Domineering cute baby: Chief step aside

Chapter 256: A Coincidental Encounter

Chapter 256: A Coincidental Encounter (7)

The car slowly drove into the Leng family's mansion, and the Leng couple who received the call were already walking back and forth in the living room anxiously because of waiting, in order to calm down the anxiety in their hearts.

Before that, they always thought that they might know that they would never see that child again after leaving this world, but they didn't expect that they would see this child again in only five years, and they had a lot of distress for this child.

Finally they heard the roar of the car, and the couple moved towards the gate at the same time, as if they had a tacit understanding for so many years. Before they opened the gate, the gate was pushed away from the outside. Seeing Yu Xiang The moment Cheng and Yu Xiangrui walked in hand in hand, the husband and wife were more excited when they saw Yu Xiangrui.

Yu Xiangrui shook off his brother's hand, took a big step forward with a smile on his lips, and then exclaimed, "Uncle Leng, is this grandpa, grandma?" After exclaiming, he first turned to the Leng couple With a sweet smile, he continued, "Hi, grandpa and grandma. I'm Yu Xiangrui. I'm five years old. My brother and I will stay at grandpa and grandma's house for a few days. I hope grandpa and grandma will give you a warm welcome."

That immature tone made Leng's mother cry directly, she squatted down and hugged Yu Xiangrui, and the corners of her mouth kept calling: "Yu Xiangrui, Yu Xiangrui..."

Leng's father looked at his son in puzzlement, waiting for him to give an explanation, only to see Leng Xiluo smile at his father, and then said: "Xiang Rui is the child that Hai Nuo conceived five years ago."

After hearing the answer, Leng's father and Leng's mother were both stunned: "What about Hai Nuo? She's not dead, is she?" Leng's mother's tone seemed a little excited.

The one who answered was Yu Xiangcheng who stood aside and did not speak. He nodded first, and then shook his head: "We don't know where Mommy is, but she should be somewhere in this world, but we don't know." That's all." When he said this, he looked at his younger brother with slightly excited eyes.

Xiao Xiangrui seemed to feel his brother's unhappiness, and hurriedly broke free from Mother Leng's embrace and ran back to his brother, then hugged his brother's waist and whispered: "Brother, Mommy will be back."

Yu Xiangcheng slowly knelt down, caressed his younger brother's immature face and said with a faint smile: "It's okay, there is no mommy and brother here, no one will bully little Xiangrui." He scratched his little nose lightly, and the two brothers looked at each other and smiled.

Such a sweet scene touched Leng Xiluo's heart a lot, but he had no choice. If the Busman family and the Beichen family could not find Hai Nuo together, what could he do?The only thing he can do now is to take good care of the two children: "Xiang Cheng take Xiang Rui to rest, you are very tired today."

"Okay, thank you, Uncle Leng." Yu Xiangcheng's tone was still indifferent, and Leng Xiluo didn't care, but turned to his parents and said, "Mom and Dad, I'll send them to rest first, and I'll come down later." .” He knew that his parents had many questions.

Arranging for the brothers, Leng Xiluo came to the first floor and sat down opposite the sofa in front of his parents. Before he could speak, Leng's mother asked anxiously, "Xiluo, what's going on here?"

(End of this chapter)

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