Domineering cute baby: Chief step aside

Chapter 154 Xia Yunyi Miscarriage

Chapter 154 Xia Yunyi Miscarriage (1)

"Muchen, how is Yunyi?" Yu Hainuo's sudden words froze the smiles on the faces of the three who were smiling happily just now.

The three of them looked at each other in dismay, Yu Hainuo fixed his eyes on An Muchen and said commandingly: "Say, Muchen told me that I have the right to know whether it is good or bad, because this matter is because of me. And rise."

An Muchen pondered for a moment, then looked at Yu Hainuo and said, "If I tell you, it will end badly and you can't do anything to hurt yourself." Muchen knew that he couldn't hide this smart woman, so he might as well face it honestly.

"Mu Chen, don't worry, I will face it bravely for the sake of the child." While talking, he put his hand gently on his stomach and stroked it.

"Xia Yunyi had a miscarriage." An Muchen said with a heavy heart while paying attention to the changes in Yu Hainuo's expression. Fortunately, she seemed calm after hearing everything.

"Well, I see."

"Sister, are you going to see Sister Yunyi?" Bei Chenxing looked at his sister worriedly. Although he believed in his sister, the matter still had something to do with her. He knew that her sister was not feeling well.

"Okay, I want to go see her too, and say sorry." After speaking, Yu Hainuo was about to get up.

"Mom, slow down." Yu Xiangcheng looked at his mother worriedly.

"It's okay, Xiangcheng, can you go with your mother to see your Aunt Yunyi?"

"Okay, Mom, I'll go with you." At this time, Yu Xiangcheng suddenly hated the woman named Xia Yunyi in his heart, but he had to admit that she did a beautiful job this time, but even her own The child also paid for it. It can only be said that this woman is really ruthless.

Holding his son's hand, Yu Hainuo looked at Bei Chenxing and said, "Xing, go and deal with the news in the newspaper." Before so many reporters surrounded him, he knew what the newspaper could report without looking.

"Okay, sister, rest well, I'll come back later." After finishing speaking, Bei Chenxing turned and left the ward. He always felt that what happened this time was a bit weird. Why did those reporters suddenly gather at the entrance of the bridal shop, and they all knew what happened inside? things.

After Bei Chenxing left, An Muchen accompanied Yu Hainuo, mother and son, out of the ward and waited for the elevator. Yu Hainuo asked the people around him: "Muchen, how are the preparations for the press conference going?" Yu Hainuo asked Follow An Muchen who is walking on her left.

"It's almost ready, I'm going to ask you when you plan to hold a press conference."

Yu Hainuo thought about the latest time in his mind, and then gave a clear time: "Just two o'clock in the afternoon the day after tomorrow."

"Okay, then I'll take you to Xia Yunyi's hospital first, and then I'll go to the company to have a look."

"Okay." At this moment, the elevator just opened, and Yu Hainuo took Yu Xiangcheng's hand and followed An Muchen to get into the elevator.

The moment she raised her head, she saw a person she never thought would appear, and then she acted faster than her brain thought: "Xia Andi, why are you here?"

The person whose name was called actually looked at Yu Hainuo from top to bottom. Seeing that Yu Hainuo was fine, his frowns suddenly spread out: "Beichen Wanyue, are you okay?"

Yu Hainuo was startled suddenly, did he know something: "I'm fine, you still haven't said what you're here for?"

(End of this chapter)

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