Domineering cute baby: Chief step aside

Chapter 224 Andy Xia Gets Married

Chapter 224 Andy Xia Gets Married (3)

Seeing no one to meet, Gu Qi shifted his gaze to Yu Hainuo's slightly pale face and asked cautiously: "Mr. Yu, are you in good health?"

Yu Hainuo nodded lightly: "I'm fine, thank you Mr. Gu for your concern."

"Is Miss Yu going back to England the day after tomorrow?" He asked cautiously.

"No." After speaking, Yu Hai Nuo turned his head to the window, obviously not wanting to say anything more.

Xia Andi stared fixedly at Yu Hainuo's side, obviously not wanting Yu Hainuo to simply fool him: "Then where are you going?" In fact, at this moment Xia Andi was confused and jealous.

Then Xia Andi said: "Yu Hainuo, are you going to go with Leng Xiluo?"

As soon as Xia Andi finished speaking, Yu Hainuo turned her head to look at Xia Andi's angry eyes in horror, and suddenly she smiled, with a sad corner of her mouth: "President Xia, what business do I have to do with whom and where?"

Xia Andi was speechless in one sentence, yes, they are divorced, they are no longer husband and wife, what right does he have to ask about her freedom?Suddenly, Xia Andi suppressed all the emotions on his face, and said to Yu Hainuo with an attitude like treating a stranger: "I am the one who is talking too much, so I wish Miss Yu happiness." No one knew that Xia Andi said this How much he wanted to tear the calm-faced woman in front of him, but he endured it, and left the ward without caring that his fiancée was still there after speaking.

Even when Gu Nianqi reacted and followed him to call him, he didn't slow down at all, and disappeared into the ward after a while.

Gu Nianqi's resentful eyes quickly shifted to Yu Hainuo, and said through gritted teeth: "If Miss Beichen is leaving, please don't appear in front of me again." After finishing speaking, Gu Nianqi also left regardless of Gu Qi's accusation Hospital.

People left one after another, leaving only Gu Qi standing there. Yu Hainuo looked at him lightly and said, "Mr. Gu, you don't have to worry about anything. Those things are already in the past. His daughter’s name is Gu Nianqi, and my name is Beichen Wanyue.”

Suddenly, Gu Qi seemed to have aged a lot, he hesitated to speak, and finally he turned his attention to Yu Xiangcheng who was still asleep, and asked carefully: "Can I take a look at the child?" ?"

This time, Yu Hainuo didn't say much, just nodded lightly, and then said to Bei Chenxing who was still standing aside with a puzzled face: "Xing, come here and help Xiang Cheng up and lean in my arms."

Bei Chenxing didn't know what was happening now, but he obediently helped Yu Xiangcheng up. When Gu Qi saw the child's face, his eye sockets began to turn red, and when he saw the injury on Yu Xiangcheng's face, he immediately Angry: "Who is so cruel to hurt the child like this?"

"It's already a thing of the past." Yu Hainuo's indifferent words brushed over the matter, and as a mother, he didn't pursue it, but he had nothing to say as an outsider.

Feeling disappointed, Gu Qi turned and walked out of the ward, just as he was about to step out of the ward, a faint voice sounded behind him: "I will take my children and settle in Italy in the future, you can come and see them when you have time.

This time Gu Qi didn't look back, but he left with a faint smile on his lips. When he was about to leave, he turned his back to Yu Hainuo and asked, "Can I see you and the child off the day after tomorrow?"

(End of this chapter)

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