Tiger Roaring Douluo

Chapter 138 Tang Hao What Did You Do?

Chapter 138 Tang Hao What Did You Do?

"Why, you can keep them all, why do you let them go? Have you forgotten that they still want to capture you alive?" As soon as Shang Sanzong left, Bingdi asked aggressively, Hu Tian let go The core personnel of the last three cases made her very unwilling.

"Okay, Bing'er, since the Demon Emperor let them go, there is a reason for letting them go, so we don't have to worry about it." Snow Emperor held Bing Emperor, but a pair of snowy eyes fell on Hu Tian. The decision is very puzzling.

Hu Tian looked up at the sky with a solemn expression. He called the races from the extreme north and opened the five-element formation in order to keep all the background of the previous three sects here, but the situation is stronger than others. There is nothing better than myself.

"What's the matter, husband?" Zhu'er came to Hutian and asked.

"The two demigods of the human race came just now, and we are not invincible." Hu Tian looked at the puzzled eyes of the demon race and explained. The demigods of the human race asked if they needed to take action.

Hutian immediately rejected their proposal. The two demigods, the Fire Dragon King and the Water Dragon King may not be afraid of them. Anyway, the two dragon kings used to be gods, but they only have dragon souls left. It is possible to fall into a deep sleep forever, just like the dragon souls in the dragon tomb, no more intelligence, no purpose, they are the only two remaining dragon kings of the dragon clan, how can Hu Tian bear to watch their intelligence disappear.

"Demigod, how can there be a demigod among the human race, then why doesn't he avenge those humans, this is not like the human style." Ice Emperor wondered.

"From today onwards, the Sunset Forest and the Xingdou Forest in the extreme north will be completely banned. Anyone who dares to trespass will be killed without mercy. Zhu'er will inform Xiong Zhan and them to rule over all the soul beasts in the Sunset Forest." Hu Tian knew that the demigod should be afraid of the Fire Dragon King and Water Dragon King, but since the demon clan has been exposed, there is no need for Hutian to hide it, so he simply brought everything to the surface.

"Yes!" replied Pearl, who had been waiting for this day for a long time.

"Demon King, there is a strict ban in the extreme north. I have to go back and control the overall situation. I will ask Binger to stay and help you. The Sunset Forest is surrounded by humans on all sides. The sudden ban is destined not to be peaceful." Snow Emperor looked at Hu Tian said.

"Okay, be careful, it's no accident that two demigods suddenly appeared among human beings." Hu Tian warned, and the God Realm's move was really quick.

"Don't worry, I know the seriousness." Xuedi looked at Bingdi and said: "Bing'er, the setting sun forest is no better than the extreme north, you can't be so willful as before, and listen to the Demon Emperor's orders in everything."

"I see, Sister Xue Nu, I will go back to see you, and remember what you promised me." Bingdi said with a grin.

Xuedi nodded, and after saying goodbye to Hutian, he took the ice bear king Xiaobai and his party to the teleportation array back to the extreme north.

At a height of [-] meters above the setting sun forest, Qian Daoliu held the holy angel sword, and the three pairs of white angel wings kept flapping behind him. Angel mark.

Not far in front of Qian Daoliu, is a middle-aged man wearing a blood-colored robe. Behind him, a pair of huge blood-red wings spread out. There are traces of mysterious black magic patterns on the blood wings, and there is a like-looking man on his forehead. The sickle-shaped magic seal, if Hu Tian or Bibi Dong were here, they would definitely recognize this as the King of Slaughter in the original Slaughter Capital.

A black sledgehammer covered with magic patterns appeared in the hands of the Slaughter King, and he asked Qian Daoliu, "Qian Daoliu, what do you mean? Although the two dragon kings can attack at the level of demigods, they can't For a long time, we can go in and kill the two dragon kings together, and then kill those cruel beasts. The Clear Sky School lost two Title Douluo and six Soul Douluo at once. This debt must be paid with blood. "

"Tang Chen, your grandson colluded with a soul beast to kill my son. I haven't settled this matter with you yet, but you actually want me to join forces with you. Are you just dreaming? I shouldn't be with you when it's about the righteousness of the human race." You mentioned personal grievances, but I don't know if Tang Hao's collusion with soul beasts was instigated by you, and I don't want to be smashed to death by you from behind when I am fighting two dragon souls." Qian Daoliu looked angry , said clearly and logically.

"You, you also believe this kind of words. This tiger king will frame him tomorrow morning." Tang Chen was a little bit aggrieved, thinking that Qian Daoliu's brains were ridiculous, and he would actually believe Hu Tian's words, pointing at the blood wings behind him, Said: "This is the external spirit bone that I obtained after refining the nine-headed bat king. If I really colluded with the soul beast, how could I kill the nine-headed bat king?"

"Don't be ridiculous, the Nine-Headed Bat King is at least a million-year-old soul beast, and you two Tang Chen may not be his opponent, but you still refine the Nine-Headed Bat King. Now it is probably occupied by the Nine-Headed Bat King." Qian Daoliu looked down upon Tang Chen and said, "Your son Tang Zhan has already admitted that Tang Hao colluded with the soul beast. Luo's title was passed on to Tang Hao, and he was also passed on to him the mystery of ring explosion in the Great Sumeru Hammer, which made me doubt your intentions. I even suspected that you led everything today, in order to eliminate Get rid of me so that Haotianzong can replace Wuhundian and dominate the world of soul masters, how could I be fooled by you."

"Qian Daoliu, others don't know what kind of person I am, Tang Chen, don't you?" Tang Chen roared angrily, interrupting Qian Daoliu, and said, "Although we have fought each other for more than 100 years, we still cherish each other. , are mutual confidants, don’t you feel ashamed when you speak out of conscience like this.”

As if he didn't see Tang Chen's anger, Qian Daoliu shook the angelic holy sword in his hand and said, "It's about the life and death of the human race, so I have to be careful. It's shameful. To protect the human race for tens of thousands of years, in addition to relying on great strength, there is also caution, and as the guardian of the Wuhun Temple, I must lead by example."

"Qian Daoliu, you are determined to pour this dirty water on Haotianzong, aren't you? Thinking about how high-spirited you were when we went to Sea God Island together, you never forget that you are a symbol of an angel, representing light, Justice is known as being invincible in the sky, but what you are doing now is worthy of the spirit of Angel, don't you feel that you have discredited Angel?" Tang Chen's face was gloomy, he had just come out of the killing capital, and he hadn't had time to understand Haotianzong In this situation, he was attracted by two sounds of longing, and when he arrived, Hu Tian was already chasing and killing the disciples of the last three sects.

But the two dragon bones on the ground posed a great threat to him. After inheriting the Raksha Nine Tests, his power was raised to the level of a demigod. coming.

What he didn't expect was that Qian Daoliu had inherited the Nine Trials of Angels and had reached the level of a demigod just like himself. As far as he knew, Qian Daoliu had already passed the Eighth Trial of Angels. Exam.

Although he didn't know what was going on, he was overjoyed. With Qian Daoliu's help, they could kill the two dragon souls below and kill Hu Tian and his party to avenge the disciples of the Haotian School. A few words in a few days made Qian Daoliu believe Tang Hao's betrayal of the human race. As he talked, even he was blamed by Qian Daoliu for betraying the human race.

Even Tang Chen, who has a demigod cultivation level, cannot bear the crime of betraying the human race.

Of course, Qian Daoliu didn't care whether he could bear it or not, and continued: "You have been silent in the place of killing for many years, and you still don't believe me when I tell you some things, why don't you ask yourself, Tang Xiao?" My grandson, you still don’t know what’s going on now. When you find out, you will bring Tang Hao’s head to Wuhun Hall to look for me. You Haotianzong haven’t given me an account of what happened back then, Tang Zhan said It's not bad to raise or not to teach, it's the father's fault, but you, a grandfather, also have the responsibility that cannot be shirked, and it is up to you to deal with Tang Hao, and it is also a redemption for yourself. The descendants have all fallen to the point of colluding with soul beasts, and when I see Tang Hao's head, I believe that Tang Hao's collusion with soul beasts was not instigated by you."

After Qian Daoliu finished speaking, he didn't give Tang Chen another chance to speak, put away the holy angel sword, slapped the angel wings, turned around and flew in the direction of Wuhun Hall.

"Tang Chen, don't let me find evidence of your collusion with spirit beasts, or I will take Wuhundian and destroy your Haotianzong at all costs." Qian Daoliu disappeared at the end of the sky in the blink of an eye, leaving only a resolute and Another murderous voice came.

"Ah! Tang Hao, what have you done!" Ten thousand meters high in the air, only Tang Chen let out an angry and aggrieved roar. He had been fighting with Qian Daoliu for more than 100 years, and it was the first time that he was so pissed off by Qian Daoliu. awful.

 That's one chapter today
(End of this chapter)

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