Domineering cute baby: Chief step aside

Chapter 165 Mother and Son Evil Andy Xia

Chapter 165 Mother and Son Evil Andy Xia (6)

At this moment, Xia Andi really understood the feeling of being powerless to ask the sky, and was really frustrated: "What on earth is Beichen Wanyue going to do without you?" Xia Andi's face began to regret, he hated himself for doing this Why do you want to invite this mother and son to eat hot pot so affectionately that you are now facing such a situation.

Yu Hainuo suddenly smiled sweetly at Xia Andi, and Xia Andi immediately felt his scalp straighten up. Sure enough, what she said next gave Xia Andi the urge to slam his head to death, only to see Yu Hainuo's faint voice floating in the store like this: "Xiang OK, you don't have to worry about it, you can call 120 directly."

"Really, Mommy, then I'll call 120." Yu Xiangcheng dialed the 120 number, and then mentioned the name of the hot pot restaurant and Xia Andy.

Yu Hainuo watched all the results with satisfaction, and then continued to look at Xia Andi with a slightly sad face: "Honey, are you okay?"

Although the voice of husband was really nice, Xia Andi swore that he never wanted to hear it for a moment: "Beichen Wanyue, what exactly do you want?"

Yu Hainuo slowly moved his head close to Andy Xia, and whispered in his ear: "I don't want to do anything, I just want to see you being carried out from here on a stretcher by the doctor later."

Xia Andi immediately imagined that appearance in his mind, and then his face became even paler: "Beichen Wanyue, are you taking revenge?"

After hearing what she said, Yu Hainuo showed a very surprised expression on his face: "Xia Andi, you can't slander me." Just after saying this sentence loudly, Xia Andi heard another small voice: "Xia Andi, If you have the ability, go out by yourself."

Xia Andi hates and resents, but there is nothing he can do about it. Who wants him to have a body that will keep diarrhea when he eats too spicy food, and he always writes the kind that doesn't stop until his legs are weak: " Beichen Wanyue, how did you know that I can't eat spicy food." What he's curious about now is this, it's a relatively confidential matter that he can't eat spicy food.

"Curiosity." Yu Hainuo looked at Andy Xia and said.

Andy Xia nodded and waited for her to return.

Yu Hai Nuo smiled again, and then said: "I won't tell you." After speaking, he threw another quail egg into his mouth.

"It's delicious." Yu Hainuo realized that since she broke the baby again, she liked spicy food very much, and she almost didn't like spicy food. But when Xia Andy watched her eat spicy food like this, she felt her stomach twitching again. , But the already empty stomach can't pull out anything, only bursts of stomach pumping.

In the end, Xia Andy waited for his doomsday voice, and the sound of the series of ambulances was like a divine comedy, making Xia Andy think that it would be more honorable to die like this and be sent to the crematorium, at least it would not be so embarrassing.

Hearing the sound of an ambulance getting closer, Andy Xia already had the urge to strangle himself, because now he is so weak that he can't strangle Yu Hai Nuo, a crazy woman: "Yu Hai Nuo, wait, I won't let you go." over you."

Yu Hainuo was not afraid of Xia Andy's warning, but continued to sit there and eat the pumpkin pie, the staple food after dinner, with the pumpkin pie in his mouth, and said inarticulately: "Xia Andi, wait, the next thing I have to deal with is Gu Group, you have a lot of opportunities to deal with me, anyway, we will always become enemies, if I don't act first now, I will wait until when."

At this time, Xia Andi's eyes suddenly became serious, and his tone became indifferent: "Beichen Wanyue, stay away from the Gu Group." His words were good words, but they became different in Yu Hainuo's ears. a meaning.

With a wry smile, Yu Hainuo didn't go to take Xia Andy's words, but said lightly: "The ambulance is here, go to the hospital."

(End of this chapter)

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