Domineering cute baby: Chief step aside

Chapter 195 Press Conference

Chapter 195 Press Conference (4)

Everyone didn't expect the truth to be like this, and everyone's eyes stared out in shock, remembering Er then asked: "Miss Beichen, for taking over such a large group, the future of so many people is in your hands , are you sure you can maintain the Beichen Group's overlord position?"

This time, before Hai Nuo could speak, there was a voice resounding across the entire venue, and it was Gu Nianqi who was standing next to Xia Andi who spoke, with a smug smile on her face, she said word by word: "Miss Beichen Wanyue, your other identity is Aure. I guess many people here don't know it. I'm just a little curious. Can a photographer with a camera be in charge of a Beichen Group?" She deliberately sneered, showing her disdain even more.

After listening to Gu Nianqi's words, some of the people were still dazed, but some were already agitated, and their eyes were almost on Hai Nuo, but what made Gu Nianqi angry was that Yu Hai Nuo didn't get confused because of this sudden situation. She was flustered, but she still stood on the stage with a general air, her eyes lightly fixed on Gu Nianqi over everyone's heads, although the corners of her mouth were rippling with a smile, Gu Nianqi felt the surroundings were cold at this moment. , but she still stood upright and looked at Yu Hainuo in the air, not giving in to anyone, and suddenly Yu Hainuo laughed.

The ensuing words made people boil even more, and I saw Yu Hainuo said: "Let me tell you the truth, my first step to accept Beichen Group is Puhai City, and my first goal is Gu's Group, everyone, don't misunderstand that I, Beichen Wanyue Xiaojiazi, will deal with Gu's group because of the quarrel with Miss Gu today." There is sincerity in the tone, and there is also a faint rogue atmosphere, which makes Yu Hainuo look even more serious. Being wild also made Xia Andi's eyes even hotter, and Leng Xiluo's eyes even more sad.

Standing beside Leng Xiluo, Xia Yunyi pinched her palm fiercely with the nails of her fingers, so that the pain in her body slightly covered up a little heartache, otherwise she was afraid that she would cry in such an occasion, she hated, He hated that confident woman on the stage, hated Yu Hainuo who used to be her good friend, and even more hated Yu Hainuo who is full of civil and military beauty today.

Seeing Yu Hai Nuo announcing the start of the dance with high spirits, she instantly covered up the hatred in her eyes, and took Leng Xiluo's arm with a touch of sadness: "Luo, let's go say hello to Hai Nuo."

Leng Xiluo nodded lightly, without even looking at Xia Yunyi's face, she just walked forward when she felt an arm was holding her, regardless of whether the people around her could keep up with her. .

Xia Yunyi staggered in reality, and then quickly adjusted her posture to keep up with Leng Xiluo's pace, but after all, Leng Xiluo is a man whose pace span is obviously larger than that of a woman, so even if Xia Yunyi quickened her pace, in order to maintain Her elegance in front of others is still tiring after all.

Finally crossing the crowd to Yu Hainuo's side, Xia Yunyi immediately greeted him with a smile: "Hainuo, it should be Wanyue, congratulations."

Yu Hai Nuo waved his hand casually: "Yun Yi, you don't have to be so polite with me, you should call me Hai Nuo."

(End of this chapter)

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