Domineering cute baby: Chief step aside

Chapter 355 An Unexpected Wedding

Chapter 355 An Unexpected Wedding (8)

Yu Hainuo was crying so hard that he couldn't speak, and suddenly Yu Xiangrui rushed to the two of them: "Mummy, Uncle Chu left a lot of blood, I'm afraid."

Seeing the child, Yu Hai Nuo suddenly became sober, and held the child tightly in his arms: "Be good, don't be afraid, Mommy is here." In front of the child, the mother will always become the strongest.

Yu Haicheng glanced at his younger brother appreciatively, and Yu Xiangrui glanced at his elder brother proudly, but when he saw Uncle Chu covered in blood, his eyes were still red, and he could only helplessly hug him tightly. with his own mommy.

After simple first aid, the blood stopped for a while, but Chu Liancheng had fallen into a deep coma at this time. Chu Lianyue took the lead and immediately decided: "Send him to the hospital immediately, and immediately notify the hospital to prepare for the operation, and go to the hospital for the operation immediately." After speaking, everyone worked together to lift Chu Liancheng onto the hospital bed, quickly pushed the bed and rushed out of the hospital.

Now that time is life, no one cares about what to say. Someone at the scene quickly followed up and said loudly: "I have a police car and I will drive it."

"I'll immediately call the traffic police brigade to ask them to clear the road," said one.

"I immediately ordered that no reporter be allowed to block the way for interviews." This time it was a media tycoon who spoke.

"I'm going to contact my classmate who is an authoritative brain doctor to come to Puhai City."
With the perfect cooperation of everyone, the ambulance drove into the hospital without stopping on the road for a minute. The hospital had already been waiting at the door for a long time. Seeing the ambulance coming quickly, the person was quickly taken away. After pushing it down, the group quickly rushed to the operating room.

Just when Chu Lianyue was about to leave with her, An Muchen suddenly walked up to her and hugged her tightly: "Relax, you can do it." Then he let go quickly.

Nodding firmly, Chu Lianyue followed the medical staff into the operating room without looking back. As soon as the lights came on, the operation began immediately.

Everyone waited anxiously outside the operation, not daring to say a word, even taking a deep breath became cautious.

At this moment, the mobile phone in Xia Yunyi's hand suddenly rang. She looked at everyone in embarrassment and immediately handed the mobile phone to Yu Hai Nuo who was still wearing a white wedding dress: "Hainuo phone." If you get a call from her 'Sunset' press conference, you must give it to her as soon as possible.

Yu Hainuo took the phone with trembling hands and put it to his ear. Not knowing what was said on the phone, Yu Hainuo suddenly squatted on the ground and began to cry, but he held back, not daring to disturb the operation inside by crying loudly.

The crowd gathered around all of a sudden, and they became concerned: "What's wrong with Hai Nuo?"

"Hainuo, don't cry."


Yu Hainuo raised his tearful face and looked at the people who cared about him. He shook his head at them and said, "A call came from the press conference. Sunset's press conference was a success."

When everyone felt relieved, Leng Xiluo slightly raised the corner of his mouth: "Then you should be happier, Hai Nuo."

Yu Hainuo shook his head again: "I can't be happy, do you know whose work 'Sunset' is?" Yu Hainuo's voice was hoarse from crying all the time.

Everyone shook their heads in bewilderment, only to hear Yu Hainuo give them another shocking news: "He's the one who is sleeping on the operating table now." How could such acceptance make him happy?

(End of this chapter)

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