Domineering cute baby: Chief step aside

Chapter 134 Yu Hai Nuo Pregnant

Chapter 134 Yu Hai Nuo Pregnant (1)
As soon as the car stopped at the hospital, An Muchen quickly got out of bed and walked to the back seat, first opened the car door to let Yu Xiangcheng out, then carefully carried Heinuo out of the car, and then the two entered the hospital quickly.

Putting Yu Hainuo on the patient bed pushed by the nurse, several people rushed to the emergency room, and finally Yu Xiangcheng and An Muchen were locked outside the emergency room: "Xiang Cheng, what the hell is going on?" Ah." That is, just now he heard from Yu Hainuo that she and Xia Andi had divorced, but before he could ask the reason, he saw the scene where Yu Hainuo was about to faint, and he forgot it in an instant After questioning, he could only be anxious about Hai Nuo's sudden fainting.

Yu Xiangcheng didn't pay attention to An Muchen's words, just stood there and stared at the door of the emergency room without blinking, as if trying to see through it.

Seeing Yu Xiangcheng like this, An Muchen's heart struggled a bit, then squatted in front of Yu Xiangcheng, pressed his head into his arms, and comforted him in a low voice: "Xiang Cheng and Mu Chen are together. Dad said, is it okay to talk?"

Yu Xiangcheng remained silent, just moved his eyes past An Muchen and continued to stare at the front door of the emergency room, quietly waiting for the answer.

"Xiang Cheng, don't be like this, please talk." An Muchen's tone was already begging, but Yu Xiangcheng still ignored him, just staring at the emergency room.

Knowing that half an hour later, the door of the emergency room was pushed open from the inside, and Yu Xiangcheng finally made a movement. He pushed An Muchen's arms and walked in front of the doctor, with a naive and romantic tone Asked the doctor: "Uncle handsome doctor, what's wrong with my mommy."

That person can escape such naive words, even the big doctor who always speaks sarcasticly squats down in front of Xiang Cheng, caressing his immature face tenderly, and explaining to him in a soft voice: "Mommy is fine, Mommy Mi just has a baby in her stomach, and Mommy is too tired so she will faint, so don't worry."

"Okay, thank you Uncle, can I go and see Mommy then?"

"Okay, now you can stay with this sister in the mother's ward and stay with your mommy."

"Thank you very much, uncle doctor." After speaking, Yu Xiangcheng obediently took the hand of the beautiful nurse beside him and sent Yu Hainuo to the ward.

An Muchen has never seen such a well-behaved Yu Xiangcheng, his eyes are almost staring, but he still can't believe that this is a brat he knows, and he just wanted to follow him, but he was suddenly ruthless by the man Yu Xiangcheng called the doctor's uncle. Waiting relentlessly, An Muchen saw him walking in front of her: "How can you be a husband, your wife almost had a miscarriage, do you know that?"

An Muchen was stunned by what he said, and before he could react, the doctor uncle continued to attack him: "If you don't want a child, get a divorce as soon as possible. I'll take your wife and son in." After finishing speaking, the handsome doctor turned to him just now Yu Xiangcheng walked in the direction he left.

"What." An Muchen stared at the handsome doctor's back with wide eyes, still suspecting that he had misheard just now, and began to feel cold towards this hospital in his heart, and whispered in his heart, this is all What kind of hospital, what kind of doctor, how can there be a doctor who asks people to divorce in a fair and honest manner, and wants to rob other people's wives and sons as ready-made fathers, and they take it for granted.

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(End of this chapter)

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