Domineering cute baby: Chief step aside

Chapter 189 Domineering Foot

Chapter 189 Domineering (2)

"Please don't believe what I said." After speaking, Yu Hai Nuo raised the contract in his hand and continued: "This is the contract termination agreement between me and the Busman Group. As for the compensation issue." After speaking, he picked up another contract: " This is 30.00% of the shares of the Busman Group, and it is my liquidated damages." After speaking, Yu Hai Nuo sat back in his seat amidst everyone's dumbfounded astonishment.

Everyone looked enviously at the contract of 30.00% shares of Busman Group on the table. What kind of concept was that? Gu Nianqi was already staring at the contract with red eyes. , I was already mad with jealousy in my heart, why, it was obviously hers, why did I give it to Yu Hainuo, she was not reconciled, anger had covered her thinking, Sura saw Gu Nianqi before she even stopped her Together, they walked behind Yu Hainuo, then grabbed the contract on the table, looked at Yu Hainuo with hatred in their eyes, and said, "Bitch, this is mine, what are you doing?"

Yu Hainuo's answer was just a faint smile, then sat on the chair and turned around to face Gu Nianqi, with a slight disdain on the corner of his mouth, he said, "Your? Gu Nianqi, you don't even look at you, even if you are with me Xia Andi is married and the Busman Group may not be yours." Yu Hainuo's words made Xia Andi suddenly aware, and then fixed his eyes on Hainuo, as if looking for something, but finally let him Disappointed, this woman has not changed except her tone has become sharper.

But Gu Nianqi has never lost face in front of so many people, her face has already been replaced by anger: "Yu Hainuo, Xia Andi has already disclosed to the outside world that he wants to marry me."

Yu Hainuo didn't care anymore: "Isn't it still unfinished?"

"You." After speaking, he stretched out his hand to hit Yu Hai Nuo, but someone moved her a step faster.

Xia Andi was the closest to Yu Hainuo, but he didn't have time to stop him, but what surprised him was that he didn't hear the expected applause, but saw Gu Nianqi's hand was tightly grasped by Yu Hainuo and then slammed He was thrown away by her in a hurry: "Gu Nianqi, I warn you, please think twice before hitting someone, and more." After he finished speaking, he turned his gaze to John: "Someone attacked me maliciously just now in John, you saw it, please send me a message legal letter."

As soon as John listened to the music, he had always hated Gu Nianqi, a woman who was arrogant and domineering, but now she was annoying, and now someone finally came to deal with it, of course he wanted to save face: "Miss Aure, don't worry, I'll contact the judiciary immediately. "

Under Gu Nianqi's pale complexion, Yu Hainuo nodded faintly: "John asked them to detain Gu Nianqi, and if necessary, they will not hesitate to use the Busman Group to exert pressure." stroking his stomach.

When Gu Nianqi heard that she was going to be detained, she didn't have the demeanor of a young lady, she looked at Xia Andy in a panic: "Di, you have to save me."

Xia Andi's answer was looking at the documents in his hand, and made it clear that she didn't care about this matter, and he didn't dare to care about it. If he did, he was afraid that he would be alone for the rest of his life, and he wouldn't even want to see his son. Hey, it's hard to be a human being. , it is more difficult to be a man who makes mistakes.

Seeing that her fiancé didn't help her, Gu Nianqi was at a loss, but she still hadn't forgotten her identity as Miss Gu's: "Don't be proud of me, Yu Hainuo, if you dare to treat me like this, my father won't let you go." your."

(End of this chapter)

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