Domineering cute baby: Chief step aside

Chapter 202 Leng Xiluo's Wedding

Chapter 202 Leng Xiluo's Wedding (4)

Maybe it was because he was too tired, or maybe he was enjoying the peace too much, Yu Hainuo slowly fell asleep, at this time a figure came out from the corner, this person was none other than Xia Andi, who had just watched secretly as soon as he entered the banquet hall. When Yu Hainuo walked out from the side door, he hurriedly left Gu Nianqi behind and followed her. Seeing her face sleeping on the chair, he suddenly smiled, feeling very warm and comfortable.

Slowly walked to the chair and squatted down, looking at the swollen belly, Xia Andy gently put his big hand on it. This is his child, the child of him and the woman he loves the most, how can it not be touching .

Suddenly a slender leg was placed on Xia Andy's lap, and the person on the chair still didn't open his eyes, and just started lightly: "My feet hurt."

Xia Andi was taken aback for a moment before laughing, and helplessly put those beautiful legs on her body, took off her shoes, and began to massage slowly. After a while, Xia Andi found that her body began to become hot, He understood it all at once, and sure enough, he saw the arc of meaning under those lips with closed eyes, and suddenly he punched her on the head wickedly, and then kissed the lips that had attracted him for a long time in the next moment.

The closed eyes suddenly opened, looking at what happened in front of him in horror, trying to struggle but was firmly trapped in his arms.

Xia Andi's demeanor is very gentle, although the whole body is covered by Hai Nuo, but in fact Yu Hai Nuo's whole body is surrounded by Xia Andi's arms, looking at the panic-stricken person with a smirk on the corner of his mouth, Xia Andi's mood suddenly changed. Getting better: "Little girl, I'm finally willing to wake up."

Yu Hainuo has never seen such an unscrupulous Xia Andi, when did he open his eyes: "Xia Andi, this is not you."

Xia Andi burst out laughing suddenly: "Yu Hainuo, do you know how cute you are now?"

Yu Hainuo suddenly became ashamed, and broke away from Andy Xia's embrace: "Mr. Xia, you are going to get married in two weeks. You think this is not in line with your status as the fiancé of other women." Said Wan Yu Hai Nuo had already gotten rid of Xia Andi's embrace and stood up.

Xia Andi looked at Yu Hainuo with a dangerous face: "Let me tell you, Yu Hainuo, I will only be your husband in the end, I will not be another woman's fiancé, nor will I be the father of other women's children. My child will only come from your belly." Come out." After saying that, Xia Andy turned and left the balcony.

Standing in the distance, Yu Hainuo put on a faint smile, and then walked out of the balcony. No matter what the purpose of Xia Andi's words, I have to say that the depressed mood in her heart suddenly disappeared, and some were just relaxed.

Just when Hai Nuo was about to leave and enter the venue, a person walked out in front of her. This person was today's groom: "Hero, why are you here? The wedding is about to begin."

There was a sad smile on Leng Xiluo's beautiful face, which made Yu Hainuo's heart tremble. Leng Xiluo raised a hand and gently placed it on Yu Hainuo's face. Just as Yu Hainuo wanted to avoid it, he heard Leng Xiluo's sad voice came: "Nuo, let me feel your temperature for the last time, I'm afraid I won't have the chance in the future."

The sad voice made Yu Hainuo feel distressed, and in the end she didn't escape, and let the gentle hand of the man she loved the most once gently hold her cheek.

(End of this chapter)

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