Domineering cute baby: Chief step aside

Chapter 218 Yu Xiangcheng Was Kidnapped

Chapter 218 Yu Xiangcheng Was Kidnapped (1)

Yu Hainuo, who walked out of the room and stood at the door, had a bitter smile on her lips, and then just as she was about to leave, her cell phone rang suddenly. When she took out the cell phone and saw that it was An Muchen's name, she was puzzled for a moment, This guy seldom calls her, but she still picks up quickly: "Hi, Mu Chen, I'll be right back."

But what An Muchen said next caused her already restless heart to fall into the ice valley between the two of them. She only heard the voice on the other end of the phone: "Hainuo, come back soon, Xiang Cheng is gone."

What does it mean that Xiang Cheng is gone? She hurriedly went downstairs and took a taxi back to her residence. Before the car stopped, she hurriedly got out of the car and even forgot to pay the fare. It was An Muchen who came out of the house afterwards and paid. Fare, and then hugged her: "Calm down, Hai Nuo, you must be calm now, not only for Xiang Cheng, but also for the child in your belly."

An Muchen's words immediately calmed Yu Hainuo, and then she looked at her younger brother coldly and said, "Xing, why not Xiang Cheng."

Bei Chenxing said calmly: "The door lock was picked, and then the things in Cheng's room were scattered all over the floor. The preliminary judgment is that he was kidnapped."

After listening to her brother's words, Yu Hainuo didn't answer but thought about something coldly, finally she stood up suddenly, and said to the two people behind her: "Don't follow me, I'll go to Xiang Cheng's room to have a look .”

After Yu Hainuo finished speaking, he stepped up the stairs, leaving behind the two people who were restless downstairs, and finally Bei Chenxing couldn't hold his breath anymore: "Mu Chen, who do you think will lead the way to success, and what is the purpose?"

An Muchen was also at a loss and had no thoughts at all. He sent all the people he could, but he still hasn't called.

Just as the two people downstairs were running around like two headless chickens, Yu Hainuo upstairs sat among the scattered objects on the floor, then picked up his mobile phone and dialed a number: "Hi, it's me ? Where is Xiang Cheng?"

The other party didn't know what to say, Yu Hainuo suddenly relaxed and collapsed on the ground: "Who is it?"

In the ensuing conversation, Yu Hainuo's eyes gradually became cold: "Rescue Xiang Cheng, as for that person, I want to meet him in person."

After hanging up the phone, Yu Hai Nuo stood up from the ground, the coldness in the corner of his mouth slowly expanded, and then he calmly wanted to go outside the house.

An Muchen and Bei Chenxing, who were following behind, didn't know what happened, because Yu Hainuo's reaction was completely beyond their expectations, and her calmness made them even more frightened, but now they also I knew I couldn't ask anything, so I could only follow behind her to have a look.

Sitting on the back seat of the car, Yu Hai Nuo gave an address indifferently, causing Bei Chenxing and An Muchen to look at each other in doubt, but Bei Chenxing, who was driving, still drove the car to the destination without asking any further questions.

At this time, in Leng Xiluo's residence, Yu Xiangcheng had his hands tied but was still looking at the distorted woman in front of him. Suddenly, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth and looked at Xia Yunyi and said, "Yun Auntie, may I ask why you did this?"

That simple smile suddenly made Xia Yunyi dazed, a figure flashed past in her mind and she couldn't catch it again, and suddenly her face became ferocious again: "Yu Xiangcheng, what are you laughing at?"

Xia Yunyi's personality has been distorted, and she would even take a child's innocent smile as a joke on herself.

(End of this chapter)

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