Chapter 149

Li Jing just smiled at this, telling everyone that the strength of the entire army is relied on on the battlefield, and no matter how strong an individual is, it does not matter much, and what he is teaching everyone now is the way to win on the battlefield.

It was precisely because Hutou had competed with Li Jing and lost miserably, that's why he just said that.

"Hutou, you are young now, and you don't understand many things. It is easy to win a war, but it is difficult to govern a country. If you don't learn more while you are young, what will you do when we are old?" Li Jing said patiently.

"Godfather is not yet thirty this year, how old is he? Godfather can live to be a hundred years old." Hutou said with a smile.

Li Jing shook his head and said with a smile: "Why live so long? As long as the godfather can complete a major event in his lifetime, he will be satisfied."

Sighing, Li Jing waved his hands and said, "Okay, let's not talk about this, Godfather still has something important to tell your Grandpa Shen!"

"En!" Hutou replied.

"Father-in-law, prepare five thousand shi of grain for me when I go out of the mountain this time. These grains are used to rescue and gather the victims. You don't need to use polished rice, corn, or sweet potatoes." Li Jing said.

"This is easy to handle. We don't have anything else in Hongshanling, but there are plenty of corn and sweet potatoes." Shen Zheng smiled.

Li Jingjing nodded, turned to look at Zhou Daqing and said, "Daqing, I don't have enough troops here, and it is impossible to block all the passages. You immediately lead your troops into the junction of Lin County and Lingchuan. There are not enough troops. Just ask Sun Meng to increase your troops, in short, don't let the rebel army enter the territory of Lin County, but you can only defend yourself and don't take the initiative to attack, don't drive the rebel army away."

"Why is this?" Zhou Daqing asked.

"If my expectations are correct, after the rebel army enters Lingchuan, the imperial court will inevitably appoint generals to command the soldiers and horses of the guards in Henan. You tell Sun Meng, all the elite soldiers will be dispatched by me to deploy to the front line of Hongshanling. To mobilize troops, just get them old and weak soldiers."

"Let Brother Sun lead a group of old and weak soldiers to fight? Is this possible?" Zhou Daqing asked doubtfully.

Li Jing shook his head and said: "Sun Meng is the commander of the guard and will not be appointed as the leader of the army. I want to make the leader of the army lose the battle."

"Ah! So that's the case." Zhou Daqing suddenly said.

Li Jingjing nodded and continued: "Also, tell the families of the officers and soldiers under your command to let them live temporarily in the Hongshanling area. If Sun Meng fails to obtain the military power for a long time, we will put it in the passage and let the rebels enter Lin County. Therefore, you must not drive the rebellious army away at the junction. I will make these rebellious troops our pawns. If the imperial court does not give Sun Meng the military power, we will drive the rebellious army to Zhangde Mansion. I don't believe it, King Lu's safety is threatened, how dare they not give Lao Sun military power?"

"But can the rebel army persist here for so long? There must be at least tens of thousands of these rebel troops? What do they eat in the mountains?" Zhou Daqing asked suspiciously.

Li Jing smiled, nodded and said: "You can think of this, it seems that you really put your heart into it, we want people to make chess pieces, of course we can't starve the chess pieces away. Don't forget, we lack everything on the mountain, but There is no shortage of food."

"The leader wants to feed those rogues with our own food?" Everyone asked in surprise.

Li Jingjing nodded and said: "If you want to get something, you have to give something. This is called raising thieves' self-respect. If you don't support them, they will run away. How can we be self-respecting?"

After a pause, Li Jing continued: "Remember, we are attacking the rebellious army just to take advantage of the situation, not to wipe them out completely. It is useful for us to keep them. Therefore, we must not beat them too hard. You even have to give them a hand when you see they can't do it, understand?"

"Understood!" Everyone responded in unison.

Li Jingjing nodded and said: "The arrangements for Lin County are over, let's talk about Hui County, this time not only the officers and soldiers of Lin County will be mobilized, but also the officers and soldiers of Liu Hong in Weihui Mansion will be mobilized. Send a letter ordering him to lead his troops to the junction of Hui County and Lingchuan immediately to prevent the Nine Dragons from entering our territory from Hui County."

"Liu Hong is just a thousand households, can he mobilize his troops casually?" Gao Qi asked.

Li Jing waved his hand and said, "It's okay, as long as we let out the news that the rebel army will enter Henan from the boundary of Hui County, Weihui Mansion will definitely send troops to garrison, and Liu Hong volunteers, the commander of Weihui Mansion will definitely send him there."

Gao Qiwen nodded and said: "It's not too late, I'll send someone to notify Liu Hong immediately."

Li Jingjing nodded, turned to look at the crowd and said, "Do you have any questions? If not, get ready to go!"

Everyone clasped their fists at Li Jingyi, and then left the meeting room one after another.

In the early morning of the next day, at the Hongshanling training ground, Gao Qi and the others were ready to set off, and they could start off only after Li Jingxun finished speaking.

The rebellious army moved quickly, and Li Jing's troops needed to carry a large amount of food, and marching on the mountain roads, the action was bound to be slow, and it took time to prepare and load the food.

Li Jing was worried that before he reached Lingchuan, the rebel army had already attacked, so he asked Gao Qi to act first.

Gao Qi's troops are forwards, and he only needs to carry ammunition and dry food with him.

"Brothers, you have been a bandit with me for a few years now, hehe, I, Li Jing, am sorry for letting the brothers wear the hat of a bandit for so many years!" Li Jing laughed.

Gao Qi and the others were taken aback when they heard Li Jing's words. Normally, the commander of a soldier going to war would have to say something to boost morale, but how did the leader mention this?

While the few people were in a daze, Li Jing suddenly raised his voice and shouted: "But from today on, we are no longer bandits, we are soldiers defending our homeland. Have you seen the land under the mountain? The houses there, where we live The people told us that this is our home! Now the rebel army is about to hit our home, brothers, tell me what should you do?"

After hearing this, the crowd became furious and shouted in unison: "Defend your homeland to the death, defend your homeland to the death!"

Li Jing waved his hands, stopped everyone's voices and continued: "I know that many of you are fighting for the first time, and you will inevitably feel flustered when you go to the battlefield for the first time, but let me tell you, you don't need to panic, because each of you holds They are all the most advanced weapons of this era, not to mention the rebellious army, even the official army can only be slaughtered in front of you, you just need to fight according to the usual training, and wait for each of you to let go After shooting, you will find that the enemies on the opposite side are just a group of lambs, and you are the masters of the battlefield!"

Many of Li Jing's subordinates have just joined. Hearing that he is going to fight against the rebellious army, he is really flustered. After all, no one will not panic when they are on the battlefield for the first time. Dry mouth.

Seeing that everyone's morale was boosted, Gao Qi turned around and came to Li Jing and knelt down on one knee and said, "Commander, since we are no longer bandits in the future, we can no longer use our previous titles. This army should also have a name. Commander-in-Chief please give this army a name!"

"Huh? Marshal? Give me a name? With only 8000 of us, do you dare to call me Marshal? Hehe, if I were Marshal, you would be my most capable brother, and naturally you would be a general. You're a smart kid." Forget it, since it has become an army, it should have a name. It's just what to call it..." Li Jing said with a smile.

Li Jing rested his chin with his hand and pondered for a while, then suddenly raised his head and said: "The word my master gave me back then was Jimin, which means that I hope I can help the world and the people, so our army should be called the Jishi Army!"

"Marshal Xie for the name, brothers, did you hear that, from now on we are no longer bandits, we are the Jishi Army!" Gao Qi stood up and shouted.

"Ji Shijun! Ji Shijun!" the crowd shouted.

"Ji Shuai, Ji Shuai!" one of the crowd shouted.

This appellation was immediately echoed by the crowd, who called "Ji Shuai" in unison.

"Jing Shuai, Jing Shuai!" Another person shouted.

So everyone's shout became Jing Shuai again.

Seeing the excitement of the crowd, Li Jing didn't stop him, just smiled and said nothing.

After a while, Li Jing waved his hand to stop everyone shouting, and shouted loudly: "Gao Qi, let's go!"

"Design!" Gao Qi responded loudly, then waved his hands vigorously, and shouted loudly: "Brothers, let's go!"

"Yes!" Everyone responded in unison.

Seeing everyone walking in front of him with neat steps, Li Jing's heart skipped a beat, and he shouted to Hutou beside him: "Hutou, come on!"

Naturally, there would be no shortage of military drums in the training ground. Hearing this, Hutou led four people and carried the drums to Li Jing.

Li Jing took the drumstick and hit it hard, "Boom!" with a loud sound, the sound shook all directions!

Hearing the sound fade away, Li Jing then struck hard again, and then the rhythm gradually accelerated, and the last sound followed closely, which was exactly the rhythm of the general's order.

When the drumbeat was the most intense, Li Jing suddenly sang loudly:

"Arrogant and proud laughing at thousands of waves, hot blood is hotter than the red sun, courage is like iron, bones are like steel..."

It's a song about a man's self-improvement.

When I finally sang "Let the sea and sky gather energy for me, to open up the world, to break through for my ideals, to see the tall blue waves and the vastness of the sky, to be strong as a man, to be a pillar of strength, to be a good man, Use my [-] points of heat to shine a thousand points of light." Even Li Jing himself felt his blood boil.

After Li Jing finished his song, Gao Qi led his people away.

Yuan Keli clapped his palms and laughed loudly: "It's a good general's order, it helps the people, it has good lyrics, and a good singing voice. Even though I'm old, I feel my blood rushing when I hear this song."

Shen Zheng beside him also smiled and said: "I think this song can be the military song of our army."

Li Jing waved his hands hurriedly and said with a smile: "Sir, I laughed, my father-in-law joked, I just saw the soldiers go out to fight, and my blood surged."

It's not that Li Jing is modest, Li Jing can't sing many songs, and only a few of them can be sung completely, including this song that a man should strengthen himself.

This song was learned by Li Jinggang when he joined the special forces. At that time, the training was tough. Li Jing used this song to encourage himself. He always sang silently in his heart while training hard.

Yuan Keli shook his head, and said solemnly: "Give me a copy of the lyrics in a while, and everyone will sing this song during training later."

Li Jing nodded helplessly upon hearing this.

The man's self-improvement adopts the tune of the general's order, which is easy to learn and very fast to learn, but there are not many who can sing well.

However, as a military song, it is not necessary for soldiers to sing well, as long as it can inspire everyone's morale.

(End of this chapter)

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