Chapter 6 Cubita (2)
I still remember that time when I accidentally saw the introduction of Cubita. It said that Cubita is the softest coffee in the world. It is the Crystal Mountain coffee from Cuba. Because of Cuba’s natural geographical climate, it is the only coffee in the world.

Cubita has been discovered by the world and has its history. The coffee in Crystal Mountain was originally used to satisfy the specialty coffee from Cuban gourmets and Cuba’s domestic consumption. The coffee beans selected are the Arabica variety grown in the Crystal Mountain area of ​​Cuba. It is made of Produced by the farmers themselves and for their own use, as it is considered a higher and better quality coffee, it uses [-] percent Cuban Arabica washed green coffee beans, which stand out for their aroma, taste and the coffee beans themselves After learning the excellence of Crystal Mountain Coffee, it was discovered by gourmets from all over the world that the current coffee has a Chinese trademark: 'Hujue Coffee'.

Because of its high quality and special flavor, it was later called "unique Caribbean-style coffee" and "unique coffee among island coffee beans", because when drinking Cubita, you have the feeling of waves and the sea, as if In its place of origin, it has the unique flavor of the Caribbean.

The general coffee tastes like being in a strong metal music, but Cubita alone feels like being in a delicately balanced soft country song.

After reading the introduction, she fell in love with this unique Caribbean-flavored coffee, and wanted to taste it in its place of origin one day.

Later, she found out what her preferences were, and that day he still asked her to meet at the coffee shop. When the clerk brought the coffee, she immediately looked at her sitting opposite her still smiling at her in surprise after taking the first sip. Then I heard the clerk on the side say with a little envy: "Miss, the coffee you drink is the best coffee in the coffee, Cubita from Crystal Mountain in Cuba, your boyfriend is so kind to you, this Arabica There are not many varieties of coffee beans in China, let alone such good quality coffee beans." Cubita
After the clerk said something, she didn't have the heart to listen any more. She just looked at the person opposite her and said emotionally, "Thank you."

Leng Xiluo's reaction was to slowly caress Yu Hainuo's hand on the table, and then said softly, "Nuo, as long as you like it, that's fine."

Later, as long as she was dating Luo Luo in this coffee shop, the clerk would bring her a cup of Cubita. After three years, she still loves Cubita alone. It’s like three years. Luo’s feelings for her are still the same. The clerk in the coffee shop no longer knows. It's changed, but between her and Luo, time didn't leave any traces between the two of them. She put the quilt to her mouth and took a sip, and the familiar jingle sounded in her ears. The door of the store opened and the wind chime hanging on the door was activated, which also told everyone that someone was coming again.

Habitually raised her head to look at the door, she likes to watch unfamiliar people come and go from her side, and then go to meet the next unfamiliar person again, but this time it is the person she is most familiar with who came in.

(End of this chapter)

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