Domineering cute baby: Chief step aside

Chapter 156 Xia Yunyi Miscarriage

Chapter 156 Xia Yunyi Miscarriage (3)

The reporter once again saw Yu Hainuo, one of the protagonists of this scandal, and all of them were surprised. They have been guarding here for a long time, but they can't even enter the hospital's gate. This is the benefit of private hospitals, inside and out Anyone entering the city needs to go through the hospital and pass fingerprint identification. Just now they tried to sneak in, but just after the fingerprint scan, it showed that there was no such person, which immediately provoked the investigation of the hospital, and finally blasted him out.

Some people wanted to pretend to be sick and sneak in, but they didn't expect that there was a checkpoint inside, that is, outsiders couldn't get in at all. Now that they saw the rumored protagonist appearing here, how could they not be excited.

At this time, Yu Hainuo's face was no longer as weak as before. What she showed was calmness and calmness as she walked towards the crowd of reporters. opened the body.

Yu Hainuo stood there quietly, and then smiled slightly: "Thank you for your understanding. This is my son Yu Xiangcheng. He is still young and I hope you don't squeeze him." Pointing to the son next to him, the mother and son looked at each other The sweet picture of a smile was instantly recorded by the camera in the hands of the reporter.

"Miss Aure, your son is very cute." A reporter who was clearly a mother looked at Yu Xiangcheng with envy. Such a cute and handsome boy really made many mothers want to steal it home and become their son.

"Auntie, you are also very beautiful." It was Yu Xiangcheng who spoke, and his words made the eyes of the woman who spoke into a slit. Everyone wants to be praised by a handsome guy, even a handsome guy who is only seven years old. Handsome guy.

Since there are such relatively friendly reporters, there must be those reporters with malicious intentions. I saw a petite woman wearing glasses squeezed out from the group of reporters, with a malicious smile on the corner of her mouth. Yu Hainuo raised the microphone in front of him and asked directly: "Miss Aure, do you have any explanation for pushing Miss Xia Yunyi to cause her miscarriage?"

As soon as the female reporter said her words, there was an uproar all around: "Xia Yunyi had a miscarriage?"

"Did Aure really push it?"

"Then what is Aure doing here now?"

The hostile reporter didn't wait for Yu Hainuo to answer, yet another malicious smile appeared on the corner of his mouth and raised his voice: "Of course our great director, Ms. Aure, is here today to let go of Ms. Xia Yunyi. "

"Miss Aure has no reason to do this." An Aure fan in the reporter group retorted.

"She has, of course she has a reason to do so." The malicious female reporter stared at Yu Hainuo suddenly with a vicious look in her eyes.

"What's the reason for that?"

"The reason is that Yu Hainuo was Leng Xiluo's first girlfriend in Puhai University seven years ago. After two years of dating, Yu Hainuo suddenly left without saying goodbye. On the eve of Leng Xiluo's announcement of her marriage to Xia Yunyi, Yu Hainuo Still asking Leng Xiluo to get back together." The reporter said word by word, as if she had witnessed everything with her own eyes.

"Papa papa, isn't it? The reason is really rich, but I don't know how you know." Yu Hainuo looked at the reporter in front of him with a sneer, and it was obvious that this woman came to find her today troublesome.

My QQ: 172992704
(End of this chapter)

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