Domineering cute baby: Chief step aside

Chapter 168 Mother and Son Evil Andy Xia

Chapter 168 Mother and Son Evil Andy Xia (9)

But after only a few steps, Gu Nianqi chased up again and stopped Yu Hainuo: "Yu Hainuo, don't go."

Rolling his eyes helplessly, Yu Hainuo stopped and looked at the mad dog-like woman in front of him: "Gu Nianqi, what are you doing?"

"I'm warning you to stay away from Andy." Gu Nianqi was still warning Yu Hainuo while posing with great value.

After hearing Gu Nianqi's words, Yu Hainuo smiled coldly and said, "Gu Nianqi, do you still want to use the Gu Group to deal with me?"

The disdain on her face completely irritated Gu Nianqi, tearing her voice, she was about to come up and tear Yu Hainuo regardless of her identity, but Yu Hainuo turned sideways to dodge, Gu Nianqi bumped into the car in a blink of an eye, and got up instantly Come to tear Yu Hai Nuo again.

Yu Hainuo looked at Gu Nianqi coldly and said, "Didn't Ms. Gu hear that you spoiled the child? How can you still act so quickly? It's okay even if you hit a car. The adults are amazing, and the children are not bad."

As soon as Yu Hainuo's words fell, Gu Nianqi's face suddenly turned pale. She stood there for a long time without moving a step. Yu Hainuo took advantage of this gap and quickly pulled Yu Xiangcheng out of the parking lot. At that moment, she heard a crash, and then the sound of the car leaving.

When Yu Hainuo took Yu Xiangcheng to find the ward, Xia Andi was lying on the bed and refused to get an injection. Yu Hainuo took Yu Xiangcheng's hand and walked in, and then said loudly: "Xiangcheng, did you see that? The president of Siman Group dare not get an injection."

Yu Xiangcheng understood what his mommy meant in an instant, looked at Xia Andy with wide eyes in cooperation, and then said a whole sentence of angry words: "Mommy, when I came here just now, Seeing a younger sister who can't walk get an injection, and didn't even cry, I don't think Uncle Xia would be so timid."

One sentence drove Xia Andi to a desperate situation. Yu Hainuo silently gave his son a thumbs up from the bottom of his heart. At this time, Xia Andi wanted to strangle the mother and son to death, so he gritted his teeth and said to the nurse beside him, "Stop!" Bar."

The gnashing of teeth made the nurse's hand tremble and suddenly fell to the ground. The nurse hurriedly picked it up and apologized: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, after I finished speaking, I picked up the needle on the ground and poked it at Andy's body. After doing it, he exclaimed to the nurse: "You don't want to hit me with this needle you just picked up from the ground. "

The nurse hurriedly started to apologize again, Xia Andy waved her hand and then lay down weakly sick again, this time he didn't even want to die, sooner or later he would die of anger on this mother and child, look at those two The expressions of Zhang Fu, one big and one small, are so vivid and natural, it would be a waste not to act.

The nurse opened a new pillow again and filled it with medicine, ready to inject Xia Andy's arm.

"Haven't you tied the rubber bands to find the meridians and rubbed alcohol?" Xia Andy yelled, is this person a nurse?Why don't you even have this common sense.

The nurse apologized again, then hurriedly tied a rubber band on Xia Andi's arm and scratched the alcohol, and then raised the needle again to prepare the medicine for Xia Andi: "Ah." Yu Hainuo suddenly yelled, the nurse's hand trembled, and the needle It deviates from the original track, and the result is that it is inserted in the wrong place.

(End of this chapter)

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