Chapter 101

If it was on the battlefield, then Li Jing would definitely find a gap to get out of the siege first, but now it is a competition. Although these people punch fiercely, they dare not attack Li Jing's vitals after all. There is no need for Li Jing to keep a distance from them.

Of course, Li Jing couldn't take half a step back in order to stand up.

The so-called fist to fist, leg to leg, Li Jing received two unimportant punches from Zhang Chu and Wang Ermao on the back and side, and suddenly exerted force, punching on Chen Dahu's fist, and kicking back on Zhou Huhu's. on the legs.Then he swung his arm to block Liu Erlen's fist, and withdrew his front fist, which landed directly on Liu Erlen's head.Then he stretched out his legs and kicked repeatedly, forcing Zhang Chu and Wang Ermao back, aiming for the neutral position, Chen Liu Erleng and Zhou Huhu couldn't stand firmly, and with a sweeping kick, Zhou Huhu and Liu Erleng were knocked to the ground.

Seeing Chen Dahu kicking with his legs outstretched, Li Jing didn't have time to get up. He blocked the leg with both hands, took advantage of the momentum, kicked Wang Ermao's abdomen, and hit Chen Dahu's jaw with an uppercut while turning over.

These few times, the rabbit rose and the falcon fell, and the four people were knocked down in an instant. Then Li Jing took advantage of Zhang Chu's dazed effort, and knocked Zhang Chu to the ground with a leg whip.

The quickness of the skill is all real kung fu!
Gao Qi stretched out his thumb to Li Jing, then raised his arms and shouted, "Brother is mighty!"

"Brother is mighty!" Naturally, there were quite a few interesting people among the bandits, and they immediately responded when they heard Gao Qi's call.

Then more and more people began to cheer: "Big brother is mighty! Big brother is mighty! Big brother is mighty!"

Li Jing waved his hand to stop the cheers of the crowd, and stretched out his hand to pull Chen Dahu and the others up one by one.

Seeing a few people rubbing their necks, covering their heads, and touching their chins, Li Jing felt a little regretful that they had shot too hard, and immediately asked with concern: "Is it all right? Do you want to see the doctor?"

"Brother, isn't it just a competition, do you need to hit so hard?" Chen Dahu rubbed his chin and said depressedly.

"Damn, you just took one hit, I got two hits, and I got three hits including the one-on-one fight just now. Look, there's a big bump on the back of my head." Liu Er cursed blankly.

Li Jing was taken aback for a moment, and then remembered that Liu Erlen had punched himself on the head just now, and was a little confused at the time, so when he fell, his body didn't react, and his head hit the ground again.

Fortunately, it was summer now, and the ground was covered with green grass, so it was not seriously injured.

Li Jing felt guilty, stepped forward and gently touched the big bag on Liu Erlen's head, and then hurriedly ordered someone to bring a bucket of water from the well to give Liu Erlen a cold compress.Otherwise, it is uncertain when the head congestion will dissipate.

Then Li Jing checked the injuries of Zhou Huhu and the others, and he was relieved when he saw that there was nothing serious about them.

Thinking of today's instigator, Li Jing turned around and waved to Gao Qi.

Gao Qi didn't know what he meant, so he hurried over.

Li Jing glared at Gao Qi and said, "You have a treat tonight, invite some brothers to drink."

Gao Qi was overjoyed, and asked casually, "Is Big Brother here?"

Li Jing shouted: "What do you think? And Uncle Shen, Zhang Ao and the others called up, and I will let you bleed hard today."

After thinking for a while, Li Jing said to Zhang Ao: "Brothers have worked hard these past few days. Today the ban is lifted. Drinking is allowed, but not getting drunk."

"Does the new brother count?" Zhang Ao asked.

Li Jingting nodded at Zhang Ao, turned to Gao Qi and smiled, "Do you think this kid is a bit stingy?"

Gao Qi smiled noncommittal.

Li Jing turned around and smiled at Zhang Ao: "All count! This matter is up to you, don't ask such questions in the future."

Zhang Ao nodded, and hurriedly found someone to arrange it.

There are more than 1000 people on the mountain, and eating every day has become a major event. Fortunately, Li Jing implements the Huotou army system. Each battalion has a dedicated person to cook. The number of people who eat has increased, and it only needs to increase some cooking staff. .

Now that Li Jing's team has expanded rapidly, Li Jing has broken up the original establishment and divided all personnel into three battalions, each with 520 ordinary combat personnel, forming a pattern of bringing the old with the new.

At the same time, a group of original elite members was transferred to the scout team, and the scout team was divided into four teams, with one scout team for each battalion and the remaining mobile team.

The number of the assault team remained unchanged, ten people, and Li Jing was still directly under the leadership.

At the same time, 50 people were assigned to Shen Zheng, whose main task was to guard the warehouse and other places, and 50 people as Li Jing's personal guards.

The rest of the staff were all assigned to Ma Wu, who was responsible for passing the news around.

Now Ma Wu has about 100 people under him, all of whom are the most elite members selected from the mountains, and half of them are arranged in the capital.

June 23, the seventh year of the Apocalypse.

Governor's Yamen in Kaifeng, Henan.

Guo Zengguang was listlessly listening to Xu Baichuan, the magistrate of Weihui Prefecture, report on his work achievements in the first half of the year, leaning back on his chair.

"Brother Gongfu, I know what you said, and I also know that you didn't come to me to talk about this. We are all from the sect of Jiuqian, so you can just talk about it if you have anything to say." Guo Zengguang finally called Cut off Xu Baichuan's words.

"Lord Guo, I do have a request. My brother and his family were killed a few years ago. The county magistrate of Lin County said that it was the work of evil spirits and refused to investigate the case carefully. I had no choice but to send my cronies to look for clues. After half a year of investigation, It was finally found out that this case was the work of bandits entrenched in the Red Mountains. I implore my lord to read that we are all of the same bloodline of nine thousand years old, send troops to suppress the bandits, and avenge my brother! This is a little bit of my heart." Xu Baichuan said After finishing, he took out a few pieces of paper from his sleeve and handed them to Guo Zengguang.

Guo Zengguang glanced at the paper and saw that it was a contract of some real estate and land. Guo Zengguang nodded, but refused to take it. Xu Baichuan had to gently put it on the table.

"Grandpa, you are the magistrate of Weihui Mansion. If there are bandits under your rule, you should send troops to Wei Huiwei. How did you find me?" Guo Zengguang said lightly.

Xu Baichuan sighed and said, "I went to suppress it once a year ago, and it was with the Zhangde Guard. Unfortunately, all the troops from the two groups returned home without a single bandit."

Guo Zengguang sat up suddenly when he heard this, and asked in a low voice, "How many troops are there in the two guards?"

Xu Baichuan sighed: "A total of three thousand soldiers and horses were dispatched, one thousand and five for each place."

"Three thousand soldiers and horses failed to wipe out the bandits, and returned home in a state of failure. Those two commanders are really useless." Guo Zengguang said angrily.

After thinking for a while, Guo Zengguang continued: "The two commanders lost the battle, so they just endured it?"

Xu Baichuan nodded and said: "My brother was killed, and I sent a letter to Wei Huiwei to let them suppress the bandits, but the commander pushed back and forth, but didn't move. I asked the prefect of Zhangde to send a letter to Zhangde Wei, and it's the same over there. , I have no choice but to come to Mr. Guo."

Guo Zengguang shook his head and said: "The soldiers and horses in the guard are not under my jurisdiction. You should ask Liang Yuancai, the commander of the capital, for this matter."

"My lord is in charge of the military administration of a province. If my lord speaks out, wouldn't it be easier to find Liang Du's commander?" Xu Baichuan said anxiously.

Guo Zengguang sighed and said, "Grandpa, I can understand your desire to avenge your elder brother, but have you ever thought about it? If I find a commander to send troops, it must be an official document. I dare to hide such a big thing." Do you live in an old man who is nine thousand years old? There are bandits under your rule, and you actually want the governor to issue a document to send troops to encircle and suppress them. Can you, a magistrate, continue to do it? I heard that you have a good relationship with the commander of the capital and Zhi Qianzhong. How about it? You go to Qian Zhong and ask him to send troops from Weihui Guard and Zhangde Guard, so that in your territory, it will not be easy for this news to spread."

Xu Baichuan nodded and said, "Thank you for your advice, sir."

Coming out of the governor's office, Xu Baichuan went straight to the commander of the capital.

In fact, before looking for Guo Zengguang, Xu Baichuan had already looked for Qian Zhong.

Qian Zhong, like Xu Baichuan and Guo Zengguang, belonged to the Eunuch Party, that is, members of Wei Zhongxian's faction.

However, Guo Zengguang belongs to Wei Zhongxian's absolute direct line, and Qian Zhong and Xu Baichuan are still a little behind.

This is mainly due to the different status of the three.

Guo Zengguang is the governor, a great official in frontiers, and the leader in charge of a province, so in Wei Zhongxian's eyes, the weight is naturally different.

Qian Zhong is the commander of all commanders and colleagues, and his rank is from the second rank.But because he was a military commander and a deputy, Wei Zhongxian didn't take him seriously even though he was of high rank. He was just a subordinate of Cui Chengxiu, the number one general under Wei Zhongxian.

Qian Zhong didn't want to be a deputy, and always wanted his backer Cui Chengxiu, Minister of the Ministry of War, to make him a full-time member, but the command and envoy Liang Yuan's background was also very solid, and this position was not so easy to operate, so Qian Zhong was never promoted.

As for Xu Baichuan, his status was not good enough, and he simply couldn't reach Wei Zhongxian, a big tree.

Since Xu Baichuan was planning to go to Beijing to fill the vacancy through Cui Chengxiu's background, so Xu Baichuan and Qian Zhong became brothers and sisters.

If Qian Zhong's backer wasn't Cui Chengxiu, then Xu Baichuan would definitely not ask Qian Zhong to do this thing. Who would go to the second child when he could ask the boss to do it?

But both of them are Cui Chengxiu's disciples, if Xu Baichuan directly seeks Liang Yuan instead of Qian Zhong, he will not only offend Qian Zhong, but also offend Cui Chengxiu.How could Xu Baichuan do such a stupid thing?
However, Qian Zhong was the deputy, and was only responsible for training soldiers. It was fine to ask him to give orders to the people below, but he had to tell Liang Yuan, the envoy, otherwise he would be on the kang.

But Qian Zhongzhong replaced Liang Yuan's position. Can Liang Yuan not hold grudges against him?Even a pighead would know that this order would not be approved.

Therefore, after discussing with Xu Baichuan, Qian Zhong and Xu Baichuan decided to go to Governor Guo Zengguang.

The governor is in charge of the military and government affairs of a province, and Liang Yuan must obey him if he is asked to give orders to Liang Yuan.

But since Guo Zengguang can achieve the position of governor, how could he be used as a gunman?

Fortunately, Guo Zengguang knew that Cui Chengxiu was behind Qian Zhong and Xu Baichuan, and that was Wei Zhongxian's number one general, so he didn't want to offend them too much.

Guo Zengguang's proposal to Xu Baichuan to ask him to change the money is actually tantamount to acquiescing.

If Liang Yuan was a smart person, he would not refute Qian Zhong's order, because if he refuted it, he might offend Guo Zengguang.

Xu Baichuan told Qian Zhong what he had said to Guo Zengguang, and Qian Zhong immediately understood what Guo Zengguang meant.

Qian Zhong immediately signed the order to send troops, and then went to Liang Yuan.

(End of this chapter)

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