Chapter 242 Five Years Later (2)

But he loves this younger brother even more, this younger brother who has a pure personality and loves to laugh, his only younger brother, he was looking forward to him being a younger brother before he was born, and looking forward to protecting their children with him after he was born Mommy, but it's been five years, and Xiang Rui is already this big, but where are you, Mommy, why haven't you shown up? You don't need that man, but you can't even give up your most beloved son, mom Mi, you know what?I really really miss you.

Holding Yu Xiangrui's hand, Yu Xiangcheng tilted his head and looked at him and asked, "Xiang Rui, are you upset that brother took you away from daddy again?" Because Xiang Rui was just the day before yesterday It was brought back from Beichen's house by that man Xia Andi.

Yu Xiangrui looked at his brother with the corner of his mouth slightly raised: "Brother, Daddy is so boring, every time he comes back he will work and ask me to sit aside, even going to the company is the same, even taking me to meetings, It's boring." Yu Xiangrui's tone was soft, with the immature innocence of a child.

Yu Xiangcheng suddenly thought of when he was five years old. At that time, he had already traveled all over the world with his mother, and his language talent was developed at that time. Suddenly he began to miss those days again. His godfather, Muchen, also took him to go to the market to gather scenery. Although he tried his best to avoid the places he had been to with Mommy, he knew that his godfather was still unhappy, so he seldom went out in the past two years, because he used to be there. The feeling of wandering is gone.

"Xiang Rui, do you want to visit the place where Mommy lived as a child?" Yu Xiangcheng took his brother's little hand and led him to slowly start to recall Mommy's past.

"Mommy, brother, what kind of person is Mommy?" The five-year-old child only knows every little bit about his mommy in his father's place and his brother. He is used to the life without mommy. But that kind of maternal love is innate, and he is still full of fantasies about his mommy in his heart.

"Mommy is very beautiful, and she is a well-known photographer."

"Is it the same as An Shao?" Yu Xiangrui especially likes An Muchen. The first sentence he said was An Shao. Afterwards, he was called An Muchen, and he kept calling him An Shao. Every time his godfather didn't care. Where, when he comes back, he always brings a lot of gifts to Xiang Rui, but every time he asks him to bring them to Xiang Rui, he doesn't know why his godfather doesn't want to see Xiang Rui, every time he wants to ask, but when he sees his godfather With that silent look in his eyes, he couldn't bear to ask to expose the scar in his heart.

"Yes, just like An Shao."

"Then Mommy is better than An Shao."

"I really don't know about this, what does Xiang Rui think?"

"I still think Mommy is better."

"Hehe, if you say that, An Shao will be upset if he hears it."

"Ah, those two are amazing together." In the bottom of Xiang Rui's heart, his mommy is no worse than others.


The voices and figures of the two brothers became more and more blurred, and Xia Andy stood in front of the window and looked at the two figures, one big and one small, with sweetness and more bitterness at the corners of their mouths, Heinuo, it’s been five years, you should Back, but his call only he himself knows.

Just when Xia Andy was thinking, Sura had already silently stood behind him, looking at the man's firm back, her eyes were full of obsession, but she didn't dare to make a mistake, she knew that this man had put him in five years ago. Her heart was closed, and she was afraid that any of her actions would be caught by him, and he would have a reason to drive her away from him.

(End of this chapter)

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