Chapter 145
Coming out of the military factory, Li Jing came to the conference hall, and then ordered Zhuzi to send someone to call Zhang Ao.

Seeing that Li Jing's expression was a little off, Zhuzi didn't dare to ask any more questions, so he hurriedly arranged for a personal guard to notify Zhang Ao to come over immediately.

After a while, Zhang Ao rushed over.

When he arrived at the conference hall, Zhang Ao couldn't help being a little surprised to see that he was alone.

In the newly-built meeting hall, Li Jing would summon his subordinates here only when there were important matters or Li Jing's living room could not accommodate them. Generally, when Li Jing wanted to talk to someone, he would do so in his own living room.

When Zhang Ao came over, Li Jing ordered the pillar to serve tea to Zhang Ao, and then let the pillar back down.

Seeing Zhuzi going out, Zhang Ao was even more surprised. In the past, no matter how big the discussion was, Zhuzi would always be there. Why did he call Zhuzi out today.

Seeing that Zhang Ao's expression was a little uncertain, Li Jing took a sip of tea and said, "Zhang Ao, what quota do you collect this year's tax?"

Hearing Li Jing's question about taxes, Zhang Ao finally let go of his heart, and saluted Li Jing, "Brother, this year's tax quota is [-]%."

"All [-]%?" Li Jing asked.

"Yes! Shen Jizu and Shen Jizong are all taxed at [-]%!" Zhang Ao nodded.

Li Jing frowned and said, "Don't you know that the families of Zhengbing and military factory craftsmen are taxed at [-]%? Why do you agree that they are taxed at [-]%?"

"Of course this brother knows, but Shen Jizu and Shen Jizong are the nephews of Master Shen, and they collect [-]% of the tax. I thought Master Shen agreed." Zhang Ao hurriedly said.

Li Jingjing nodded and asked, "Is the food collected enough?"

Zhang Ao replied: "There are enough, and there is no shortage."

Li Jingwen heaved a sigh of relief, as long as he wasn't greedy for ink.

After thinking about it, Li Jing then asked, "You think my father-in-law agreed? Did you ever ask?"

Zhang Ao bowed his head and said, "No way!"

"Why didn't you ask?" Li Jing asked.

"I thought it was a private agreement between you and Master Shen, how dare you ask more questions?" Zhang Ao hurriedly said.

Li Jing sighed lightly. Although this Zhang Ao was serious about his work, he was a little timid. He didn't ask Shen Zheng clearly about such a big matter.

"Stand back, Zhuzi, and invite my father-in-law!" Li Jing said.

Zhang Ao led the order to retreat to the side, while the pillar outside the door hurried to invite Shen Zheng.

After a while, Shen Zheng came to the conference hall and saw that there were only Zhang Ao and Li Jing, and he felt quite strange, not knowing what happened.

"Father-in-law, please sit down." Li Jing poured a cup of tea for Shen Zheng.

Shen Zheng took the teacup and asked doubtfully, "Jimin, what happened?"

Li Jingdao: "Father-in-law, the ancestors and ancestors all collect [-]% of the taxes this year, do you know?"

Shen Zheng nodded and said: "I know, the collected grain has to be put into storage, and it has to be recorded and summarized. How could I not know?"

"Then let me ask you, why are the families of Zhengbing and craftsmen taxed at [-]%?" Li Jing said a little displeased.

"Didn't you let Zhang Ao take this? I don't know!" Shen Zheng asked doubtfully.

Well, now Li Jing finally understands, this is a cripple's buttock twisting.

Zhang Ao thought it was Shen Zhenghe's idea to collect all taxes at [-]%, but Shen Zheng thought it was Zhang Aohe's idea.In short, both of them thought it was their own idea, but the key was that the two people who collected the tax were their brother-in-law.

At this moment, Zhang Ao and Shen Zheng also knew something was wrong, and Qi Qi asked, "Isn't that what you mean?"

Li Jing sighed and said, "It may be that Jizu and Jizong made the decision without authorization."

Shen Zhengwen's face changed suddenly: "What do these two bastards want to do? How dare you decide such a big matter without authorization. Jimin, I'm really sorry. I wanted these two boys to experience it, and I didn't want such a thing to happen. Don't worry, I will drive these two boys out of the mountain immediately!"

Shen Zheng couldn't help being angry and anxious, it was his idea to bring his two nephews to the mountains to practice, and it was also Shen Zheng's idea to arrange for them to collect taxes.

Shen Zheng asked these two people to go up to the mountains to practice, and he didn't think about what big things they could do. They couldn't do well in their own business, so Shen Zheng naturally wouldn't let them manage things at Jingji Chariot and Horse Company and Jingji Bank. What they arranged was a very simple job, and they were assigned to Zhang Ao's subordinates to help Zhang Ao collect taxes.

The taxation work in Hongshanling is very simple. Residents who have soldiers or craftsmen in their families pay half of the grain, and households without soldiers or craftsmen pay [-]% of the grain.

There is a quota for grain. The yield of sweet potatoes is [-] catties per mu, the yield of potatoes is [-] catties per mu, and the yield of corn is [-] catties per mu.

This job is extremely simple, as long as you can calculate accounts, and it is the simplest account.

Shen Zheng never expected that these two people could fail such a simple job. It wasn't that they didn't know how to settle accounts, but that they dared to change the tax rate without authorization.

It was Li Jing's idea to implement two standards for the tax rate on the mountain, in order to improve the status of soldiers, and to make soldiers and workers motivated, so that they would be willing to serve as soldiers and work.

Unexpectedly, these two people actually changed the tax rate. Shen Zheng was very clear about the serious consequences of this matter. If this matter is not handled properly, it will seriously affect the mentality of the brothers.

Just when Shen Zheng had black lines on his face, and was about to teach Shen Jizu and Shen Jizong a lesson, he suddenly heard hurried footsteps outside the door, and then someone said, "Zhuzi, is elder brother inside?"

"Yes, Brother Gao, wait a moment, I will inform you." Zhuzi said.

Hearing Gao Qi begging to see him, Li Jing raised his voice and said, "Gao Qi, right? Come in!"

After hearing this, Gao Qi opened the door and entered, and was obviously taken aback when he saw Shen Zheng also.

"What's the rush? Brother Gao, sit here." Li Jing pointed to the seat next to him.

Gao Qi hugged Li Jing, Shen Zheng and Zhang Ao, looked at Shen Zheng after sitting down, hesitated and said, "This..."

Shen Zheng hurriedly said: "Is it related to Shen? Then I'll go out!"

Gao Qi was taken aback, and hurriedly said: "No, what did you say, Uncle Shen, it's about the successor and successor."

"Is it for the tax? Are you dissatisfied?" Li Jing frowned.

Gao Qi shook his head and said: "No, it was my law enforcement team who saw Jizu and Jizong taking people down the mountain to extort property today. They didn't dare to make a decision, so they hurriedly told me. I dare not hide anything, so I came here to inform my elder brother!"

Li Jingwen laughed angrily: "Extortion of property? Good guy, this is really treating yourself as a bandit, and it's more authentic than us!"

"Did the law enforcement team catch them back?" Shen Zheng asked hurriedly.

Gao Qi nodded: "Bring it back!"

Hearing that Gao Qi brought it back, Li Jing knew that the law enforcement team didn't dare to arrest him.

"Okay! Okay! First, Sun Meng's family members want to be officials and wives! Now it's my brother-in-law, my father-in-law's nephew who is going to extort property and change the tax rate without authorization! They are all the family members of the leader, so they should set a good example! Isn't it? Do you think the knife in Li Jing's hand is blunt, or do you think I won't kill people?" Li Jing said angrily.

Seeing Li Jing's murderous look, Gao Qi hurriedly said: "Brother, calm down, our ancestors and ancestors have violated the mountain regulations, we must punish them according to the law, and we must not kill without authorization."

Li Jing waved his hands and said: "These two are my relatives, so there is no need to show mercy. Gao Qi, you personally lead the law enforcement team to take the two of them to the house where they were blackmailed, beat them forty times in front of the family, and then summon Brothers on the mountain, give me the heads of the two of them to show the public."

"Brother, please be merciful. The two of them are Uncle Shen's nephews and the sons of the second master of the Shen family. At the beginning of the difficulties in the mountains, the Shen family devoted all their efforts to helping us, and they have made great contributions to our cottage! Brother, you must not kill him." Ah!" Gao Qi hurriedly fell to his knees and begged.

Shen Zheng also hurriedly begged: "Jimin, all the mistakes are the fault of the old man, he shouldn't have brought the two of them up the mountain in the first place, Jimin, you see the old man's face, let them have this trouble! "

Seeing that Shen Zheng was crying, Li Jing hurriedly got up to help Shen Zheng: "Father-in-law, you can't do this. You are my father-in-law and my father. There is no reason for elders to beg younger ones. Hurry up!"

"Jimin, if you treat me like a father, just let them go for my sake, otherwise I won't have the face to meet my second brother in the future! Jimin, I beg you! In this way, you will treat them Leave it to me, and I will give you a satisfactory explanation." Shen Zheng said while pulling Li Jing's arm.

Seeing Shen Zheng's old face and gradually graying hair, thinking of Shen Zheng's hard work day and night in the past few years, Li Jingchang sighed: "Father-in-law, don't worry, I promise you! If you continue to do this , Aren’t you going to kill me?”

"Thank you Jimin for your mercy, I'll go and catch those two beasts!" Shen Zheng said happily.

Li Jing shook his head and sighed: "Gao Qi, Zhang Ao, you two should deal with this matter. According to our rules, the families of soldiers and craftsmen violated the law. The penalty is halved, these two are members of the Shen family, and the Shen family has made great contributions in the mountains, so the punishment of these two people should also be halved."

Shen Zheng hurriedly said: "I'll take care of this matter. It's already a kindness for Jimin to spare their dog's life. How can the punishment be halved? Besides, no one in the mountains knows that the children of my Shen family are relatives of Jimin. We can't do things that deceive our ears and steal our ears. Let others laugh at us and bend the law for personal gain!"

Li Jing thought for a while, nodded and said, "Then follow my father-in-law's orders. Besides, Zhang Ao, aren't you responsible for your subordinates' mistakes? Can you accept the punishment if you are fined for three months' salary?"

Zhang Ao nodded, knelt down hastily and said, "Brother knows your mistake, three months' fine is too light, fine me for half a year, and I'll go to the law enforcement team to get twenty boards."

Li Jing waved his hands and said with a smile: "It's good if you have the heart, but the [-] boards will be spared. Everything on the mountain is complicated. Who will take care of the [-] boards? You don't want to use this to be lazy!"

"Thank you, brother, but those who should be punished will still be punished, Zhang Ao will never use this to get rid of responsibility!" Zhang Ao hurriedly said.

Li Jing said with a smile: "This is your own beating, don't blame me in the future."

Zhang Ao hurriedly waved his hands and said, "No blame, no blame!"

Li Jingjing nodded and gave Gao Qi a wink.

(End of this chapter)

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