Domineering cute baby: Chief step aside

Chapter 351 An Unexpected Wedding

Chapter 351 An Unexpected Wedding (4)

Chu Lianyue's words made Xia Andy quiet down, and then the two of them fixed their eyes on the sick man.

After the injection of the drug, the patient slowly woke up, and then his face began to turn red, but Chu Lianyue knew that it might really be a flashback, because this time it was obvious that the drug had aggravated the drug, but the elder brother woke up But a lot slower than usual, it seems that even this medicine is becoming more and more ineffective for my brother.

"It's nice to still be able to see the sun." These were the first words Chu Liancheng said when he woke up.

"Xia Andi, you are here." This is the second sentence.

"Well, I'm here." Such a weak Chu Liancheng really made Xia Andi unbearable, and he really understood one thing, life is really fragile sometimes.

"Okay, very good, you must take good care of Hai Nuo in the future, you know?" Chu Liancheng said while lying on the bed and looking at Xia Andi with a smile.

"Are you really going to do this?" Facing Chu Liancheng like this, Xia Andi suddenly couldn't bear it.

This time Chu Liancheng was silent for a long time before speaking: "Andy, this is my last wish. I may leave at any time in the next moment. I just want to see Hai Nuo with my own eyes so that I can be happy."

Xia Andy couldn't refuse such a loving request: "Okay, I promise you."


"Then I will persuade you to get up and change clothes."

"Thank you." The friendship between the two men was established when Chu Liancheng was finally confused, and Chu Lianyue who was on the side saw this scene and silently left the ward.

An Muchen, who had just arrived outside the ward, saw Chu Lianyue coming out of the ward with red eyes, he stepped forward and hugged her in his arms, and his voice softly rang in her ears: "Some We don't want him to find out, but now that it has happened, the only thing we can do is to face it bravely."

"I know, I know Mu Chen, I have worked very hard, but seeing my brother's life disappearing in front of me bit by bit, I am really helpless, the most ridiculous thing is that I am a doctor , but I can't save the life of my dearest one, I don't want to use a scalpel anymore, never again." At this moment, Chu Lianyue completely collapsed.

An Muchen is not her, so he can't understand the pain in her heart, he can't do anything, the only thing he can do is to accompany her, give her some warmth, some strong comfort.

"Hey, don't cry, or he will be worried again when your brother comes out later." An Muchen gently wiped away the tears on her face, and felt sorry for this woman again from the bottom of his heart. He didn't know that she was gone now Parents, now even the only elder brother seems to be disappearing, how should she bear it.

After venting for a while, Chu Lianyue's emotions slowly calmed down. She wiped off the tears on her face with a little embarrassment: "I'm sorry, I lost my temper."

An Muchen looked at this inconsistent woman with a smile: "It's okay."

While the two were talking, the door of the ward was opened from the inside, and Chu Lianyue and Xia Andi came out from inside one after the other. The four of them looked at each other and smiled, then lifted their steps in a tacit understanding and walked towards the door at the end of the corridor together. Go to the elevator.

This day is a big day, and it is also a day that will change the lives of many people.

Ruoda’s wedding hall, everyone’s first reaction when they walked in was amazement. At the end of the entire venue was a Ruoda screen, which was showing the bride’s growth process from childhood to adulthood. The entire venue was covered with blue enchantresses. The entire hall was covered, and among the purple flowers behind her were the wedding photos of the bride, embedded in the thousands of blue enchantresses, not only did not look dazzling, but was very harmonious.

(End of this chapter)

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