Domineering cute baby: Chief step aside

The 344th chapter seems like another world

The 344th chapter seems like another world (9)

He asked a hypnotist to re-create her memory. This false impression lasted for five years. He could have continued like this forever, but he was suddenly found to have brain cancer, and it was already at an advanced stage. As a doctor, he knew He didn't have long to live, so what about his Hai Nuo, so he must see her happy when he can still see her, must see her happy.

The sunlight outside the room shone into the ward again, Chu Liancheng suddenly turned his gaze to Yu Hainuo who had been silent all this time: "Hainuo, push me out for a walk."

Heinuo just wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything: "Okay." After speaking, he pushed the wheelchair: "Cheng, how about this?"

She knew that this man was very strong, and she thought he would refuse, but she just nodded with a smile: "Okay."

Carefully helping him to sit on the chair, Yu Hainuo slowly pushed him up to the rooftop. There were too many reporters downstairs, and they really couldn't go out, but the balcony was also nice. People take care of it, so it can also be said to be a small garden.

Leaning lightly on the wheelchair, Chu Liancheng closed his eyes and began to get close to the sunlight, then the corners of his mouth slightly raised, the sunshine tasted so good.

Seeing such a person enjoying the sunshine comfortably, Yu Hainuo suddenly turned sideways and wiped his eyes. She has never dared to admit it, but she still understands that he will not have long time to enjoy the sunshine, so that's why he is so nostalgic. .

Suddenly Chu Liancheng said, "Hainuo, the day after tomorrow is our wedding."


"Then tomorrow you can accompany me to the house where my parents lived before."

"it is good"

Then the two were quiet for a while. Chu Liancheng had never felt that his body was so weak, and even speaking was so difficult. He knew that he had no time, and suddenly endless sentimentality flooded into his heart. I started to be weak again, and wanted to pray to God: "God, give me a few more days, don't take me away now, I haven't seen the girl I love happy? Please, let me Wait until the wedding day."

Thinking about it, Chu Liancheng slowly fell into a coma. Before he completely fell into a coma, he heard Hai Nuo constantly calling his name and crying. He really wanted to open his eyes and tell her not to cry, but he found that I couldn't open my eyes anyway.

Yu Hainuo panicked, she forced herself to wipe off the tears on her face, and then dialed Chu Lianyue's cell phone: "Yue, come to the hospital quickly, Cheng is in a coma, coma."

Chu Lianyue on the other side of the phone was driving. As soon as she heard Yu Hainuo's voice, she knew that she was trying to hold back. She immediately turned the car and drove to the hospital, and then told Yu Hainuo to do first aid: "Hainuo , you are very strong and have done a good job, I will be there soon, you must not touch my brother, and don't panic, okay, I am at the hospital, I will go up immediately, you wait for me on the rooftop."

Parking the car at the entrance of the hospital, Chu Lianyue couldn't wait to lock the car, and immediately got out of the car and ran to the top floor of the hospital.

Yu Hainuo saw that her tense nerves suddenly relaxed: "Yue, what should I do? What should I do?"

"Hainuo, don't cry." After finishing speaking, Chu Lianyue began to squat down calmly and began to check the unconscious Chu Liancheng. After a while, she stood up and said to the silent Hai Nuo.

(End of this chapter)

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