The Regent's little feral cat bites again

Chapter 262 A Different Kind of Wedding

Chapter 262 A Different Kind of Wedding

"Xiaoqi, be good, don't sleep."

Gu Chengyuan's voice rang in Xuan Yinruo's ears, she rubbed her sleepy eyes, and looked at Gu Chengyuan's face through the red cloth, he was wearing a red crown, the sun shone behind him, and walked around a golden glow .

"My lord." Xuan Yinruo caressed his delicate and clear face with some nympho, and smiled at the corner of his mouth, "You look so good today."

The corners of Gu Chengyuan's mouth slowly curled up, bathed in warmth like spring rain, and the originally tough outline became much softer.

Gu Chengyuan took her hand down gently, and coaxed her in a low tone: "Hey, after the ceremony is over, I'll touch it slowly when I go back."

The last few words are inexplicably duller, adding a bit of sultry warmth.

Xuan Yinruo blushed, but fortunately Hongsha couldn't tell, she quickly whispered a few words into Gu Chengyuan's ear, and then got into the sedan chair in no time.

Everyone didn't know what Xuan Yinruo said, but they could clearly see that the smile in Gu Chengyuan's eyes became more obvious, the corners of his mouth became more curved, and his originally sacred and inviolable temperament became more approachable.

Everyone suddenly didn't know that the prince had such a side.

"Get up the car."

Gu Chengyuan took a deep look at the still floating car curtain, turned around and got on the horse, leading Ma Jiang forward steadily.

The wedding sedan chair was raised steadily, accompanied by loud and joyful music, if Xuan Yin felt like she was truly married, she raised her hijab and smiled happily.

How can there be so many unmarried people in modern times?
If you really love someone, how can you not want to be with him?

There is quite a distance from the general's mansion to the ceremonial platform, and there are many people onlookers on the road, they walked very slowly, and they arrived at their destination when it was almost time.

The master of ceremonies and Si Tianjian had already been waiting on the stage, and there was a huge crowd of officials and common people in the audience.

Xuan Yinruo was led by Gu Chengyuan, and the road from the wedding sedan chair to the ceremonial platform was covered with a red silk carpet. Xuan Yinruo stepped on the soft silk, as if walking on a red carpet, oh no...more noble than walking on a red carpet many.

Gu Chengyuan's hands were slightly cold, and they were tightly squeezed, and the palms were even soaked in sweat. Xuan Yinruo glanced at him through the red gauze, with a smile in the corner of his eyes: "Could it be that the prince is nervous?"

Gu Chengyuan stared straight ahead, and didn't hesitate when he heard the words, and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "This king is about to marry the love of his life, so how can he not be nervous?"

Xuan Yinruo was stunned for a moment, a blush appeared on his face.

this man...

The master of ceremonies and the Minister of Rites followed Qi Wenguo's highest-level wedding ceremony. Like the Empress Dowager, they even offered incense and prayed for blessings. After finishing this series of procedures, it was almost noon.

There was no trace of impatience on Gu Chengyuan's face, he went through all the steps earnestly, and none of the people in the audience left because of their special status.

After the ceremony was over, Mo Xuan appeared out of nowhere, dressed in white that was out of place for ordinary people, and his attire was very weird, and the people in the audience immediately exploded.

"Who is this person? Why are you still wearing white on such an important day?"

In their view, white is only worn for funerals.

"That's right, it's still so strange, do you see the round ones in the middle of his clothes are buttons? I've never seen anything like this before."

"Yes, yes, and his sleeves, with such a small circle, it looks good for doing farm work."

"The slits he wears are also weird, like obscene pants."

"But don't tell me, this outfit looks pretty."


The chattering voices from the audience fell into Mo Xuan's ears, and without realizing it, he took out a cube-sized notebook and cleared his throat.

If Xuan Yinruo wanted to laugh when she saw this scene, if others didn't know, how could she not know?

Mo Xuan was wearing a pure white tuxedo, a pair of leather shoes on his feet, and with his long hair tied up, he looked very weird.

Does he want to hold a modern wedding here for himself?
Although Xuan Yinruo disliked his attire, his heart was indeed warmed.

Mo Xuan blinked in their direction first, and then said guiltily: "Time is running out, I really don't have time to find someone to make the bride and groom's clothes, so I can only wrong you to wear this."


Xuan Yinruo thought to herself, if she and Gu Chengyuan wore white wedding dresses and white suits to attend the wedding, I'm afraid... those people and officials would be in trouble.

Gu Chengyuan had some doubts in his eyes, but he didn't ask, but quietly watched Mo Xuan's next trick.

He coughed lightly, and looked at Gu Chengyuan: "My lord, since your wedding ceremony is over, should you follow the etiquette in our hometown now?"

Gu Chengyuan's eyes flickered, he glanced at Xuan Yinruo, and nodded: "Okay."

Only then did Mo Xuan smile with satisfaction, and turned on the teleprompter, with a joyful smile on his mouth: "Hi everyone, I am the host Mo Xuan. On this beautiful and romantic day, we welcome a new couple. A happy union. As the so-called harmony made in heaven, a couple made in heaven, today a romantic and beautiful love story will be grandly staged here! Let me announce that the wedding ceremony of the groom Gu Chengyuan and the bride Xuan... Yue has officially begun. All guests are invited Get up, let's welcome the couple with warm applause."


The audience was silent, not only confused by Mo Xuan's weird lines, but also frightened by him calling Gu Chengyuan by his first name, no one applauded.

Seeing that the scene had cooled down, Mo Xuan felt a little embarrassed, and signaled Gu Chengyuan to do something with his eyes.

Gu Chengyuan's face was indifferent, and he scanned a certain direction off the stage.

Immediately, the guards headed by Xiao Ling and Xia Xin applauded first, followed by the officials, and finally the common people.

Wave after wave of applause resounded throughout Lanzhou City.

Mo Xuan nodded in satisfaction, and when the applause subsided, he then raised his voice and read: "Wearing a white wedding dress, with two hearts that love each other, the bride and groom congratulate you for coming to the other shore of happiness that belongs to you. The hands of your lover convey the deepest love to each other with the most affectionate eyes."

Then he motioned to Gu Chengyuan with crazy eyes.

Gu Chengyuan's comprehension ability is very good, according to the instructions of the lines, he looked at Xuan Yinruo. At that time, Xuan Yinruo had already taken off his hijab. Although it was not in etiquette, no one on the field dared to speak out to stop it.

"In a long life, there are not only happiness but also various setbacks and ups and downs. Now I want to ask our newlyweds: Mr. Gu, would you like this woman to be your wife and make a marriage contract with her? Regardless of illness or Healthy, poor or rich, or any other reason, to love her, take care of her, respect her, accept her, and be faithful to her forever till the end of my life?"

Before Mo Xuan's eyes signaled, Gu Chengyuan's deep but firm voice rang out, and the inner strength contained in it reached the ears of everyone in the audience: "I am willing."

(End of this chapter)

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