Domineering cute baby: Chief step aside

Chapter 317 Funny Marriage Proposal

Chapter 317 Funny Marriage Proposal (3)

"Daddy, come back soon, Daddy, my brother has a high fever and passed out."

As soon as Xiao Xiangrui heard his father's call, he burst into tears again.

"Hey, Xiang Rui, don't cry, listen to daddy, go and put that wet towel on brother's forehead first, daddy will call the doctor to go home now, you can go to the housekeeper grandpa now, okay?"

Andy Xia patiently comforted the child.

Upon hearing the butler's grandpa, Xiao Xiangrui woke up suddenly: "Yes, yes, why did I forget that there is also the butler's grandpa."

As soon as Xia Andi finished speaking on the phone, she heard the sound of the phone falling to the ground, followed by the sound of running, and that immature shout: "Grandpa Butler. Grandpa Butler, come quickly, come quickly. Brother has a fever."

Because his crying voice sounded choked, he had been playing in his room this morning, and he didn't see his brother coming to him until almost noon, so he was very curious, because normally, his brother would have He came to look for him, so he ran to his brother's room, knocking on the door and no one came to answer the door, so he opened the door by himself and went in: "Brother, I didn't do it on purpose, it's because you didn't come to open the door for me." He went to his brother's bed and yelled at him to get up, but the person in the hospital didn't respond at all. He began to panic and climbed onto the bed, but he felt his brother's body was hot. He cried out of fright and called his mother Mi's phone call, I forgot that there is the butler grandpa downstairs.

When Xia Andi heard that her son was looking for the housekeeper, she quickly hung up the phone and dialed another number: "Herry, Xiang Cheng is sick, you hurry up and take a doctor to my house, if not, send him to the hospital immediately, Hai Nuo and I will be back soon ""Okay, I'll go right away."

Harry hung up the phone neatly and walked out of the office.

Hai Nuo in the room also calmed down for a while, quickly tidied himself up, and then looked at the man in front of him: "Let's leave quickly."

Xia Andi was also not at peace in his heart. His son had never suffered from any illness in these years, but this time he had a high fever and was still unconscious. He was still very worried.

The relationship between the two of them was very quiet along the way, and there was no joy of just proposing. Heinuo kept calling and kept in touch with Herry, listening to the latest progress: "Andy, go to the xx private hospital. Sent it over there."

Xia Andi hurriedly turned the car around and drove towards the xx private hospital. Heinuo suddenly thought of something, and then she dialed a number: "Hello, what, I'm Yu Hainuo, help me to check if there is a caller from the hospital now." Yu Xiangcheng's patients, you go and heal them yourself."

When the director on the other side of the phone heard that it was the CEO's fiancée calling, he hurriedly took orders. The xx private hospital is also under the name of Chu Liancheng, and all the leaders of the hospital knew that Chu Liancheng's fiancée was called Yu Hainuo.

Xia Andi sat aside and drove quietly while listening to Yu Hainuo's phone call. He suddenly felt uncomfortable in his heart, but he didn't say anything, just drove quietly.

As soon as the car stopped at the entrance of the hospital, Yu Hainuo anxiously opened the door to get out, Xia Andi quickly grabbed him: "Hainuo, don't panic, Xiang Cheng will be fine."

Under the warm eyes, Yu Hainuo slowly calmed down, and then she was led into the hospital by Xia Andy. Herry was already waiting for them in the hospital lobby, and immediately greeted them when she saw them: "Herry, How is it?"

(End of this chapter)

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