Domineering cute baby: Chief step aside

Chapter 127 Start to fight back

Chapter 127 Start to fight back (2)

"Uncle, don't you want to help Mummy get out of the car? Don't you just want Mummy to be wronged like this?" Yu Xiangcheng's every word is a big protest.

"I don't have it." When his nephew said this, he really seemed to be reflecting on whether he had committed such a heinous crime.

"No, isn't Mommy not as good as your car?"

Bei Chenxing struggled in his heart for a long time, and finally decided to reluctantly give up: "I'll give you the key as soon as I get out."

"Enen, okay, uncle is the best." After arriving at the car smoothly, Yu Xiangcheng was so happy in his heart, but there was still no sign of happiness on his face.

"Then tell uncle what you are going to do." This is what he cares most about.

"Uncle, that Gu Nianqi, do you know her background?"

"Gu Nianqi?" Bei Chenxing flipped through his mind and said what he knew: "Gu Nianqi, 23 years old, is the only daughter of Gu Qi, the president of Story Group. Xia Andi's younger sister Sura has been in contact with her many times, she doesn't need to worry, but she needs to worry about Sura behind her." After speaking, Bei Chenxing looked at Yu Xiangcheng suspiciously: "Why do you ask her."

"She is Xia Andi's woman now, and she may soon become Busman's young wife." Yu Xiangcheng said this lightly, his eyes became dark, making it impossible to guess what he was thinking.

"What, Andy Xia is going to marry that woman?" Bei Chenxing was quite surprised.

"Well, that woman has Andy Xia's child in her belly."

"This bastard." Bei Chenxing cursed through gritted teeth.

"Then Xia Yunyi, uncle, do you know him?"

"It seems to be your mother's former college classmate at Puhai University." Bei Chenxing lightly searched for the image of this person in his mind, because he had briefly investigated these people before, so he noticed Xia Yunyi , and the feeling that this person gave him was not as simple as the appearance, so he paid special attention to it.

"What does uncle think of this man?"

Bei Chenxing thought about it in his mind and then said what was in his heart: "It's not as simple as it looks."

"Well, uncle sent someone to pay attention to this Xia Yunyi."

"Okay, I'll send someone to watch for 24 hours tomorrow." Bei Chenxing also felt that things were slowly becoming more complicated, and his heart began to feel uneasy: "Xiang Cheng, does your mommy have any plans?"

"Mommy may start to deal with Gu's Group, but it's not because of Xia Andy, but Gu Nianqi slapped me tonight. You also know that Mommy is very protective." Yu Xiangcheng said this with a smile.

Bei Chenxing's eyes widened immediately, and he searched on Xiang Cheng's face. Sure enough, he saw clear and distinct finger prints on Xiang Cheng's face. The finger prints on his face are really clear when you look closely now. He has always been someone who is safe and pampered. How can he not be angry now that he is beaten like this: "It was beaten by a dead woman, TNND doesn't want to live anymore, I'm going to kill him."

Seeing the berserk Beichen star, Yu Xiangcheng smiled with satisfaction, this is the effect he wants, so that the next thing can develop more smoothly: "Uncle, let me borrow your Beichen Group." Yu Xiangcheng Carefully spit out the words from the bottom of my heart.

"Talk to uncle about whether to borrow or not, and what you want to do. Uncle and I will cooperate in the whole process. Even if Beichen Group is compensated, uncle will not say a word." Beichenxing said indignantly.

This time it was Yu Xiangcheng's turn to be dumbfounded, and the corners of his mouth began to twist slightly. If he had known that he could talk so well, he wouldn't need to waste so much energy, but now he has achieved the effect he expected no matter what. So important.

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(End of this chapter)

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