Tiger Roaring Douluo

Chapter 141 "The Dead"

Chapter 141 "The Dead"

Besides, the Sunset Forest was unified in less than a day after Hutian gave the order. The Sunset Forest did not have 10-year-old soul beasts, and there was no power at all to stop the pace of the Yaozu and Yaozu.

The setting sun forest was completely banned, and Hutian asked Xiong Zhanhuo, the scorpion soul Wang Hongluan, to lead the clansmen to separate into five directions, and the five-element formation was always ready to operate.

If only one demigod comes, it will be based on the five-element formation. It's not that Hutian has no strength. If it doesn't work, Hutian can also ask the Deep Sea Demon Whale King to help. Now with the Sunset Forest as the core, several large soul beasts live here. They are all connected by teleportation arrays, no matter where they need help, they can support each other in the fastest time.

It has been a year since the last three sects of the Sunset Forest party, and Hu Tian was preparing for the battle with all his strength, but to Hu Tian's surprise, no matter whether it was Tang Chen or the Tiandou Empire, they were very silent about the ban on the Sunset Forest. action.

Hu Tian knew about Tang Chen's return to the Haotian School a year ago, and he also got a portrait of Tang Chen. Tang Chen returned suddenly, and Hu Tian was sure that one of the two demigods that day was him.

Seeing the Rakshasa scythe imprint on Tang Chen's forehead, Hu Tian rushed to mourn for the blood-red nine-headed bat king. Tang Chen returned, so the blood-red nine-headed bat occupying Tang Chen's body must have been refined by Tang Chen.

The Blood Red Nine-Headed Bat King obviously has a special relationship with the Rakshasa God. Being able to occupy the body of Limit Douluo Tang Chen for such a long time, his strength is beyond doubt, and he will definitely not be inferior to the Snow Emperor.

He worked so hard for tens of thousands of years for Rakshasa, but in the end he was abandoned by Rakshasa without hesitation, and Tang Chen was fulfilled by his cultivation.

"I don't know, will you abandon the Demon Soul Great White Shark when the Sea God is in trouble?" Hu Tian said to himself, the Demon Soul Great White Shark is similar to the blood-red nine-headed bat. The king is stronger than the Demon Soul Great White Shark.

Shaking his head, Hu Tian was amused, he felt sympathetic to the soul beasts that had turned to the gods. Although the demon soul great white shark and the blood red nine-headed bat are powerful, Hu Tian would never let him join the demon clan, otherwise he would At the time of the killing capital, Hutian gave the blood-red nine-headed bat king the monster clan skills.

"It's time to go out and move around." Hu Tian didn't leave the Sunset Forest for a year, preparing for Tang Chen's revenge while cultivating.

It's just that Hu Tian didn't know that Tang Chen had no plans to move the Sunset Forest at all, and had already regarded the Sunset Forest as a tool for Tang Hao and Haotianzong to clean up their grievances after Tang San became a god. Tang Chen was not worried that the soul beast would defeat humans Well, having passed the Asura God and Rakshasa assessments, he is well aware of the horrors of the God Realm. In his eyes, as long as the God Realm is on the side of humans, it is impossible for humans to lose.

As for the Heaven Dou Empire, if the Shang Sanzong and the Wuhun Palace do not take action, there is no power to invade the Sunset Forest. The most powerful enshrined in the Tiandou Empire is Dugu Bo, but since the incident of the Shang Sanzong, Dugu Bo has stepped into the sunset The courage of the forest is gone.

If Tang Chen didn't come to avenge the disciples of the Haotian School, there would be no need for Hu Tian to stay in the Sunset Forest. A year ago, two demigods had appeared, and one had already been confirmed to be Tang Chen, so the other Hu Tian didn't even need to think about it. After thinking about it, he guessed Qian Daoliu.

Most of Hutian's appearance in the human world is from his previous life, but Qian Daoliu has seen Hutian's appearance after his transformation in this life, and even had dinner with Hutian. Daoliu has already recognized himself, so Hutian has to meet Qian Renxue to see what kind of medicine Qian Daoliu bought in his gourd.

"I'll go with you. Sister Xue Nu asked me to stay in Sunset Forest to protect you. I can't let people from your land take risks." Bingdi said when he heard that Hutian was going to the human world.

"Not too good, people from the last three sects have seen you, if they ran into you, I'm afraid there will be unnecessary troubles." Hu Tian frowned slightly, he was just going to see Qian Renxue, and nothing would happen Danger.

"Husband, let Ice Emperor go with you. You go to see your human disciple. She is the granddaughter of a demigod. Although you believe her, Husband, we don't worry. In case someone around him is lying in wait for you What should I do, with the Ice Empress at least one more helper." Zhu'er came over and advised.

The Ice Emperor said: "The demon king can change his appearance and enter the human world, so can I. If the demon king is afraid that I will cause trouble for you, I can also turn into the main body, shrink it and hide it on the demon king's body. If anyone dares If you are disrespectful to the Demon Emperor, I can surprise him with a fatal blow."

Hu Tian looked at the stubborn Ice Emperor, and sighed, "Okay, let's go together, there is no need to shrink, just change the appearance casually."

The Ice Empress nodded, and there was a wave of demonic power, her long dark green hair slowly turned into the color of ice, the emerald green magic lines on her pretty face also slowly disappeared, and the emerald green dress on her body also turned into snow white, absolutely beautiful His appearance gradually became ordinary.

Hu Tian gently hugged Zhu'er, and said softly: "The Sunset Forest will be handed over to you first."

"Don't worry, be careful in everything, I will manage the Sunset Forest well." Zhu'er nodded and said.

"En!" Hu Tian nodded, let go of Zhu'er, and led the Ice Emperor into the teleportation array of the Lieyang Chamber of Commerce in Tiandou City.

"Demon Emperor!" As soon as Hu Tian and Ice Emperor stepped out of the teleportation formation, the demon clan guarding the teleportation formation immediately knelt down on one knee and saluted.

"Get up, don't be too polite, protect the teleportation array well." Hu Tian looked at them and said, Hu Tian only felt guilty for them.

This team of monsters came to Tiandou City to guard the teleportation formation voluntarily. Once Hu Xinyu's identity was exposed, they could only use this teleportation formation to leave Tiandou City and return to Sunset Forest. The fox activated the teleportation array, and destroyed the teleportation array after Hu Xinyu left. It can be said that once Hu Xinyu's identity is exposed, then they can only die here.

Originally, Hu Tian asked Hu Xinyu to take them back to the Sunset Forest after talking with Hu Xinyu last time, but after the appearance of the two demigods, Hu Xinyu rejected Hu Tian and stayed in Tiandou City to control Tang Chen's life. Movement, to fight for the initiative for the demon clan, and this pair of monster clan has no possibility of escaping in the hands of the demigod.

The cultivation base of this pair of monster clan is not too high, their talents are very limited, and some of their lives have even come to an end, and they can barely cultivate to the realm of transformation by relying on the soul power in their bodies to transform into monster power. Tian Dou City never thought of going back alive.

"Thank you, the Demon Emperor!" A pair of demon clan stood up and looked at Hu Tian with fanaticism. There was also a group of such monster clan in Xingluo City. Among them were the three-eyed demon fox, the crypt magic bead, and the golden giant bear , the kings of the earth, are the first races to join the monster clan, they are the clansmen who know the potential of the monster clan best, even though they are in Tiandou City, they are very clear about the changes of their race, they know their clan length In just over ten years, they have been comparable to 10-year-old soul beasts, and they all firmly believe that the demon emperor can lead the demon clan to true independence, so that their descendants will not be slaughtered by humans.

It doesn't matter whether you die or not, as long as you can contribute to the freedom of the Yaozu, then you will die well. This is what they said when they came to Tiandou City. They are dead warriors, but they are much more noble than dead warriors.

(End of this chapter)

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