Domineering cute baby: Chief step aside

The 347th chapter seems like another world

The 347th chapter seems like another world (12)

Chu Lianyue looked at her brother in shock, her face turned red and then white, while Yu Hainuo's smile froze on his face, and behind him he touched Chu Liancheng's head, then Chu Lianyue's. Momo: "I don't have a fever."

At this time, Chu Lianyue also came back to her senses, slapped Yu Hainuo's hand, and glared at her brother angrily: "Brother, you can still play tricks."

Chu Liancheng suddenly burst into laughter: "Hehe, of course my brother will."

Such a relaxed laugh made Chu Lianyue and Yu Hainuo look at each other and smile. It had been many years since they had seen him let go of such a relaxed laugh. Many times they thought he couldn't laugh, but they didn't expect to have a chance now See, feel good.

After breakfast, Yu Hainuo drove Chu Liancheng to the house where she lived when she was a child. Thirteen years have passed, and many things have changed.

"Hainuo, everything has changed." Yes, the houses are getting old, the streets are getting wider, and even they themselves have grown up.

"Yeah, everything has changed." The people in the memory disappeared, her parents were gone, and she was also a mother.

Holding Chu Liancheng's hand and walking quietly, the past scenes emerged in his mind, but it already felt that things were different.

This day was extremely quiet. After the two of them visited the house they used to live in, they went to have dinner and watch a movie. Chu Liancheng had never lived such a quiet life.

Sitting in the themed coffee shop at dusk, sipping the coffee in his hand, looking at the passers-by outside the glass window, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Hainuo, I have never found that life can be so easy."

Yu Hainuo also smiled and added a spoonful of milk to his coffee: "Actually, you have been stretching yourself too tightly. As long as you change a little, you will find that your life can actually change a lot."

"Really?" He raised the coffee and took a sip gently into his mouth: "It's a bit sweet, but it feels good."

"Actually, life is the same as coffee, it's your own choice. Drinking coffee is very bitter, but you only need to add sugar and creamer and you will find that black coffee can actually be sweet and greasy." She said in her cup Added a milk ball and stirred it gently, then put it to his mouth and took a sip, the corner of his mouth cracked into a smile immediately.

"It seems to make sense." But it was too late for him to understand this truth, and now he can only cling to the last bit of time.

"That makes sense, okay?" Yu Hainuo stared at him speechlessly.

"Okay I'm sorry."

"Where did you say you were wrong?" Yu Hainuo was still unyielding.

"Well, it's my fault that I didn't enjoy life well, ha ha."

"Well, you can enjoy it now.

Because the wedding was the next day, after sending Chu Liancheng back to the hospital, Yu Hainuo returned to the home where his mother was. As soon as he walked into the house, it was very lively and many people were there, including Leng Xiluo, Mo Xiqian, and the two. a son.
Seeing so many people all at once, Yu Hainuo was stunned and stood at the door. When she realized it, she immediately caught the little son who ran into her arms, then walked into the hall with a smile in her arms: " Why are you all here?"

"Mommy, we are waiting for you." Yu Xiangcheng walked over and said to Yu Hainuo's side.

"Rarui, come down, you are so big, Mommy is tired of holding you."

(End of this chapter)

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