Domineering cute baby: Chief step aside

Chapter 277 Mother and Child Meet

Chapter 277 Mother and Child Meet (11)

At this moment, Leng Xiluo was in his room. He put down the phone in his hand and then picked it up again. After repeated several times, he finally dialed a number, and he only said one sentence: "I am Leng Xi Luo, Heinuo and the child are at my house right now, so hurry up and come here." After speaking, he hung up the phone, then turned and left the room.

He didn't know why he did this, but after he did it, he found that he didn't regret it. Maybe he had really started to learn to let go. As long as she was happy, he didn't care what he did.

Thinking of this, the first relieved smile in so many years suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth, and his steps became a lot easier. He told himself that he just wanted to see her continue to be so happy.

Receiving a call from Leng Xiluo was something Xia Andi did not expect. He never thought that this man would take the initiative to call him, or tell him about Hai Nuo and the child. Watching this man slowly start to let go up.

Under Bei Chenxing's different eyes, he picked up the car keys and ran out of the door. She came back, finally came back, and finally returned to his side. At this moment, he no longer knew what to do. How to describe his heart, it was also at this time that he realized that he could also be so impulsive, so disregarding everything, like a kid who was dazzled by love, and only wanted the return of his beloved woman. to yourself and your children.

In the Leng family's mansion over there, they are eating happily, while Xia Andy here is driving the car like crazy. Everyone is at least happy at this time, and at least they all have an expectation .

There was only one person, his face was silent, Chu Liancheng was lying on the bed, his body was soaked in sweat from the pain, he didn't know why the pain came so sharply today, was it because his condition had worsened?How much time does he have?Can it last until seeing Hai Nuo happy?The woman he loves the most in this life is Hai Nuo. How much he wants to make her happy, but God doesn't allow it, and doesn't even give him the slightest chance.

Ask him if he hates it?He won't shake his head lightly. Having her for five years is enough. He knows that she has been unhappy these years and often has nightmares. The psychiatrist who hypnotized her before told him that Hai Nuo's defense line is too strong. Gao, one day she will remember everything.

Looking at Hai Nuo's current state, Chu Liancheng knew that day was coming. He was worried that the day she knew was also the beginning of the day she hated him. Five years ago, he was the one who took her away selfishly without telling everyone. Let her miss even her son's childhood, his only hope now is that she will not hate her on the day she knows the truth of the matter.

At the dining table in Leng's mansion, Yu Hainuo carefully took care of the two children eating, with a happy smile on the corner of his mouth, everything looked so harmonious, only Chu Lianyue suddenly felt sad in his heart, she had never seen such a Hainuo , she knew that the present she was really smiling from the bottom of her heart.

Suddenly, for a moment, she wanted to say everything without caring about anything, but in the end she endured it and lowered her head deeply with the tears about to fall, unwilling to look and think for a long time.

Leng Xiluo noticed Chu Lianyue's strangeness, but he didn't say much, he just silently watched the interaction between the woman and the child opposite him, with a faint smile on his lips, he knew this Everything is not as simple as it looks on the surface. There must be many stories in it, but he will slowly dig out everything. Anyone who wants to hurt Heinuo and the child must ask him.

(End of this chapter)

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