Chapter 275 Pregnancy
After finishing speaking, he was about to turn around and leave, but Xuan Yinruo called him abruptly: "Wait a minute."

Luo Feiyi paused, turned around, raised his long and narrow eyelashes: "Why, can't bear to part with me?"

Xuan Yinruo resisted the urge to feel nauseous, and lowered his voice: "If possible, help me find a doctor."

She knew it would be a stupid move to ask Luo Feiyi for help at such a time, but besides him, she didn't know who else she could turn to.

Luo Feiyi frowned: "Are you uncomfortable?"

"No." Xuan Yinruo shook his head, thought for a while and added, "If I can leave here, I will dissuade Gu Chengyuan from doing anything to you."

For Xuan Yinruo, this is already a great favor.

Luo Feiyi was really blown away when he heard these words, he took a step forward and directly grabbed Xuan Yinruo's chin: "Listen, you are now a prisoner of Beiliang, you are not qualified to negotiate terms with me. What's more, do you think you can escape? Gu Chengyuan may not save you! Don't place too much hope on that man!"

Xuan Yinruo was very uncomfortable being pinched, frowned, and the churning sensation surged up again, finally couldn't hold back and broke away from Luo Feiyi's hand, lay down on the bedside and retched, but still only spit out a burst of acid water.

"What's wrong with you?" Luo Feiyi bent down subconsciously, supported Xuan Yinruo's shoulder, and patted her back lightly to make her feel better.

After a long time, Xuan Yinruo regained his composure, and pushed Luo Feiyi away with his hand holding the cold iron chain, his voice was a little weak: "Help me find a doctor. If you can, don't tell Luo Ruiming."

Luo Feiyi didn't answer for a long time, and finally left without saying yes or no.

Xuan Yinruo was lying on the bed, his temples were wet with sweat, and they were scattered on both sides, looking fragile and tired.

Even though she just had no strength to vomit and no appetite, she still managed to get the food box over by herself.

The rice brought by Luo Feiyi was very rich, with meat and vegetables, soup and dessert. Naturally, the taste of Beiliang Yuchu was not bad, and she ate a lot more.

After the meal, Xuan Yinruo raised his hand slightly and studied the iron chains that bound her, but he didn't get any results, so he could only lie on the bed and sleep.

I can't stop thinking about it...

Gu Chengyuan...

If that man knew that he had disappeared, he didn't know what would happen.
At this time, in the hall of a private house in Luo'an City, Gu Chengyuan was standing in front of a huge table. On the table was a map of the entire Beiliang, and some places were being marked out by red marks.

Gu Chengyuan was still wearing the milky white riding outfit that day, with cold eyes and brows. In just two days, the killing intent exuding from his body was shocking.

"My lord." Xiao Ling couldn't help but take a step forward, "You haven't slept for three days, take a rest..."

Gu Chengyuan glanced at him coldly, Xiao Ling fell silent immediately.

"Have you found the concubine?" Gu Chengyuan suddenly said, his cool voice was somewhat hoarse.

"Not yet." Xiao Ling pursed his lips, "General Gui Zimo has been lurking in the palace to search for the whereabouts of the princess, but there has been no news. Nothing came of it..."

Every time Xiao Ling uttered a word, Gu Chengyuan's eyes grew darker, almost devouring people.

Xiao Ling's scalp was numb, and his voice became smaller and smaller: "My lord, at least don't worry about the safety of the princess, we..."

"Where's Lanzhou?" Gu Chengyuan directly interrupted him, unable to hear any emotion.

"The letter has already been delivered by flying pigeons. Presumably in the next few days, Master Yu will receive the letter and lead the troops over."

Gu Chengyuan nodded, the arc of his jaw became more and more icy, and ordered lightly: "Go down."

Xiao Ling looked hesitant, wanted to say something, but knew that Gu Chengyuan could not be shaken at all, so he could only silently pray for Xuan Yinruo in his heart, hoping nothing would happen to her.
Xuan Yinruo slept with her eyes closed for a while, when she heard a sound coming from the door, she opened her eyes, and saw Luo Feiyi leading a man in. The box, when you walk in, you can still smell the smell of Chinese medicine on his body.

Xuan Yinruo was slightly taken aback, she didn't expect Luo Feiyi to really bring the doctor, she thought that his attitude when he left was that he didn't intend to help him at all.

Xuan Yinruo looked at Luo Feiyi with a grateful expression: "Thank you."

Luo Feiyi's expression was slightly impatient, narrowed his narrow eyebrows, and said viciously: "Listen, I'm not afraid of Gu Chengyuan, I just don't want you to die here."

After finishing speaking, he glanced coldly at the doctor beside him, and said: "I have sent away all the people outside, and I will only give you half an hour."

Then he sat down with indifference, crossed his legs and waited quietly.

If Xuan Yin saw him like this, he also knew that he couldn't drive him away, so he could only let the doctor feel her pulse.

Not long after, the doctor withdrew his hand, subconsciously wanting to congratulate, saw the surrounding environment, quickly withdrew his movements, and coughed lightly: "Ma'am, this is... pregnant, about a month ago. "

This sentence was expected by Xuan Yinruo, but also unexpected by her. She subconsciously rubbed her stomach, wondering if the child came at the right time.

On the other hand, Luo Feiyi stood up immediately when he heard this sentence, his face was gloomy and terrifying: "Are you sure?"

The doctor stroked his long beard, and said proudly: "This old man has been practicing medicine for 20 years, and he thinks that he can never make a mistake in getting the joy pulse."

Luo Feiyi snorted coldly: "It's just a folk wild doctor, get out of here."

The doctor wanted to defend himself, but when he saw Luo Feiyi's sullen eyes, coupled with his identity, he could only shut his mouth aggrieved, turned and left.

When I walked to the door, I suddenly remembered something, turned my head, and looked at Xuan Yinruo: "Madam's pulse is a little unstable, and you need to maintain a calm mind and not be overly anxious. In addition... it is best to change to a more comfortable one. The environment is safe.”

After speaking, he hurriedly left.

Luo Feiyi's face was covered with haze, he stared at Xuan Yinruo condescendingly, and he didn't speak for a long time.

Xuan Yinruo put all her thoughts on the baby in her womb, plus what the doctor said before leaving, she was only thinking about how to escape at the moment, so naturally she didn't notice Luo Feiyi's expression.

Luo Feiyi didn't even look at him when he saw her, and felt a little frustrated for no reason. As the prince of a country, he was really useless when he was reduced to thinking about a pregnant woman.

"Don't think about escaping, the emperor will never allow it. It is already a great mercy for me to find a doctor for you."

Dropping these words coldly, Luo Feiyi left directly.

(End of this chapter)

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