Domineering cute baby: Chief step aside

Chapter 271 Mother and Child Meet

Chapter 271 Mother and Child Meet (5)

"I am Chu Lianyue, Vice President of 'CN' Group.

"So it's Vice President Chu, maybe something happened to the advertisement."

"Ah, no, it's just a small merciless request." Chu Lianyue was thinking about how to speak.

"It's okay, please tell me."

"That's right, Yu Xiangcheng and Yu Xiangrui are on your side."

"Yes, what's the matter?"

"Mr. Leng, let me tell you clearly. Five years ago, Miss Yu Hai Nuo lost part of her memory due to an accident. Last night, she suddenly heard a child in her dream, so I wanted to ask if I could let Hai Nuo see the child."

The phone was suddenly quiet for a while, and just when Chu Lianyue thought there was no one there, the voice rang again: "Okay, let Hai Nuo come to my house to pick up the child by himself at night."

"Okay, thank you."

"You're welcome, let's just say that. I'll wait for you at home at night. Goodbye."

"See you."

After hanging up the phone, Chu Lianyue was still in a daze, and couldn't help muttering in her heart, why did this man change? Didn't he always look like a very gentle man on TV?Why did I feel that he was indifferent just now? Maybe I heard it wrong, Chu Lianyue could only tell herself that.

After hanging up the phone, Leng Xiluo looked at the boy standing in front of him indifferently: "What do you want to ask me?"

"Is Mommy back?" Yu Xiangcheng asked cautiously, with anticipation in his eyes.

Leng Xiluo suddenly hugged him into her arms. Although she is very mature, who doesn't want Mommy: "Yes, Mommy is back. She will come to pick you up and Xiang Rui at night."

"Really? Uncle Leng, I've been looking forward to it for five years. I've been looking forward to it. I've been disappointed countless times. Is it true this time?" Yu Xiangcheng still couldn't believe what he heard.

"Really, Uncle assures you that Mommy is really back, but Mommy has lost some of her memories, so don't blame Mommy on Xiang Cheng." Leng Xiluo carefully discussed with Xiang Cheng.

"Uncle, as long as Mommy comes back, I don't care about anything. I just want Mommy to come back to me and Xiang Rui." Yu Xiangcheng's tone was full of affirmation and his determination.

"Okay, then let's wait for Mommy to come at night."

"Well, thank you Uncle Leng."

"Thank you, silly boy."


After the lunch break, Yu Hainuo led everyone into the meeting room again in the first time, which was already densely packed with people, Yu Hainuo looked around, and then sat down in the front seat, she did not go to see the job application He was a villain, but not even one person in the crowd was surprised to see Yu Hai Nuo.

One of them is Xia Yunyi. Seeing the familiar face of memory in front of her at this moment, her heart is half joyful and half sad. She wants to call that name, but she knows that she is not qualified to call it out, just because Their identities are different now.

The other person happened to be sitting opposite Xia Yunyi, she recognized Xia Yunyi from the very beginning, but Gu Nianqi didn't bother to greet her, she just looked at Xia Yunyi proudly until Yu Hainuo appeared After that, the arrogance on her face disappeared immediately, she looked at Yu Hainuo with a stern look, and then a disdainful voice spread from the corner of her mouth to the entire conference room: "Yu Hainuo is just a bitch who steals other people's husbands." .”

The atmosphere at the scene immediately became very awkward. Everyone looked here and at Yu Hainuo, and they didn't dare to take a deep breath, but they were a little surprised by Yu Hainuo's reaction. She didn't speak, and she didn't even lift her head. I just flipped through the information of each person in my hand, and raised my head after knowing for a while: "Apply for the live impromptu performance of the actor, and then apply for the live shooting of the director's assistant, let's start."

(End of this chapter)

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