didn't it mean that Titan Giant Ape and Qingtian Bull Python are the kings of soul beasts in Star Dou Forest?" Ning Rongrong said.

"It's because we are ignorant. The reason why I ran away without hesitation was because I could feel at least ten powerful auras. If I slowed down for a few seconds, ten dust hearts would not be able to come back." After a while, I was afraid of the scene.

"Grandpa Jian, can your right arm still grow back? Rongrong won't feel distressed when you look like this." Ning Rongrong asked in tears.

"It won't grow any longer, but don't worry, Rong Rong, your Grandpa Jian is fine. My Seven Kill Sword is famous for its killing power. When I was in hand-to-hand contact with the Star Dou Forest Bear King, I also caught a piece of it from his shocking claw. A wisp of murderous aura is similar to my Seven Killing Sword, and it won't be long before I can suddenly level up to a level 97 bottleneck." A ray of excitement flashed in Chen Xin's eyes.

At this moment Ning Fengzhi walked in, looking a little tired, looked at Ning Rongrong and said in a deep voice: "You still know you're coming back, and you don't think you've caused me enough trouble or embarrassment enough, do you?"

Gu Rong flashed up to Ning Rongrong, and said to Ning Fengzhi: "Fengzhi, what are you doing? You lost your temper with Rongrong as soon as she came back. I know that you are overwhelmed by our affairs, but It's no wonder Rongrong."

"Uncle Gu, do you know what she did? Because you were seriously injured, I didn't tell you, just because I was afraid that you would drag your seriously injured body to vent your anger on him. This girl is becoming more and more lawless. What should I do? What to do, I can't tell at all." Seeing that Gu Rong was still protecting Ning Rongrong at this moment, Ning Fengzhi was furious.

"Fengzhi, calm down and tell us what happened first. If Rongrong really committed an unforgivable mistake, we will punish her for you." Chen Xin advised from the side.

"Hey, you guys don't know, she was almost detained to wash the dishes and ransom her body, and the prestige of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School was almost ruined in her hands, how can I trust him with her state like this?" Ning Fengzhi Extremely angry, a little hated iron is not steel.

Gu Rong didn't hear the second half of Ning Fengzhi's sentence at all, looked at Ning Rongrong and shouted: "Who is so bold, dare to offend our little princess, Rong Rong told me, Grandpa Gu will vent your anger on you, although I was hurt a little , but not afraid of trouble."

"Okay, Uncle Gu, this matter is her fault, and she actually colluded with Tang Hao, is she trying to turn the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School into the Haotian School and me into the next Tang Zhan, so she can rest assured " Ning Fengzhi interrupted Gu Rong's words, and then told the whole story again, saying: "Do you know that in order to stop the Lieyang Chamber of Commerce, I even sent out the Qibao Glazed Tile School's unique technique of distraction control? gone."

Ning Fengzhi's words finally attracted the attention of Chen Xin and Gu Rong. Chen Xin looked at Ning Rongrong and said, "Rong Rong, tell you what happened to Grandpa Jian, why did your companion pay the president of Lieyang Chamber of Commerce for no reason?" Heaven's hands, and Tang Hao, what happened to Tang San, where are they now, and whether the Titan Giant Ape's bloodbath on the outskirts of the Star Dou Forest has anything to do with you."

"I..." Ning Rongrong paused and said, "I'm sorry, Dad, Grandpa Jian, Grandpa Bones, I don't want to lie to you, I can't tell you the news about Haotian Douluo, and the reason why Xiao Wu suddenly attacked, other things I can tell you all."

"Okay, you go first!" Gu Rong said in a deep voice.

"Third brother is indeed the son of Haotian Douluo. They should be in Tiandou Royal Academy now, and this incident is obviously because Futian plotted against us. He should be a member of Wuhundian, and his disciple is the Pope of Wuhundian. daughter." Ning Rongrong said.

"Impossible, if Fu Tian was really a member of Wuhundian, the news of your collusion with Tang Hao would have spread long ago. It is impossible for the Lieyang Chamber of Commerce to promise us to keep your identity secret, and it is impossible for Wuhundian to let anyone who can It will hit the chances of the three sects." Ning Fengzhi denied Ning Rongrong's statement, and then said: "Your third brother is not in the Tiandou Royal Academy, and they beat up the fourth prince as soon as they arrived at the Tiandou Royal Academy. , and then the first prince appeared with hundreds of soul masters and drove them out of the academy. I don’t know where they are now. I just heard the news from the palace. They beat the prince for no reason. Emperor Xue Ye is angry. Can they leave Tiandou? It’s hard to say about the city.”

"Ah," Ning Rongrong exclaimed, looked at Ning Rongrong and said, "Father, can you help them, their identities will definitely be exposed once His Majesty investigates."

Ning Fengzhi's face darkened immediately, and he said in a deep voice: "Rongrong, from now on, please remember that you have nothing to do with them, don't go looking for them, I will find a way to deal with everything about you and them. Erase all the traces, even if their identities are exposed, you will not be involved, otherwise the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School will be destroyed."

"No, Dad, look." Ning Rongrong took out a Godly Zhuge Crossbow and shot it towards the wall of the hall. With the sound of piercing the air, all three crossbow bolts were embedded in the wall of the hall to a depth of three inches. If I had known Qibao The hall of the Glazed Tile Sect was built with strong rocks of martial souls, even the king of the soul of the attacking department would not dare to say that it could destroy it.

Under the shocked eyes of Ning Fengzhi and the others, Ning Rongrong showed a series of hidden weapons to Ning Fengzhi and the two Titled Douluo one by one, saying: "These hidden weapons can completely make up for us. For the defects of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect disciples, I can persuade the third brother to let him sell a batch to the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect to arm our disciples."

Seeing the huge lethality of the hidden weapons, Ning Fengzhi pondered for a while, and said: "I can let you go find them, but you have to bring this Tang San to meet me."

"Fengzhi, no!" Chen Xin and Gu Rong urged in unison.

Ning Fengzhi waved his hand, looked at Ning Rongrong and said, "There is a traitor named Ning Yi in the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School. He has a daughter named Ning Xiuxiu who is about your age. For the sake of the reputation of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, Ning Xiuxiu's death sentence was not announced to the outside world, and you will join Shrek under Ning Xiuxiu's name from now on."

"Yes, Dad!" Ning Rongrong immediately understood what Ning Fengzhi meant.

(End of this chapter)

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