Domineering cute baby: Chief step aside

Chapter 148 The Confession 1

Chapter 148 Duplicity (1)

Driving out of the Busman Building, Yu Hainuo dialed someone's phone: "Hello, Yun Yi? It's Yu Hainuo, do you have time now? Let's meet."

Xia Yunyi was extremely surprised when she received Yu Hainuo's call, but after thinking about it, the two of them will confront each other sooner or later, and there is nothing to hide, but the meeting at this time is a bit strange, and Xia Yunyi can't help but think of what she did before , I felt a little more panic: "What's the matter?"

"It's nothing, I just haven't seen you for a long time and I want to talk to you, if it's inconvenient, just forget it."

"It's okay, where are you?"

"I haven't been back for a long time. I'm not familiar with Puhai City. Tell me a place. I'll go find you."

"See you, Cubita." When Xia Yunyi mentioned this place, Yu Hainuo was surprised. Cubita was the coffee shop before, but it was bought by Leng Xiluo seven years ago and renamed it Cubita, but she didn't expect Xia Yunyi actually asked her to meet at that place.

"Okay, I'll be there in half an hour."

After hanging up the phone, Xia Yunyi raised the cup in her hand and slowly put it to her mouth, then sneered slightly at the corner of her mouth, and then found a clerk: "Madam, do you have any explanation?"

"When someone comes to me, just ask her to come in."

"Yes." After speaking, the clerk walked out, Xia Yunyi continued to sip the milk in his hands, slowly stroking his stomach with his hands, with a cold look on his mouth.

Cubita is not far from Puhai University, and it was only half an hour when she arrived by car. She parked the car neatly and opened the door to enter Cubita, and immediately a clerk rushed up to her: "Miss, how many people?"

"I'm looking for someone." After speaking, he smiled slightly at the clerk.

It was a handsome guy, and he panicked when faced with Hai Nuo's smile: "Please...please come with me, the proprietress is waiting for you inside."

Boss?Yu Hainuo was stunned for a moment, then raised the corner of his mouth slightly and followed the clerk into her exclusive seat in the past, which meant that Heinuo sat down opposite Xia Yunyi, and the clerk stood aside and asked, "Miss, what do you need?"

"A glass of boiled water."

"Okay." After a while, Yu Hainuo was brought a glass of boiled water.

All these actions fell into Xia Yunyi's eyes, but her face was still soft and weak, and her voice was equally weak: "Nuo, long time no see."

"Yeah, it's been seven years." Yu Hainuo looked at her former best friend with a little emotion. She didn't know why she used the word once, but she felt that the girl sitting opposite her was not once. It's Xia Yunyi, always feel that there is something different, but can't tell what it is.

"How have you been these seven years? Nuo, do you know? You suddenly disappeared seven years ago, and I was going crazy with anxiety. Fortunately, you are back safely now." Xia Yunyi looked at Yu Hainuo with a sad face. Saying this sentence immediately dispelled the little barrier in Yu Hainuo's heart.

Gently leaning over to caress Xia Yunyi's slender palm: "I'm sorry Yunyi, the situation was urgent seven years ago, and I left in a hurry, so I don't have time to say goodbye to you."

"What happened so that you didn't even have time to say goodbye to me?"

Yu Hainuo's thoughts slowly returned to seven years ago, and it was the first time he told others what happened seven years ago: "Seven years ago, my biological parents came to me suddenly and asked me to go to England with them."

"Your biological parents?" Xia Yunyi could not conceal her surprise in her tone, but there was still deep resentment in her heart.

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(End of this chapter)

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