Domineering cute baby: Chief step aside

Chapter 129 He's Getting Married

Chapter 129 He's Getting Married (2)

Leng Xiluo, who got off the car, kept his eyes on Hai Nuo in a complicated way, but the other party didn't pay attention to him from the beginning to the end. Although he was a person with a ruler right in front of him, he felt that the distance was too short. It was already the end of the world, and looking at Xia Yunyi standing next to him, he finally chose to be silent, but the sadness in his eyes was still hard to hide, through the many heads finally fell on Yu Hainuo's body, this time At that moment, Yu Hainuo just raised his head, and the eyes of the two met in mid-air, and then Leng Xiluo said calmly without waiting for the reporter to ask: "Miss Xia Yunyi next to me is my fiancee, we will meet again next month marry."

After speaking, he took a deep look at Yu Hainuo again, as if his last glance in this life was so heart-wrenching, and before everyone could react, he used Xia Yunyi to disappear from everyone's sight, leaving behind Everyone looked at each other and stared at the disappearing figures of the two. Only one person's eyes did not look at the two leaving figures but stayed on Yu Hainuo. This person was Xia Andi, who is also in chaos now despite his high IQ. He didn't understand why Leng Xiluo was going to marry someone else in just one night, but when he saw Yu Hainuo and Leng Xiluo's lingering eyes that were only in mid-air, his eyes quickly became ruthless go down.

Then he hugged Gu Nianqi who was on the side and walked into the reporter's line of sight. Everyone's eyes were instantly attracted. Everyone saw that this unknown person said something in the ear of the big star Gu Nianqi, but everyone immediately Seeing Gu Nianqi's shyness, she immediately cheered up. The reporter's sensitivity to exclusive news let them know that big news was about to happen. Although they didn't know who this good-looking man was, seeing the momentum made him feel People know that it is definitely not a simple person.

Sure enough, the big star Gu Nianqi walked shyly in front of the cameras of the reporters, and then looked and looked anxiously at the man, spewing out explosive news: "The man next to me is the president of the Busman Group and I, Gu Nian Qi's fiancée, we will get married next month." After speaking, she immediately hid in Xia Andy's arms obediently.

The reporters were dumbfounded for a while, and then immediately became crazy, but at the next moment, they were asked out of the parking lot by the security guards who appeared from nowhere, and the parking lot became quiet in an instant. Xia Andi and Gu Nianqi, who were snuggling happily together, and Yu Hainuo, who was standing there alone by the side, instantly formed a sharp contrast.

Then Xia Andi hugged Gu Nianqi intimately and left, never looked at Hai Nuo from the beginning to the end, just treated her as a non-existent, and never fell on Hai Nuo from the beginning to the end.

Until the person disappeared, Yu Hainuo was still shocked by the news that Andy Xia was getting married. Although he had already heard the news that the two were going to get married last night, he was still not as shocked as when they released the wedding news to the reporter. Was it really lost?It was also at this moment that she began to know how much she loved that man, and it was also at this moment that she knew what the real feeling of heartache was.

When she heard that Leng Xiluo was getting married, all she had in her heart was sincere blessings, but when she heard that Xia Andy was going to get married, she only felt that the world was falling apart. She only thought that after he got married, he would be someone else's husband and the father of other children. What to do with Cheng, and what to do with the child in the stomach.

She still wanted to rush up and tell him not to get married, but he found that he had already released his voice, and he could only watch the two of them leave, and then tears slowly dripped down his face from the corners of his eyes. This time, he was really lost. Bar.

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(End of this chapter)

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