Domineering cute baby: Chief step aside

Chapter 269 Mother and Child Meet

Chapter 269 Mother and Child Meet (3)

Yu Hainuo nodded: "Then eat quickly, we will go to the company together later."

"Okay." Then the two began to eat breakfast quietly, and no one said anything more. After eating, Yu Hainuo drove, and the two went to the company building of the 'CN' Group in Puhai City. When she was a little frightened by the scene inside, Chu Lianyue's reaction was also full of surprise: "Yue, what's the situation?"

The hall has become polarized. On one side are a group of people wearing very casual clothes and carrying cameras, while on the other side are men and women competing for beauty, with exquisite dresses and fashionable clothes on their faces. The two people standing at the door were stunned, but Yu Hainuo finally came to her senses, and when the staff walked in, she quickly pulled Chu Lianyue into the elevator.

"Hainuo, what's wrong with you." Chu Lianyue's thoughts were still lingering on the spectacular scene in the hall.

"Yue, if we don't leave, are we waiting to be stripped alive? Those people are probably here to apply for director assistants and supporting roles."

"No way, why are there so many people?" She glanced lightly just now, at least there were two to three hundred people in total.

"I don't know, hold a meeting of the planning department and the advertising department immediately." Yu Hainuo gave the order lightly.

"Yes." The elevator opened at the same time, and Chu Lianyue hurriedly called the planning department and advertising department to the conference room for a meeting.

When Yu Hainuo walked into the meeting room, it was already full. This situation often happened in the past, and every time Hainuo could handle it perfectly, so Chu Lianyue trusted her very much. She asked Heinuo directly about the matter, but the employees of the company were all at a loss, because last night they only said that 'N' was the chief director of the commercial 'Sunset', and Chu Lianyue was the company's deputy director. President, why is 'N' now the vice president's boss.

But all these are their housework, as employees, they just need to obey, so the employees were just surprised, and then immediately entered the state, working in a large company, getting used to any unexpected incident is the biggest Only by constantly getting used to the ability, can you devote all your energy to work.

Yu Hainuo sat calmly at the front of the oval table, and Chu Lianyue sat on her left. She glanced at everyone's faces and said, "The main task of today's meeting is about the director's assistant. As for the issue of supporting roles, I don’t know why there are so many applicants downstairs, but it’s useless for us to make excuses when things happen, what we should do is how to deal with emergencies.”

Yu Hainuo paused for a while and continued: "Now I hope that the various departments can allocate personnel well. Today's task is to screen, but please don't take personal feelings, I will check at will, so that's it, the meeting ends." After finishing speaking, Yu Hainuo stood at the station Get up and walk out of the conference room.

Looking at Yu Hainuo's disappearing back, Chu Lianyue suddenly understood something. This woman is a born king. She doesn't need to speak, as long as she sits there, she will give people the feeling of a king. This feeling is only in her brother. I have seen it before, but now I see it on another person. Of course it feels weird, but she also suddenly understood her brother's decision, and she will abide by her brother's decision to help him fulfill his final wish. As for the future, she Haven't thought of it yet.

(End of this chapter)

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