Domineering cute baby: Chief step aside

Chapter 280 'Wonderful Flower' Yu Xiangrui

Chapter 280 'Wonderful Flower' Yu Xiangrui (3)

She quickly stood up from the dining table, walked to Xia Andy's side, took her son from his arms and coaxed her: "Xiao Xiangrui, Mommy didn't mean to kill you, it's Mommy's fault, Mommy apologizes to you, Mommy promises that she will never kill you again."

Yu Hainuo talked for a long time, who knew that Yu Xiangrui was just lying on her shoulder in silence and didn't speak, she immediately became anxious, and asked in a low voice: "Ruirui, I still don't forgive Mommy."

Unexpectedly, the person in his arms giggled suddenly. Yu Hainuo leaned back and turned around to see that the person in his arms was amused by Chu Lianyue. Seeing his son laughing, Yu Hainuo also put it down. A little heart, then Yu Xiangrui clamored for Chu Lianyue to hug, Yu Hainuo hurriedly handed her son to her, and then realized that she was very close to Xia Andy, she hurriedly wanted to push it away, but found that there was a chair behind her, she immediately The man and the chair trapped in front of him became a little anxious.

"May I let it go?" Yu Hainuo asked Xia Andi in a low voice.

Xia Andy's reaction was to silently take a step back, but her eyes were still fixed on Yu Hainuo's and said: "Hainuo, long time no see."

haven't seen you for a long time?Maybe it's really been a long time, but I don't remember it, so Yu Hainuo answered yes and no, and answered no and no, so he could only stand there.

At this time, Xia Andi began to carefully look at the woman in front of her. She hadn't seen her for five years. Her graceful posture was still as elegant as it was five years ago, but her breath was much calmer than it was five years ago, and her figure was still the same. Like Miaoman five years ago, there was no sign of having a baby.

Just when Hai Nuo was stared at by Xia Andi's gaze, Leng Xiluo suddenly stood up from the chair and walked to Xia Andi's side, then said with a faint smile: "Mr. Xia has not seen you for a long time, let's sit down and have a meal Let's have a light meal."

Xia Andi knew that this place was not his own, and he was very knowledgeable. He first opened the chair to let Yu Hainuo sit down, and then sat next to Yu Hainuo himself. He knew from the bottom of his heart that they were all having their own ghosts, and only Yu Xiangrui was the happiest. He happily enjoyed the love from his father and mommy. Of course, such love was also indispensable to Yu Xiangcheng. There was food in the bowl, and Yu Xiangcheng accepted it silently and ate it. For the first time, father and son sat at the same table and ate food so peacefully.

Chu Lianyue, who was on the side, watched the interaction of the four people, and suddenly lost her appetite. She had to go to the bathroom with an excuse, and then called her brother: "Hey, brother, how are you?"

Although Chu Liancheng over there was very weak, he was so strong that he didn't want others to worry about him, so he cheered up and replied: "I'm fine, are there two children in the street?"

Even though Chu Liancheng could hide it, the careful Chu Lianyue still noticed the strangeness in his voice: "Brother, go to the hospital."

"I'm fine, Yue, just help Heinuo bring the child back tonight." Chu Liancheng couldn't hide his voice when he said this.

"Brother, you can think for yourself, Xia Andi is here too, Heinuo doesn't need you to worry, can you go to the hospital?" Chu Lianyue said, suddenly there was no sound from Chu Lianyue shouting on the phone , Chu Lianyue panicked, and hurried out of the bathroom, just in time to run into Xia Andi.

Seeing Chu Lianyue's face full of panic, Xia Andi still asked concerned: "What's wrong with your brother."

(End of this chapter)

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