Chapter 125
"Uncle, my mother divorced that man." Yu Xiangcheng was the first to burst into shock, but his tone was still very pitiful.

"What." Sure enough, Beichen Wanyue's drowsiness was completely frightened away, and he sat in the bed for a long time and couldn't regain his senses. He had imagined that his sister and Xia Andi divorced seven years ago, but when they really divorced, he found himself I can't even laugh anymore.

Yu Xiangcheng didn't give him a chance to relieve himself, and continued to spout: "Uncle, my mother and I have been kicked out now, and we are still standing on the road? The cold wind blows Xiang Cheng and his mother's faces so cold, And now I can't get a taxi, and my mother is beautiful, what do you think if you meet a bad man..." Yu Xiangcheng wanted to continue talking, but was interrupted by Bei Chenxing.

"Xiang Cheng, stop talking, tell uncle where you and my sister are, I'll be right there, right away." At this time, Bei Chenxing was so frightened that he was a little incoherent.

Hanging up the phone with a smile on his face, Yu Xiangcheng found that the mummy beside him had been looking at him and smiling, which made him shudder unknowingly: "Mummy, why are you looking at me like that?"

"It's nothing, I just found out that I gave birth to a freak." After speaking, there was still a look of fear on his face.

Yu Xiangcheng knew that this woman was acting, but he still fell for it obediently: "My dear, if I am a freak and you gave birth to me, do you want to tell your son that I am a big freak? "

Yu Xiangcheng's words made Yu Hainuo not know how to refute, but she was still very happy that her son was smart and sensible. Who wouldn't want a genius baby, but because he was too smart, he deprived his son of a lot of happy childhood: " Xiang Cheng, do you want to go to school?"

"Why should I go to school?" He never thought that he had to go to school to study.

"Going to school allows you to make many friends." Yu Hainuo explained to his son with normal thinking.

"No, those drooling kids all flocked up to me as soon as they saw me, it's too scary." Thinking of those faces that looked at him with glistening eyes and drooling, Yu Xiangcheng was terrified, and he still remembered when he was four years old He was sent to kindergarten. On the first day, he was scared by those horrible scenes and never dared to go again. After that, he read books at home and studied by himself.

"Xiang Cheng, that's when you were only three or four years old. Children of three or four years old would do that, but now they grow up and won't." Yu Hainuo still didn't give up trying to persuade his son to go to school.

"Mom, in a few years, I will go directly to middle school in a few years, and I don't want to go to elementary school." Yu Xiangcheng promised.

Seeing that his son finally agreed to go to school, a faint smile appeared on the corner of Yu Hainuo's mouth, and then he stroked his stomach with his hand, a slight sadness appeared in his eyes, the sensitive Yu Xiangcheng immediately noticed her disappointed mood, and then tightly He hugged her tightly, put his ear on Yu Hainuo's stomach and said, "Mom, I hope there is a younger brother here."

Yu Hainuo looked at his son's immature face in surprise: "Why don't you want to have another sister?"

"I thought only my younger brother could protect you with me, but my younger sister needed me to protect, and the only person I want to protect is my mother, so I hope he is a younger brother." Yu Xiangcheng's firm tone made Yu Hainuo's eyes twitch slightly. She became red, and then hugged Yu Xiangcheng tightly in her arms. What regrets would there be in this life to have such a sensible and well-behaved son.

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(End of this chapter)

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