Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 113 Fake Landmines

Chapter 113 Fake Landmines

"That's impossible! When we get two hundred paces outside the camp, our tiger squat cannons can hit them. If we get closer, our firecrackers, bows and arrows can hit them, and their landmines can't blow them up like that." Far away." Zhang Qianhu said hurriedly.

The commander hurriedly said: "Then what are you waiting for? Hurry up and mount the gun!"

"It's already on the shelves." Sun Meng said.

The Zhangde Guardhouse itself has [-] tiger squatting cannons, and these cannons were handed over to Zhang Qianhu and Deng Qianhu by the command envoy.I don't want these cannons to fall into Li Jing's hands after the two were ambushed by Li Jing.

Qian Zhong brought [-] gates from Kaifeng and gave them [-] gates to Zhangde and Wei Hui.

The tiger crouching cannon used in Sun Meng's camp was brought by Qian Zhong from Kaifeng.

Hearing Sun Meng say that the cannons had been set up, the commander frowned and said, "You are all ready, so what do you ask me to do?"

Sun Meng and the others looked at each other immediately when they heard this, the commander must be stupid.

The bandits planted landmines outside the barracks with great fanfare, and there was a faint intention of attacking. The Commander didn't want to beat him?Is it officers and soldiers suppressing bandits or bandits suppressing officers and soldiers?

The point is why did the bandits wait until now to start laying mines?What is their intention?
"Master Commander, have you ever thought about what we will do if the bandits plant mines outside our barracks?" Sun Meng reminded.

The commander was taken aback, pointed at Zhang Qianhu and said, "Didn't he just say that our artillery can hit them outside the barracks?"

Sun Meng sighed and said, "Our cannons can only hit about two hundred paces. What if they are buried five hundred paces away? Then we can't hit them."

The commander said: "What's the use of them being buried five hundred paces away from the barracks? Let's not go there either."

Sun Meng and the others were completely speechless.

Shaking his head, Sun Meng continued: "If they bury a circle around the outside of the barracks, will we still be able to get out?"

"Ah? That's right, we will be sealed off by the bandits' mines in that case. No way! Hurry up, we can't let them plant mines anymore." The commander hurriedly said.

"My lord, we dare not attack without your order." Zhang Qianhu said helplessly.

Only then did the commander understand what these thousands of households meant by looking for him. Everyone in the co-author understood what was going on, but he didn't.

The commander looked in the direction of Hongshanling for a while, and suddenly said happily: "Those bandits don't seem to be armed, Zhang Qianhu, Deng Qianhu, our family will give you two a chance to commit crimes and make meritorious deeds, you go and wipe out this group of bandits gone."

Zhang Qianhu said with a wry smile: "I wanted to go there and kill them, but I didn't dare to chase them after they ran back. If I wanted to chase them, they didn't detonate the mines yet."

The commander thought for a moment that this was indeed the case, and hurriedly asked, "Then what should we do?"

"Bold in a lowly position, ask the Commander for those forty tiger squatting cannons." Zhang Qianhu clasped his fists and said.

The commander wondered, "Why do you want guns?"

Zhang Qianhu pointed to the bandits on the mountain and said: "Look, my lord, these bandits even hung up cables after laying mines. I estimated the distance, and the cables are only about 50 steps away. Our tiger squatting guns can hit two hundred Step by step, as long as the cannon is suppressed step by step, the bandits can be beaten back to the mountain."

"Then it's over if we go straight up the mountain? We didn't dare to attack the mountain because we were afraid that the bandits would plant landmines around us. Now that they're walking us, what are we afraid of?" the commander asked.


Sun Meng and the others were speechless for a moment, they didn't expect that Commander-in-Chief is also an idiot who doesn't understand anything.

Zhang Qianhu and Deng Qianhu hurriedly clasped their fists together and said, "I'll lead troops to attack the mountain if I'm humble."

Having said that, the two hurried back to the camp to summon troops to prepare to attack.

Before leaving, Sun Meng quietly gave Zhang Qianhu a hand, and said in a low voice, "Be careful, don't rush too far."

Zhang Qianhu was startled, nodded, and cupped his fists at Sun Meng.

Zhang Qianhu and Deng Qianhu suffered heavy losses in the previous battle. They had a total of more than 2000 horses and only less than 700 escaped. Later, they gathered up the rout and recovered more than 400 people.

After officers and soldiers encircled the mountain, Lin County transported grain and grass to Hongshanling. Zhang Qianhu asked the commander to intercept more than 500 grain troops.The men and horses under the two were enriched now, which is why the two had the confidence to attack the bandits.

Zhang Qianhu and Deng Qianhu had already made preparations before, and they received the order at this time and quickly gathered their troops. When they saw Sun Meng sending forty tiger squat guns, the two gave an order, and the troops lined up In formation, they marched up the mountain.

The officers and soldiers can see the movements of the bandits, and the bandits can naturally see the movements of the officers and soldiers.

Seeing the officers and soldiers dispatched, Zhou Huhu hurried to Li Jing and said, "Brother, the officers and soldiers have moved."

Li Jingjing nodded and said, "Have you seen the flag clearly?"

Zhou Huhu said: "I see clearly, it's not Big Brother Sun's men."

Li Jing nodded when he heard this, waved his hands and said, "Tell the brothers to stop, step back slowly, and draw the officers and soldiers out."

"Yes!" Zhou Huo nodded and went away.

Li Jing's troops retreated extremely slowly, as if they were carefully avoiding landmines.

Gradually the officers and soldiers caught up.

However, when the officers and soldiers arrived at the place where the bandits laid the landmines, they also began to be cautious, for fear of stepping on the landmines.

As he was walking, an officer and soldier in front suddenly stumbled. The soldier screamed in fright and hurriedly lay down on the ground. The officers and soldiers next to him were startled, stopped in unison, and then all lay on the ground.

After a while without hearing any movement, the soldier touched his feet carefully, and soon found a rope. Then the soldier groped backwards along the rope, and then found that one end of the rope had fallen off.

"Hahaha! Luckily, the mine didn't go off." The soldier said happily.

"That's because you are lucky, dig out the mines quickly, and don't let the brothers behind step on it." A soldier next to him said happily.

The soldier nodded, followed the direction of the rope to find the place where the mine was buried, and then carefully dug the mine out.

Then the soldier cursed: "Damn it, this landmine is fake."

"Fake? No way? Why are these guys planting fake landmines?" a soldier asked.

"What else can I do? Scaring people!" The soldier threw the landmine casually, and it smashed to pieces with a bang.

Several soldiers were startled, and when they took a closer look, it turned out to be an empty wine jar.

"Look again to see if the other landmines are real or not." A Xiaoqi said.

As soon as Xiaoqi finished speaking, he heard a soldier shouting in the distance: "I found a landmine here."

After a while, the soldier cursed: "Damn it, this one is fake too."

Then several soldiers found landmines, but without exception, they were all fake.

"Master Yu Qianhu knows about the express report, don't be a bandit doing some tricks." A Xiaoqi said.

Hearing this, a soldier rushed to the rear and informed Zhang Qianhu and Deng Qianhu of the discovery of the fake landmine.

After hearing the soldier's report, Zhang Qianhu wondered, "Is the landmine fake? What tricks are the bandits going to do?"

"That's right, they ran down the mountain early in the morning to plant a bunch of fake landmines, can they make it if they have nothing to do?" Deng Qianhu was also puzzled.

Zhang Qianhu raised his eyes to see the distance between the officers and soldiers and the bandits, thought for a while and said, "Order the brothers to stop advancing, and send some people to dig out all the mines buried by the bandits, no matter whether they are real or not!"

Deng Qianhu nodded and said: "Yes, there is nothing wrong with being careful, no matter whether it is true or not, brothers can rest assured after digging it out."

Zhang Qianhu nodded, and immediately ordered the soldier to deliver the order.

Seeing the officers and soldiers start clearing the mines, Li Jing smiled and said: "It seems that these guys have learned how to be good, and know to eliminate hidden dangers first."

Zhou Huhu said: "Then we buried these fake landmines for nothing?"

Li Jing shook his head and smiled, "If it were you who found out that these mines are fake, what would your reaction be?"

Zhou Huhu thought for a while and said, "I must have been as nervous as these people at the beginning, but I will slowly relax my vigilance after discovering that these mines are fake."

"That's right, if you see it often, you won't doubt it, but if you prepare it well, it's easy to perish. This is a way to hide the truth." Li Jing laughed.

Tiger Zhou said happily: "That way, when the officers and soldiers get to the foot of the mountain and see landmines again, they won't be so careful. At this time, our real landmines will work."

Li Jingjing nodded and smiled: "When the officers and soldiers reach the foot of the mountain, they can't easily retreat. If the officers and soldiers are bombed, they will definitely bombard them with tiger squatting cannons. Then let's destroy their artillery, so that the officers and soldiers will no longer pose a threat to us. gone."

"Then wouldn't it be easier for us to bombard his mother directly? Why bother?" Zhou Huo asked puzzled.

Li Jing smiled and said: "How many shells do you think we have? There are only a few rounds of this thing, and it will be gone after firing. Let's pull the cannon out to shoot, and after a few shots, there is no movement. Do you think the officers and soldiers will not counterattack?" ?”

Zhou Huhu muttered, "Why don't you make more?"

Li Jing shook his head and sighed: "I would like to make more, but we have no copper or lead, what should we use to make them? These shells are all made of copper coins."

"Ah? This is really unaffordable! I looked at the size of the cannonball, and it would cost at least a thousand copper coins." Zhou Huo said in surprise.

"Yes, we use copper coins to make cannonballs. First, we don't have so many copper coins, and secondly, we really can't afford it. It would be great if we had copper ore and lead mines, so that we can mass-produce cannonballs." Li Jingjing nodded and sighed He took a breath.

Zhou Huhu snorted, thought for a while and suddenly said, "Brother, there is a copper mine in our hometown."

"Oh? There is a copper mine in your hometown? I only know that you are from Shanxi, but I didn't ask where your hometown is." Li Jing laughed.

"My brother's hometown is in Hengqu County, Shanxi Province. We have copper mines there, and it is said that copper has been produced there since ancient times." Zhou Huo said.

"Hengqu County? Where is it? Tell me more in detail!" Li Jing thought for a long time but couldn't remember where Hengqu County in Shanxi was.

"In the Zhongtiao Mountain area." Zhou Huhu said hurriedly.

That's it!

(End of this chapter)

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