Chapter 301 Chaotic Scene (11)

The expected slap sounded, but afterward everyone found out that it was not Yu Hainuo who was beaten, but Yu Xiangcheng who was standing aside. Yu Hainuo suddenly hugged his son in his arms with distress, and the expectation suddenly became Feeling cold, she looked at Gu Nianqi angrily and said loudly: "Gu Nianqi, you are too much, why do you beat my son."

Yu Xiangcheng and Gu Nianqi were also surprised when they were beaten, but she was stubborn and would not admit her mistake, she was still quibbling and said unreasonably: "I just hit, what can you do with me."

"Really? Gu Nianqi, I think you are so courageous and lawless. You are still so arrogant after beating someone. Don't worry, I will take my son to the hospital for an examination later. I will ask my lawyer to send it to you tomorrow." "It was Xia Andi who spoke. He was happy to pick up his wife and son home, but he didn't expect to see his wife being bullied and his son being beaten with his own eyes. It can't help but remind him of his mistakes five years ago, which he can't stand now.

Yu Xiangrui, who had been frightened all the time, burst into tears when he saw his daddy coming: "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo That, that bad woman beat my brother, that bad woman beat my brother." Yu Xiangrui Everyone who cried in that voice was heartbroken. If eyes could kill, Gu Nianqi would have died countless times.

How did Yu Xiangcheng see his beloved younger brother cry like this before? He suddenly hugged Yu Xiangrui in his arms with distress: "Xiang Rui, be good, don't cry."

But Yu Xiangrui, who was already frightened, couldn't calm down. He just hugged his brother and scolded the bad woman. Xia Andi couldn't bear it when he saw it: "Xiang Cheng, take your brother to the car and wait for me and Mommy." .”

"Okay." Promised Wan Yu Xiangcheng walked out of the restaurant with a swollen face.

As soon as he saw the child disappearing from his sight, Xia Andi's face suddenly turned cold. Instead of looking at the frightened Gu Nianqi, he stopped his gaze on Gu Qi's face, and said in a non-negotiable tone: "Mr. Gu, please give me a satisfactory answer on this matter, otherwise I won't be able to embarrass the face of my future heir of the Busman family being slapped in the face in public."

As soon as he heard that Xia Andy moved out of the Busman family, Gu Qi knew that the man in front of him would not let it go, but what can he do, Gu Nianqi is also his daughter, and he has cried and shit since he was a child Big, he couldn't let go of it no matter what.

At this time, Gu Nianqi also suddenly realized that she had caused a big trouble, she grabbed Gu Qi's clothes tightly and begged with a choked voice, "Daddy, save me, save me."

Holding his daughter's hand tightly, Gu Qi looked at Yu Hainuo with a look of embarrassment on his face: "I'm sorry, Hainuo, this is all my daughter's fault, I'm really sorry."

Seeing that the boss of a group apologized to her in public for her daughter, Yu Hainuo suddenly didn't know what to say, so she looked at Xia Andi. After all, this man is the father of the child. Also raised by him.

Xia Andi is so smart, he instantly knew what this woman was going to say with a look from Yu Hainuo, he turned his gaze to Gu Nianqi, and said in a bad tone: "Gu Nianqi, you must publicly apologize to your child in the media, or you will be at your own risk " After speaking, Xia Andy took off her coat and put it on for Yu Hainuo, then walked out of the hotel with her arms around her.

(End of this chapter)

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