Chapter 361 The Last Tears (4)

The next day, Yu Hainuo and Chu Lianyue boarded the plane while everyone was seeing them off. After the plane took off, Leng Xiluo walked up to Xia Andi with a faint smile on his lips: "Andy, Hai Nuo will hand over to you in the future." is you."

Andy Xia smiled back: "I will, when are you going?"

"Tomorrow's plane, the United States is not a big deal. Xiqian and I will go back tomorrow." Xia Andy explained lightly.

"I won't see you off tomorrow if I have something else to do in the company."

"It's okay, I have time to go to England to see you."

"Okay, call me in advance, a smooth wind."


The next day, Leng Xiluo and Mo Xiqian went to the United States the day after Yu Hainuo and Chu Lianyue left.

The third day. The fourth day. No. 20 days
Xiao Xiangrui lay in his brother's arms in every possible way, looked at Daddy sitting opposite him and said unhappily: "Daddy, when will Mommy come back?"

Andy Xia looked at her son with a funny face: "Why does Rarity miss your mommy?"

"Yeah, you don't want to." Little Rarity pouted and stood on the ground unhappily, then ran upstairs with a bang, and then closed the door with a bang.

"Ruirui is angry, I'll go and have a look." Yu Xiangcheng quickly stood up and went upstairs.

Looking at the direction in which the two sons left, Xia Andi had deep yearning in his eyes, how could he not miss her?But he promised that he would wait for her and not put pressure on her, so he would not call her, he would always wait here for her, Heinuo, it's been 20 days, are you coming back soon?
At this time, Yu Hainuo on the other side of the ocean was standing by the sea, and slowly sprinkled the ashes in his hands into the sea, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, and Chu Lianyue on the side also smiled. After a month of precipitation, they had already accepted that person Facts have gone away.

"Hainuo, you have to go back tomorrow." Chu Lianyue looked at the people around her with a smile.

Yu Hainuo still couldn't speak, but Yue had already said that she would be able to speak naturally as long as she rested for a while, so she was relieved, so she nodded, then took Chu Lianyue's hand and wrote on her hand: "Are you going back with me?"

Chu Lianyue looked at her and shook her head: "Brother is gone, and you are married. It is meaningless to go to Puhai City again. I am going to move the headquarters of CN Group to Germany. Germany is the base camp of our Chu Lian family. .”

"Why don't you merge CN Group into Chulian Group." Yu Hainuo suggested.

Chu Lianyue looked at the distance of the sea lightly and shook her head: "CN Group is all my brother's hard work, no matter what, I will definitely keep them."

Yu Hainuo understood Chu Lianyue's thoughts, but she was still worried: "What about An Muchen?"

At the mention of this name, Chu Lianyue's eyes struggled for a while, but she finally smiled: "Hainuo, if he loves me, he will come back to Germany to find me."

Chu Lianyue's words immediately relieved Yu Hainuo: "Then take good care of yourself, I will go to Germany to see you when I have time."

"Okay, anyway, Germany is not far from England, much closer than Puhai City."

"Okay." Yu Hainuo finally put this word in Chu Lianyue's hand, and then she held his hand tightly. Although the person who made them build a deep friendship is no longer there, the friendship between them will not last. It faded because of the person's departure.

(End of this chapter)

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