Chapter 111 The Millennium Ancient Capital
Kaifeng, Li Jing, the thousand-year-old capital, had been here before, but what he saw was already a modern city filled with steel and concrete. This thousand-year-old city has completely lost its original appearance.

But what Li Jing sees now is a quaint ancient city with a thousand years of history.

After the construction and development in the Northern Song Dynasty, Kaifeng today can be said to be an absolute large city, which is absolutely comparable to Beijing and Nanjing.

Looking at the majestic city wall of Kaifeng City, Li Jing finally understood why Li Zicheng and others failed to break through the city despite all their efforts.

With the current artillery technology and the power of explosives, the city wall of Kaifeng cannot be broken at all, and as long as the city wall is not broken, Li Zicheng's troops will not be able to attack it even if it is ten times more powerful.

Of course, the premise is that someone will defend.

But that's perfectly fine.

Because the vassal king in Kaifeng is the king of Zhou.

Since the Ming Dynasty, except for the founding emperor Zhu Yuanzhang, his son Zhu Di, and the later Emperor Hongzhi, who were quite good monarchs, there was almost no one who looked like an emperor.

The descendants of the old Zhu family produced professional carpenters (Emperor Tianqi), Taoists (Emperor Jiajing), professional players (Emperor Zhengde), but they did not produce professional emperors.

Emperor is just their profession.

Their occupations and majors are completely incompatible.

The royal family members including the Zhu family are almost none decent.

If there is an exception, it is the Zhou Wang family who lived in Kaifeng, and the Zhou Wang family is a special case in the Ming royal family.

The old Zhu family entrusted a large number of vassal kings all over the country, but most of the descendants of these vassal kings are illiterate (not completely illiterate, but they read books about dogs), only the Zhou kings are really Poems and books are heirlooms, and they are very sensible.

The vassal kings of the Ming Dynasty all owned a large amount of land and countless money, but most of the vassal kings belonged to iron roosters, especially the King Fu of Luoyang. It was distributed to the soldiers defending the city, and finally the soldiers turned against each other. King Fu was captured alive and cooked in a cauldron by Li Zicheng.

The king of Zhou was always very close to the people in the fief, and he often gave away his porridge to distribute money to help victims of disasters, and he had a high reputation in the local area.

Li Zicheng attacked Kaifeng three times, and the king of Zhou hanged the head of the golden city to encourage the morale of the army and the people. The people in Kaifeng were united, so that Li Zicheng returned home in Kaifeng and lost one eye.

It should be said that King Zhou was much smarter than King Fu. He knew that without the soldiers and civilians in Kaifeng City, Kaifeng City would never be able to defend.

Many experts in later generations analyzed why officials, literati and gentry defended the city desperately when Li Zicheng attacked Kaifeng three times. Many people thought that it was the idea of ​​loyalty to the emperor.

In fact, the reason is very simple. Their home is in Kaifeng, and their family lives in Kaifeng. If Kaifeng is gone, their home will be gone.

In order to protect their homeland, do they need any reason to fight desperately with the bandit army?

The same is true for the king of Zhou. When he saw that the common people had no food, he knew very well that without these people, his land would be barren and there would be no economic income, so he helped these common people.

When the bandit army attacked the city, he was willing to give up all his wealth to encourage the army and the people.

King Zhou knew very well that while he was helping these people, he was helping himself.

It should be said that Zhou Wang is a rare understanding person among the vassal princes of Ming Dynasty.

In the end, Li Zicheng dug up the embankment of the Yellow River and flooded Kaifeng. Out of the 10 people in Kaifeng, none survived, and the thousand-year-old city was finally destroyed by the flood.

Li Jing has never caught a cold with Li Zicheng, and the flooding of Kaifeng is also one of the reasons.

Flooding Kaifeng is simply devoid of conscience.

Looking at the thousand-year-old city in front of him, Li Jing clenched his fists. Since he came to the Ming Dynasty, such a human tragedy must not be allowed to happen.

There are five city gates in Kaifeng City. Li Jing and others came from the direction of Zhengzhou, and they walked through the west gate.

Enter Kaifeng along the west gate, and after passing through the outer city, you can clearly see the layout of Kaifeng city.

To the north of Kaifeng City is almost entirely the territory of King Zhou's Mansion, while to the south is the residential area and commercial area, which can be described as distinct, and the Shen family's property in Kaifeng is located in the southern area.

Li Jing's original intention was to send Shen Zheng and others to Kaifeng, and he took the pillars to Sui County, and when he came back, he would pick Shen Zheng and others back to the mountain together.

But a small suggestion from Shen Ying dispelled Li Jing's idea of ​​leaving Kaifeng immediately.

Shen Ying wants to go to Xiangguo Temple to offer incense.

Li Jing of Xiangguo Temple can be regarded as very impressive.

What impressed Li Jing deeply about Xiangguo Temple was the novel "Water Margin".

In the book, Lu Zhishen pulls out the weeping willow upside down, and the tree he pulls out is the property of Xiangguo Temple. Lin Chong's wife was molested near Xiangguo Temple, and Yang Zhi later sold knives in the vicinity of Xiangguo Temple.

Why did Lu Zhi uproot the tree? It wasn't that he was idle and had nothing to do, but that he wanted to frighten those 20 rascals.

The Gao Yanei who molested Mrs. Lin was born a rascal, and the group of people who hang out with Gao Yanei are also rascals, and the Niu Er that Yang Zhi killed is even more rascal.

What does this mean?
It shows that the area around Xiangguo Temple is rich in rogues.

How could Li Jing not be wary of such a place?

In fact, Li Jing was completely superfluous. Even if he was not around, Shen Ying would have at least 60 or [-] people protecting her. Even a rogue would not dare to do anything wrong in front of a person with so many guards, even if he had the guts to do so.

But for some reason, Li Jing just couldn't feel relieved.

The incense is usually offered in the morning, but it was already afternoon when Li Jing and the others entered Kaifeng.

So Li Jing could only stay in Kaifeng for one more night.

Of course, there is no need to worry about housing. Almost half of the Shen family's property is in Kaifeng. Although most of them have been sold, there are still a few houses left. There is no problem in arranging these people to live.

In this way, Zhu Zi and the others felt a lot easier.

Living in the inn for the past few days, Zhu Zi and the others were exhausted.

In Zhu Zi's mind, he has long regarded Shen Ying as his sister-in-law, and he has protected Shen Ying more carefully than Li Jing.

Every night, Zhu Zi arranged for the guards to go out to watch the night, especially the room where Shen Ying lived was the focus of care.

Especially when he stayed in the hotel on the first day, Li Jing couldn't laugh or cry when he saw that Zhu Zi sent all his personal guards to protect Shen Ying, and was not allowed to sleep all night.

Even the guards don't need all the staff to sleep, so can they still go on the next day?

But seeing Zhuzi's cautious look, Li Jing couldn't blame him. He just ordered people to pack up the entire inn, and then asked Zhuzi to arrange the guards to take turns to guard.

Only then did Zhuzi understand that this is how the guards work.

Then Li Jing told Zhuzi what happened to the guards.

The biggest responsibility of the pro-guards is actually to protect Li Jing's safety, and the second is to convey orders to Li Jing. When fighting, they will only take action at the most critical time. They will be the last guarantee for Li Jing's victory.

Only then did Zhuzi finally understand what the pro-guards were for.

However, from Li Jing's point of view, Zhu Zi didn't seem to regard him as the object of protection of the personal guards at all. He only arranged two personal guards outside his room, and the rest were arranged outside Shen Ying's room.

Seeing Zhuzi's blind confidence in himself, Li Jing smiled wryly and shook his head. Doesn't this kid know that he is also tired?Do you get numb sometimes?

But Li Jing immediately realized that was not the case.

One night, when Li Jing got up at night, he realized that Zhu Zi was actually standing guard outside his room.

Seeing Zhuzi's cheetah-like eyes constantly scanning all suspicious movements around him, Li Jing finally understood that when it comes to protecting his own safety, Zhuzi actually doesn't trust anyone, he only trusts himself.If anyone dared to harm Li Jing, Zhu Zi would risk his life to protect his safety.

At this moment, Li Jing knew that the captain of the personal guard had to be handed over to Zhu Zi.

First of all, he is at ease, and secondly, Zhu Zi is at ease.

For some people, letting him do what he wants to do is the best reward.If you don't let him do it because you are considerate of him and are afraid that he will be tired, it will hurt his heart.

Undoubtedly, the pillar is now like this.

Li Jing didn't say much, but just patted Zhuzi on the shoulder and said: "From now on, you will be the captain of my personal guard. You can choose the personnel yourself."

Zhuzhu nodded heavily.

But then Li Jing found that it seemed a bit premature for him to hand over the captaincy to Zhuzi.

Zhuzi actually began to review the original pro-guard members on the way.

Including name, place of origin, age, family members, etc., all were cross-examined. Is this a political trial?

Li Jing even had some doubts, if he was not on the road now, would this brat have checked all eight generations of his ancestors.

But Li Jing knew that Zhu Zi had really grown up and started to have his own opinions.If it was a year ago, the pillars of these things would definitely ask themselves what to do.

Looking back, Li Jing thought about himself again, why hasn't he changed a lot?

In modern times, Li Jing only knows how to accept tasks, and then find ways to complete them. How does he know how to employ people?
But after being a bandit leader for more than a year, he had to learn many things.

For example, playing tricks, using intrigues and tricks, and he also learned how to command wars, which is completely different from commanding a special operations team to perform tasks.

Li Jing knew that he had changed, and he was no longer that passionate special soldier.

In the past, Li Jing thought that as long as he had a passion and found a group of people who were loyal to him, he could achieve a career.

But Li Jing gradually understood that when a person's living conditions begin to change, his mentality will also change accordingly.No matter how simple and honest he was before, desires will slowly arise in his heart.

In fact, everyone has desires, but some people have little desires, while others have strong desires.

Where there is desire, there will be conflicts, and how to resolve conflicts among subordinates and how to balance the interests of all parties requires him to have ingenious skills and the way to control his subordinates.

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(End of this chapter)

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