Chapter 147
The good thing is that due to the strong offensive of the rebel army, the attention of the officers and soldiers is completely attracted by them, and they will relax their vigilance against bandits like Li Jing who keep their duty.

The bad thing is that the more powerful the rebel army is, the harder the officers and soldiers will fight. Once the rebel army can't stand in Shanxi, they will flee to Henan.

The current position of the rebel army is in the area of ​​Qinshui and Yangcheng in Zezhou, and it joins the nine dragons in Lingchuan. According to the route pursued by the official army, once the rebel army can't hold on in the Zezhou area, they will go south and enter Henan. .

And heading south from Lingchuan, it happened to pass through Li Jing's territory.

. .

"Jimin, what do you think of the current situation?" Yuan Keli put down the documents in his hand and asked.

Li Jing took out a map and pointed out: "Sir, in the past two years, the imperial court has adopted a strategy of suppressing and appeasement of the rebels. Not the rebels.

Right now a large number of rebels are gathering in the Zezhou area. Although the rebels are generally on the defensive, their ability to counterattack cannot be ignored. According to the current situation, according to my analysis, it won’t take long for the rebels to capture Lingchuan and enter Henan.

Once the rebels enter Henan, it will be impossible for us to develop with peace of mind.In addition, the population in the mountains has increased over the past few years, and now there is no room for more people.

I intend to go north to occupy Lingchuan, first block the passage from Jincheng to Henan to prevent the rebels from going south, and then move westward to occupy the Zhongtiao Mountain area. "

"It's as simple as preventing the chaos from going south?" Yuan Keli asked.

This is also the difference between Yuan Keli and Li Jing. Yuan Keli has been an official for many years, and his views on many things have been deeply ingrained.

Li Jing called the peasant army led by Wang Ziyong a rebel army, while Yuan Keli regarded them as a rebellious army.

Li Jing shook his head and said: "Of course not, it's not the time for us to fight against the government and the army. I hope to fight against the rebels in the Lingchuan area and take the opportunity to recruit a large number of refugees. With the population, we can make the next step. "

"You have a good idea, but have you ever thought about it? The current governor of Shaanxi, Hong Chengchou, is a handsome man. You came from a bandit but helped him wipe out the rebellious army. He will subdue you. If you don't obey, he will definitely destroy you. Then What do you do then?" Yuan Keli asked.

"This..." Li Jing was silent for a moment.

"What should we do according to your opinion?" Li Jing asked after thinking for a while.

"That depends on whether you are ready to overthrow the Ming Dynasty!" Yuan Keli said.

"Sir, where do you start from? I, Li Jing, have absolutely no intention of becoming an emperor. I just want to save the fate of the Han people in this world." Li Jing said.

"If you want to save the fate of the Han people in the world, there are three ways. First, rebel and stand on your own, and become emperor yourself. Second, seek refuge with Li Zicheng. Didn't you say that he overthrew the Ming Dynasty and established the Dashun Dynasty? Third, Take refuge in the imperial court, accumulate strength, and dominate the government!" Yuan Keli said.

"Sir, the road of rebellion must be taken, but the purpose of my rebellion is not to become emperor, nor to overthrow the Ming Dynasty. The Ming Dynasty still has many merits.

And now is not the right time, if we capture the Fucheng County Government, or beat the officers and soldiers hard, the officers and soldiers will definitely turn their attention from the rebels to us and deal with us with all their strength, it will not do us any good. So I only half agree with this first way.

The second way, in my opinion, although Li Zicheng has courage, he has no vision, let alone the ability to govern the country. It is not good for the common people to help him become emperor.

As for the last one, at present, the Ming Dynasty can only be rejuvenated if it is destroyed and then established. After submitting to the court, many things will not be so convenient to do, so I don't want to take these three paths. "

Li Jing shook his head and continued: "My idea is that we cooperate with the officers and soldiers on the surface to fight against the rebels, but secretly we also need to leave a way for the rebels to survive and let them keep fighting with the officers and soldiers. The rebels If we destroy all the way, I will clean up all the way, and when we become powerful, we will go to the capital to have a showdown with Chongzhen, and if he does not carry out the New Deal, we will take him out as the emperor!"

"Hahaha, good strategy, a child can be taught, we Han people have you, the world can be saved!" Yuan Keli laughed and said: "Jimin, I think Emperor Chongzhen is self-willed, suspicious and jealous, you want to change the attitude of the Han people in the world. Destiny, the only option is to make him a nominal emperor."

"Well, the name of the emperor should be reserved for him. After all, the Zhu family has been in the world for 300 years, and it still has some appeal. If it is overthrown rashly, the world will be in chaos for how many years!" Li Jing sighed.

"Since this is the case, then we have to be prepared, but I don't think we should take the initiative to attack the rebellious army. After the rebellious army reaches the Jincheng area, we will send troops to assist Hong Chengchou in destroying part of the rebellious army. After the rebellious army flees, Hong Chengchou must Pursuing and suppressing, we took advantage of the situation to occupy Lingchuan, and carried out our government orders in the area of ​​Lingchuan. If Hong Chengchou appeases us, he will do it in vain, so we can do whatever we should." Yuan Keli said.

"Okay, let's do this!" Li Jing got up and said.

"Daddy, who are you going to deal with?" At this moment, a child came in quietly through the back door, and just happened to hear Li Jing talking, so he asked.

"An Guo, your father is going to do something important, come here, give me a hug from grandpa." Yuan Keli said with a smile.

The child's name is Li Anguo, the eldest son of Li Jing, who was born in March of the second year of Chongzhen, and is three years old this year.

"Grandpa, daddy doesn't allow me to let you hug me. Dad said, grandpa is old, don't tire you!" Li Anguo said childishly.

Yuan Keli leaned over and opened his arms with a smile: "Grandpa is not tired, don't listen to your father's nonsense, come and give grandpa a hug, do you like grandpa hugs?"

Li Anguo threw himself into Yuan Keli's arms, put his arms around Yuan Keli's neck and said, "I like it, grandpa is the best grandpa in the world, I like being hugged by grandpa!"

"Haha, then grandpa hugs Anguo!" Yuan Keli smiled and hugged Li Anguo.

"Sir, be careful!" Li Jing said hastily.

Yuan Keli was already in his 70s, and although he was in good health, Li Jing was afraid that he might make a mistake.

Yuan Keli waved his hands and said, "It's okay, I'll hold you for a while. Cough, I'm old and like to play with children, so leave me alone!"

Li Jing had no choice but to give up.

At this time, a voice came from outside the door: "Master, did the young master run in!"

"Come in, Xiaodie, the little guy is here, take him out to play!" Li Jing laughed.

Then a young woman opened the door and came in, it was Xiaodie, Shen Ying's dowry maid.

After Shen Ying gave birth to a child, Xiaodie took care of the child, and the job of taking care of Yuan Keli was handed over to Xiaomei, another maid.

After Xiaodie came in, she wanted to take the child from Yuan Keli.

"My aunt won't take me out to play. I don't want my aunt to hug me. I want my grandpa to hug me. Grandpa will take me out to play!" Li Anguo shouted, tying his little hands.

"Come down, go play with Auntie, don't tire Grandpa, how can Grandpa have time to play with you!" Li Jing scolded.

"Don't scare the child!" Yuan Keli glared at Li Jing, and then said softly, "An Guo is good, go play with my aunt, grandpa and daddy still have something to do, wait for grandpa to finish his work before playing with Anguo."

"Oh!" Li Anguo obediently nodded in agreement.

Li Jing shook his head upon hearing this, and smiled helplessly.

Just as Xiaodie went out the back door with the child in her arms, someone outside the front door reported that someone from Shanxi had sent a letter, and Li Jing urgently called for someone to come in.

The visitor wanted to salute when he entered the door, but Li Jing waved his hand to stop him and asked the visitor to deliver a letter.

After receiving the letter, Li Jing hurriedly opened it, looked for the map while looking for the location, and made gestures to calculate the distance.

After reading it, Li Jing smiled wryly and said: "Sir, it seems that you can't move. The rebel army has already occupied Bishui. The next step must be to capture Yangcheng and then Jincheng. Jincheng has a high wall and thick walls. If we can’t come down, if we can’t fight, once the officers and soldiers take the route, we will have to attack Lingchuan, and once Lingchuan is captured, we will have to face the front of the rebel army.”

Li Jing said and handed the letter to Yuan Keli.

Yuan Keli took the letter and read it hastily, and hurriedly checked the map to find the location of the volunteer army and the official army.

"The rebellious army is here, the official army is here, the official army Cao Wenzhao has sealed off the road west of Qinshui, if the rebel army wants to get rid of Cao Wenzhao, the only way to survive is to move forward." Li Jing pointed to the map and said .

"It seems that we must move immediately, we must not let the rebel army enter our territory." Yuan Keli nodded.

"En!" Li Jingjing nodded, turned to the messenger and said, "You have worked hard all the way, go down and rest."

"Serving the leader, the villain doesn't have to work hard. The situation in Shanxi is chaotic now, and there are not enough messengers. The villain will go back now. I don't know if the leader has any orders?" The messenger said humanely.

"Tell my brothers, I know their hard work, I will take good care of my family and make everyone pay attention to safety!" Li Jing said.

"Thank you, leader, the villain will pass on the words of the leader to the brothers!" The messenger knelt down and kowtowed, then got up and went out.

When the messenger went out, Li Jing looked out of the door for a while, sighed and said: "Sir, if all the Han people in the world are such good men, why worry about the death of the Tartars, but in this troubled world, I don't know how many of them will be like this." My good boy died!"

"Jimin, what are you lamenting? How many lives have been lost in troubled times since ancient times? Born in troubled times is the time for us to make contributions!" Yuan Keli shouted.

"Sir, that's the lesson." Li Jing said with his head bowed.

Shaking his head, Yuan Keli continued: "Jimin, your biggest shortcoming is that you sometimes have a soft heart! The so-called kindness does not command soldiers, and there is no one who is not dead in battle. Are you afraid that you will not fight when you are afraid of death? These scouts The spies are risking their lives to send letters so that we can win more battles and reduce deaths. If they die, as long as you treat their families kindly, they will be glad that they didn't follow you by mistake."

"What the master said is that Li Jing is taught!" Li Jing stood up and said.

After saying that, Li Jing shouted outside the door: "Come here."

"What's your godfather's order?" A handsome young man came in from the door and asked.

The person who came was Li Jingyi's son, Hutou. After several years, Hutou has grown up, and he is no longer the ignorant child he used to be.

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(End of this chapter)

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