Chapter 359 The Last Tears (2)

Then Yu Hainuo saw a crystal tear slowly shed from the corner of Chu Liancheng's eye, and his hand began to slip off slowly. She stared blankly, unable to say a word, she knew that this man was gone forever.

Standing quietly, the song came to mind again:
Your face is engraved on my heart like a flower

I met you at that dreamy age
just a glance

fell in love with
Looking forward to giving you a lifetime of happiness

Now I'm about to break the appointment
forgive me

that was not my intention
I can't accompany you in the future

you must be very happy

I will always bless you even if I leave

you must be very happy

Because seeing your happiness is my last wish in this life
"Goodbye, I" Yu Hainuo said slowly to the sleeping man, because she could no longer make a sound, and finally she bent down and gently landed on his face A kiss, and then she pushed his body slowly downstairs.

The next day, the headlines of the world's major economic newspapers were news reports that the young president of the 'CN' group died of brain cancer.

Xia Andi came out of the bedroom again worriedly, and when he saw the people standing outside the door, he shook his head with a heavy expression.

"Are you still not eating or drinking and not saying a word?" Leng Xiluo asked worriedly.

"I just ate a little bit, but I threw up again immediately, and I still can't talk." Xia Andy was exhausted after these two days, but his wife's condition made him even more worried.

"Hainuo can't do this. Tomorrow is my brother's funeral. Why don't you let her go." Chu Lianyue's eyes were also red and swollen, but she was still relatively strong, because her brother passed away, and the 'CN' group needed more She supports it, and the seat will not fall down.

"It can only be like this. I'm afraid, tomorrow's funeral will give Hai Nuo even more excitement." Xia Yunyi voiced her point of view worriedly.

Everyone stopped talking, but also acquiesced to this decision.

No one fell asleep that night, and Xia Andi lay next to Yu Hai Nuo even more sleepless all night, until dawn was approaching before he fell asleep in a daze because he was too sleepy.

In the early morning, Xia Andi, who was still sleeping soundly, suddenly woke up from the bed. Looking at the empty bed beside him, his expression suddenly changed: "Hainuo, where are you?"

When he saw Yu Hainuo in a white dress coming out of the bedroom, he stared blankly and didn't respond, she was so beautiful, and it seemed that white was the most suitable for his wife. Walking to the ground, he hugged his wife slowly in his arms: "Hainuo, are you okay?"

Trying to open her mouth, when Yu Hainuo found that she couldn't make a sound, she could only nod slowly, then took Xia Andy's hand and wrote those words on his hand: "I'm going to attend the funeral in the city .”

Xia Andy glanced at her, and suddenly realized that she couldn't stop her, and she seemed to be in good spirits today, but she was thinner than before, but he still nodded: "Okay, let's go together."

Leading his wife down the stairs together, everyone who had arrived early in the morning looked at Hai Nuo who appeared in the living room in shock, Xia Yunyi's eyes were red with excitement: "Hainuo, hello, you All right."

Gently hugging her friend, Yu Hai Nuo smiled faintly but didn't speak. When Xia Yunyi noticed something strange, her tears flowed down instantly: "Hainuo."

(End of this chapter)

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