Domineering cute baby: Chief step aside

Chapter 151 Xia Yunyi Framed by Hai Nuo

Chapter 151 Xia Yunyi Framed by Hai Nuo (2)

Xia Yunyi reported the address obediently, and Yu Hainuo drove towards the destination at a moderate speed, mainly for their two pregnant women.

When we arrived at the bridal shop, Yu Hainuo asked Xia Yunyi to get off the car first, and she went to find a parking space. After parking the car, Yu Hainuo came to the door of the bridal shop, took a deep breath and walked in. Today she is standing here Another purpose is to see Yun Yi happy, and the other answer is to tell Leng Xiluo that she really doesn't care anymore, and she also wants to talk to him, because she sees that Yun Yi is very insecure, In her opinion, as a man, if you want to marry that woman, you should let that woman feel at ease, and then love her wholeheartedly.

A tall figure and a pretty face will make the eyes of those who work in bridal shops shine, because such a beautiful person is destined to attract people's eyes, but Yu Hainuo is destined to let them down.

She walked to the front desk and asked her to raise her habitual smile and said to the receptionist in front of her, "I'm a friend of Mr. Leng Xiluo and Miss Xia Yunyi."

The clerk was stunned by her smile, and it took him a while to recover: "Hello, please go this way."

It wasn't until after Yu Hainuo left that the clerk pointed at her back and exclaimed, "It's her, it's really her."

"What's the matter with you?" Another clerk looked at his gaffe companion with puzzled eyes.

"Aure, it's Aure, I'm so happy, Aure actually smiled at me." The clerk was already on the verge of collapse.

Her partner suddenly remembered something, and she opened her mouth in surprise. After working together for so long, she certainly understands how obsessed her partner is with Aure: "Is it really Aure?" She also looked at the place where the figure disappeared , with serious disbelief in his eyes.

"Yes, I firmly believe and definitely is Aure." After finishing speaking, he nodded violently to increase his certainty.

"But why did Aure come to the bridal shop?" The clerk raised his affirmation.

At this time, the other clerk was also worried, and hesitated about his thoughts just now: "Don't doubt, it's really Aure, she is a friend of Mr. Leng Xiluo and Miss Xia Yunyi." The one who spoke was the one who received Yu Hainuo just now clerk.

"It's really Aure, she's so perfect and beautiful, if I were a man, I would definitely chase her." While talking, she became serious and had a romantic relationship.

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"Don't imagine, even if you become a man, it won't be your turn, but she is really beautiful." She was almost confused by her smile just now.

"Didn't the newspapers say that she and Leng Xiluo were former lovers?" One of the clerks thought of a report she had read before,
"No way, isn't Leng Xiluo going to marry that Xia Yunyi? But I still like Aure and Leng Xiluo together, they match very well, that Xia Yunyi is ugly."

"Keep your voice down." After speaking, he glanced around, and he was relieved when he saw that he didn't see it. The three shop assistants looked at each other and then chose to remain silent.

In the corner where no one could see, Xia Yunyi stood there biting her lips, cast hatred in her eyes at the backs of the three shop assistants, then turned and left. Originally, she came to find the shop assistants to do something, but unexpectedly, she heard If that's the case, why do these people talk about themselves like that, but she is smart and knows that she doesn't have the capital to resist now, and before she becomes Leng Xiluo's real wife, she can't make any mistakes to be caught by others.

(End of this chapter)

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