Domineering cute baby: Chief step aside

Chapter 320 Knowing the Truth

Chapter 320 Knowing the Truth (1)

When Xiang Cheng got better, Yu Hainuo returned to the set to start filming. He was away for the past two days, but the filming was still going on smoothly, but the director became An Muchen. It's also a lot more stable, and I don't play any tricks anymore.

As soon as Yu Hai Nuo stepped into the set in the morning, several people who had already arrived quickly surrounded him: "Hainuo, how is Xiang Cheng? Go take a look with Xiqian." It was Leng Xiluo who spoke, and he asked Yu Hainuo worriedly.

"It's okay, Shiloh, Xiang Cheng will be discharged from the hospital in a few days." Heinuo said with a smile.

"That kid is really alright." This time it was An Muchen who spoke, Xiang Cheng could have been watched by him growing up, but because Hai Nuo was in the hospital, he couldn't leave on the set, so he never went to the hospital to see him Look. "

"It's really fine. You can leave the hospital after a week of hospitalization. You can come and see at home when you're done with your work." At this time, Yu Hainuo was fine because of Xiang Cheng's illness, and his tone became extraordinarily relaxed.

Just when everyone was very happy, An Muchen suddenly stared at Yu Hainuo and said nothing. He glanced at Yu Hainuo's happy smile with a gloomy face, and then slowly withdrew from the crowd.

It happened that all of this fell into the eyes of Leng Xiluo who was at the side, and he also followed An Muchen out of the crowd and stood beside An Muchen, then said lightly, "You saw it."

An Muchen actually didn't want to admit what he saw, but he nodded anyway: "Are they really together?"

Leng Xiluo smiled faintly, then handed one to An Muchen, and lit one herself: "If it wasn't for the car accident five years ago, they should have been together a long time ago, shouldn't they?"

"But if I work harder, maybe Hai Nuo will be with me?" An Muchen still didn't give up.

"Muchen, why don't you understand? If Hai Nuo didn't love Xia Andi, how could she have given birth to two children for him." Leng Xiluo's truthful words pointed out the fact that An Muchen never wanted to admit.

Both of them suddenly became quiet, An Muchen stopped talking and just kept puffing on the cigarette in his hand, Leng Xiluo knew that he needed to calm down, so he left first, some things are nonsense no matter what you say, the most important thing is yourself I can figure it out.

A week later, Xiang Cheng could be discharged from the hospital. The hospital started to work early in the morning. Yu Hainuo and Xia Andi left their youngest son in the ward, and the two adults began to go through the discharge procedures. It was so harmonious, but suddenly Yu Hai Nuo stopped talking and started talking to himself: "Why is Yue here?"

Immediately, she let go of Andy Xia's hand, and trotted up, didn't she say that the moon will never end in Puhai City?How could she appear in the hospital now, if she came back, why didn't she contact herself?

She didn't know what was going on in the middle, and from a distance, she obviously felt that Yue was very tired, and her eyes were still red, as if she had cried, and suddenly there was a bad feeling in Hai Nuo's heart. Feel.

Xia Andi followed Yu Hainuo's line of sight, and when he saw Chu Lianyue, he suddenly had a bad feeling: "Hainuo, where are you going?"

"Andy, you go to discharge Xiang Cheng from the hospital first, and I'll come as soon as I go to see." After finishing speaking, Yu Hai Nuo's figure has already rushed forward.

(End of this chapter)

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