Domineering cute baby: Chief step aside

Chapter 233 The Occurrence of a Car Accident

Chapter 233 The Occurrence of a Car Accident (4)

He used long eyelashes to cover up the injury under his eyes, and when he raised his eyes again, there was happiness, excitement and longing for the future.

Following the wedding march, Xia Andi's heart was not so peaceful, he always had a bad feeling, just now his heart suddenly stabbed, and then returned to calm, and the woman beside him made him even more Feeling strange, he suddenly didn't understand if he really wanted to marry this woman?But after thinking about it, what's the difference? Without Yu Hainuo, it doesn't matter who that person is?

John is probably the only person who is the least optimistic about this wedding today. Leng Xiluo, who is still hurt, stands coldly among the guests and looks at this happy and prosperous couple. His heart is for another People feel distressed, but he doesn't know how to stop the wedding.

The wedding ceremony has already begun, and the master of ceremonies was talking about the process of the ceremony on the stage. When the bridesmaids presented the pair of wedding rings, Leng Xiluo suddenly rushed to the stage of the ceremony, and then looked at the couples in front of him loudly. Said to Andy Xia: "You can't marry her, what will happen to Hai Nuo and the children if you get married."

Xia Andi's first reaction was to be shocked by Leng Xiluo's appearance at her wedding, and then she casually asked, "Leng Xiluo, why didn't you go to the airport?"

Leng Xiluo smiled coldly, and suddenly understood something: "Xia Andi, you are such an idiot." Leng Xiluo's words also expressed John's inner voice, but he was more pleased from the bottom of his heart.

Gu Nianqi's face turned green: "Leng Xiluo, this is my wedding, what the hell are you talking about?" She was afraid that the wedding would not be able to continue: "Andy, let's continue."

But Xia Andi ignored her pleading, and just stared at Leng Xiluo in mid-air with cold eyes: "Leng Xiluo, please speak clearly." The doubts in his heart had grown more and more at this time.

Leng Xiluo smiled sadly, and then his tone floated in the banquet hall. The sadness inside made many people's eyes turn red. He only heard him say this, as if he was telling himself, or stating something : "I love her, seven years ago, and seven years later, I also know that she once loved me, but I know that it was I who made her take back her love. I tried hard to catch her, but She already has someone else in her heart, that is, the man who made her willing to give birth to Xiang Cheng. I know she must love that man very much. How could a woman who doesn't like freedom give birth to a child to hinder her future? I am jealous of that man, but I know better that loving her is to make her happy, so I am willing to let go only to make her happy, Xia Andy, do you understand now?"

Xia Andi was already shocked by Leng Xiluo's words: "Leng Xiluo, what are you talking about? Yu Xiangcheng is me..." He could no longer say the following words.

Gu Nianqi's face on the side was already dead gray, she didn't understand why her design still failed at this step: "Shut up, Leng Xiluo, don't talk anymore, today is my wedding, can you stop being so cruel."

"Cruel?" Leng Xiluo smiled coldly, "No matter how cruel Gu Nianqi is, I'm not as cruel as you."

Leng Xiluo hinted at Gu Nianqi, who immediately turned pale: "Andy, let's continue, we have children, you can't do this."

(End of this chapter)

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