Domineering cute baby: Chief step aside

Chapter 284 'Wonderful Flower' Yu Xiangrui

Chapter 284 'Wonderful Flower' Yu Xiangrui (7)

When the father and son returned to Xia Andi's room and saw the scene of sex, they were suddenly stunned. Yu Xiangcheng was dumbfounded, and then looked sideways at his daddy: "Daddy, how could Xiang Rui it's here."

What surprised Xia Andi this time was not how the youngest son was in her cunt, but Yu Xiangcheng's daddy just now. At this time, Yu Xiangcheng also suddenly became very embarrassed, and then hurriedly dropped a sentence: "I'm sleepy, I'm going to sleep first." Then he flashed out of the room.

Looking at the back figure that disappeared in the room, Xia Andy suddenly smiled. This time, the smile was no longer heavy or anything else, but a touch of happiness and comfort, a kind of happiness that was exchanged for family affection.

Just when Xia Andy was immersed in happiness, he suddenly met a pair of big black eyes, the eyes were still rolling, and at a glance, he knew that he was a person with a lot of evil ideas. Xia Andy immediately gave a warning with his eyes, and then Immediately remembered something again, and lowered his voice: "Yu Xiangrui, don't turn around the bad ideas in your little head."

As soon as Yu Xiangrui heard his father say that, he immediately became unhappy, but he was still a careful child. He first carefully glanced at the sleeping mummy next to him, then opened his arms and glanced at The direction of the door of the room signaled Xia Andy to carry him out.

Xia Andi didn't know what the kid was up to, but she obediently carried him out of the room, then walked into her study with Yu Xiangrui's gesture, put her son on her desk and sat down, Xia Andy leaned on the Looking at him from the chair, he said with a smile: "Yu Xiangrui, do you have any high-level remarks to publish?"

Yu Xiangrui burst out laughing, then shook his head and looked at his daddy with a treacherous smile: "Daddy, you must have a good time tonight."

Xia Andi didn't understand the reason for his question, but she still nodded and said, "Isn't our little Xiangrui unhappy?"

"Happy, Mommy is so beautiful, and her body is so soft, much more comfortable than Daddy's hugging." After speaking, she squeezed her daddy's chest with her fingers in disgust.

Xia Andi grasped the little hand that was making trouble on her chest, and then pinched Xiang Rui's nose with the other hand, then hugged him into her arms and leaned against her back: "Xiao Xiangrui, Daddy today Really happy."

"Yeah, the happiest thing today is Daddy. Not only is Mommy back, but even brother is willing to accept Daddy." After speaking, Yu Xiangrui squeezed his nose funny.

"Bad guy, so you just pretended to be asleep."

"No, it's because you guys are talking too loudly." Yu Xiangrui will never admit that in fact, he just woke up alone in the middle of the night and suddenly couldn't fall asleep. He searched all the rooms in the house but was in Daddy's room He found Mommy in the room, and he wanted to occupy Mommy with evil intentions, so when a voice suddenly appeared in the room, he instinctively pretended to be asleep, but he didn't expect to hear such a conversation.

In fact, he didn't understand what happened to his brother and daddy, but the way they only got along with each other made the young Yu Xiangrui understand something in his heart, so what happened tonight was actually his long-cherished wish, So now he is happier than anyone else in his heart. This is the benefit of simplicity.

(End of this chapter)

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