Tiger Roaring Douluo

Chapter 198 Killing Intent

Chapter 198 Killing Intent

Everywhere in the world is full of madness and tyrannical atmosphere, which is even worse than the killing place. If an ordinary person stays here for a long time, as long as he breathes the air here, he will gradually become crazy and become a A maniac who only knows how to kill.

Hu Tian has already met Long Nianqing and the others, and they are very excited about Hu Tian's arrival.

From them, Hu Tian felt the aura of Douluo exceeding the limit. They were not ordinary people. Although the qi illusion here was harsh, their cultivation base was growing rapidly.

Especially in Jin Tian's body, Hu Tian felt not weak and her own breath, but this is the place where the luck of the soul beast is suppressed, and she benefits the most from here.

Hu Tian smiled wryly, if he hadn't absorbed some power of chaos in the cosmic starry sky, and his cultivation had grown rapidly, he really wouldn't be their opponent.

Of course, Hutian will only be happy when their cultivation base increases. They are all the strength of the Yaozu. When they become stronger, the Yaozu becomes stronger. Now is the time when the Yaozu needs the strong ones most.

Compared with before, there is more bloody aura in their aura, which proves that they have come to where they are today by fighting again and again, and there will be no rapid growth in cultivation base, and the situation that the combat experience cannot keep up .

"What's going on here? Why is there such a tyrannical aura in the place where the luck of the soul beast is suppressed." Hu Tian looked at Jin Tian, ​​who carried the luck of the monster race on her body, and she is the one who has the most say here Well, since she came here with her, then Ditian should have told her everything about Emperor Ruishou.

Behind Jin Tian, ​​the big wavy long pink hair hangs down naturally, holding a golden dragon gun, the sharp cold light from the tip of the gun flickers, she has grown a lot compared to before, not only the increase in cultivation, but even more rare is the state of mind Hu Tian still remembers the first time he saw her, although she was not weak, she was like a child.

"I don't know why this is so. In fact, the ground under our feet is only formed by the luck of soul beasts. The creatures in the distance are also conceived by the luck of soul beasts. Originally, we only need to kill them. Luck will come back to me again, but..." Jin Tian's eyebrows showed a hint of evil spirit, and the aura in her body also rolled up. With her current strength, the Demon Emperor may not be her opponent.

"But what?" Tiger Sky asked.

"Brother Hutian, you just came here, and you don't know much about the situation here. In fact, the plane we are in has a total of [-] layers. We call it the [-]th layer of abyss. Each layer of abyss here has There is a controller, once the creatures in the abyss die, most of the power of luck that should have returned to sister Jin Tian will be divided by the controller of the abyss." Kong Yuxin answered, the five-colored light on her body flowed, Xiu Because she is much stronger than Long Nianqing, and slightly weaker than Jin Tian.

Whether it is Kong Yuxin or Jin Tian, ​​they all have good backgrounds, especially Jin Tian. In terms of racial talent, only races like the dragon royal family can compare with her.

Compared with them, Long Nianqing's talent is much weaker. If she hadn't used fairy grass to reshape her body, her talent would be even lower. She can achieve today's achievements entirely because she has the power of belief from all races of the monster race. blessing.

If it was before, Hutian's talent might not even be comparable to Long Nianqing now, but Hutian once washed himself with the real fire of the sun, and nourished himself with the blood of the ancestral witch, and finally even swallowed the snow-colored swan kiss, Now his talent is second to none.

"One hundred and eight abysses!" Hutian narrowed his eyes sharply, and killed Hutian. Hutian never thought that the one hundred and eighth abyss came from here. At this moment, Hutian really had the intention to kill.

"That's right, the controllers of each of the 10 layers of the abyss have at least the equivalent of a [-]-year-old soul beast. After ten years of understanding, the controllers of the top ten layers even have demigods. The most terrifying thing is that the two uppermost floors are controlled by gods, and the one hundred and eighth layer of abyss independently bred a super artifact, which was mastered by the first controller." Jin Tian frowned. Pick, said in a deep voice.

"When we first came, we landed directly in the bottom abyss. Relying on our absolute strength, we went directly to the controller and killed him. After the death of the abyss controller, that layer of abyss instantly collapsed, and all the abyss Creatures are completely annihilated. However, although sister Jin Tian has withdrawn a lot of power of luck, most of the power of luck will continue to be transmitted to the upper abyss in the form of abyss power. We have broken through fifty layers of abyss in a row , and now we are above the abyss."

"It is only at this time that we understand that the energy of the abyss we have breached is directly transmitted to the controller of the first abyss, and we understand why the creatures in the upper abyss do not come to support us when we attack the lower abyss , This is the controller of the first layer of abyss using our power to devour the power of the other layers of abyss. Maybe he wanted to do this a long time ago, but he was afraid of being attacked by the controllers of other layers of abyss. Our The approach is exactly what he wants. According to our calculations, if we break through all the [-] layers of abyss below, he will at least grow to the height of the strongest god of the first level. It can sweep us, just like we sweep other abyss planes, we have stayed on the abyss for a while, and we don’t know if we should continue to attack.”

Long Nianqing smiled wryly. They swept through the fifty layers of abyss in a row, and the loss was almost negligible. Of course, they would not fight with ordinary abyss creatures for a long time, but concentrated all their strength to kill him directly in front of the abyss controller. Hundreds of people The monster races equivalent to 10-year-old soul beasts join forces, not to mention there are strong men equivalent to demigods, the abyss army can't stop their pace at all.

Although the results were remarkable, she didn't think of any way to defeat the controller of the first layer of abyss. It's not like Long Nianqing didn't think about attacking the first layer of abyss directly, but in that case, the other abysses would join forces to attack them , although their strength is not weak, but it is impossible to block the simultaneous attacks of so many layers of abyss.

"Breaking through another ten layers of abyss, I have the confidence to break through demons and become immortals, but once we have a power equivalent to a god-level powerhouse among us, the controller of the first layer of abyss will definitely not be able to sit still and lead all the abyssal creatures to attack. I can block the controller of the first layer of abyss, but the controller of the second layer of abyss is also a god, but no one can stop it." Jin Tian said in a deep voice, she herself is the embodiment of luck, that is, luck is blocked by the first layer. Most of the abyss controllers are divided, and she is sure to break through.

Once she becomes a fairy, even if the weapon in her hand is worse than the first master of the abyss, she is still sure to fight him. Even if she wins, it is not a big problem to remain undefeated. The strong have a certain understanding, knowing that even if the master of the first layer of abyss has the power of a first-level deity, there is still a lot of gap compared with the first-level deity. He does not have the position of a deity, and the only powerful one is his power super artifact.

"It's not that simple. The master of the first layer of abyss can master the super artifact bred by the abyss from the abyss plane, then he should become the master of the [-]th layer of abyss. Once there is no one else to fight in the abyss , will definitely be suppressed, and he has been a god for a long time, it must not be easy to kill him." Hu Tian said, although he was worried about Abyss, but now he was thinking more about Tang San.

Hu Tian was thinking, should he kill Tang San directly after going back this time, Hu Tian's killing intent was aimed at Tang San before.

Seeing the One Hundred and Eight Abyss appearing here, Hu Tian deeply felt the horror of Tang San's calculations. It was obviously the luck of the spirit beast, but he used the Blue Silver Emperor as a bridge to integrate into the Douluo Continent and become Douluo Dalu's luck helps Douluo Dalu to discover God Realm.

Hu Tian didn't know when the Silver Dragon King discovered that the so-called abyss' original power was the luck of the soul beast. He looked up at the sky, and the stars all over the sky were refracted images. Tang San used these images to help the abyss sage to open the channel. The passage to the Douluo Continent.

Obviously, if you follow the path of Sea God Island, even if ordinary soul beasts can't feel the power of the abyss, they will be considered lucky, but soul beasts who know about Emperor Auspicious Beast will have doubts to some extent.

"It's a good plan. Maybe the Silver Dragon King lost his memory because of his handwriting." Hu Tian lowered his head and said solemnly. In the starry sky, the god king and powerhouse of the Tang Sect were about to kill him. The Silver Dragon King forced him to blew himself up and fled. With so many things, no matter what the future holds, they are destined to be enemies.

Hu Tian is not a conceited person, he has never underestimated anyone, not to mention Tang San, he was able to lead the Yaozu to where he is today, it is all because he knows a lot, once Tang San finds a chance to fight back, maybe he will It will cause heavy losses to the Yaozu.

And this time Hutian knew that Tang San's Xuantian Kungfu could be practiced without a soul ring, and maybe he could leave the God Realm and become a god, so Hutian already regretted not killing Tang San first before coming to the abyss.

(End of this chapter)

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