Chapter 152
There were not many opponents, so Gao Yingxiang didn't take the opponent seriously, thinking that he could defeat the opponent with a single charge.

Seeing that the opponent was using firecrackers, Gao Yingxiang ordered the shield soldiers to be in front and the archers to attack the enemy.The enemy army on the opposite side is dressed in civilian clothes and has no shield to protect them. As long as the archers of one's own side reach the range, they can wipe out the enemy army in one fell swoop.

Gao Yingxiang thought well, but unfortunately the reality is far from what he thought.

When Gao Yingxiang's forward troops were more than 200 steps away from the enemy, the enemy started to fire as if they hadn't seen the shields in front of their own troops. Gao Yingxiang laughed happily at that time.

But in a blink of an eye, Gao Yingxiang choked up, his eyes widened, as if he saw something unbelievable, he was completely stunned!
The enemy's firecrackers completely ignored their own shields, and they could easily penetrate the shields at a distance of more than 200 steps, and at the same time knock down their own shield soldiers?Even the three-eyed firecrackers used by Cao Wenzhao's Guanning cavalry are not so powerful!
Moreover, after the opponent fired his gun, he only took a step back, and the next row moved forward and continued to shoot. The enemy moved forward and retreated suddenly, and the gunfire continued, and the soldiers participating in the attack fell to the ground row by row.

When Gao Yingxiang was stunned, more than 1000 people fell down in the vanguard, not to mention rushing over, and they couldn't even break through the distance of [-] steps.

Fortunately, Li Zicheng beside him reminded him to retreat quickly, otherwise he didn't know how many people would die.

Gao Yingxiang withdrew his army, and the opponent was not prepared to fight to the death, but they forced Gao Yingxiang to run all the way to Lingchuan.

When they arrived at Lingchuan, the team finally stopped chasing him, but kept watching him from a distance.

Gao Yingxiang was relieved to see that the unidentified troops finally stopped pursuing them.

After counting his soldiers and horses, he found that there were six to seven thousand people missing, which made Gao Yingxiang feel really distressed. Fortunately, there were still tens of thousands of soldiers, and his strength was not greatly damaged.

In order to get rid of this unidentified army, Gao Yingxiang repaired his troops and ordered to attack the city.

Lingchuan City had thin walls and low walls, so Gao Yingxiang knocked it down without much effort.

After entering the city, Gao Yingxiang was finally able to sleep soundly.

But as soon as the sky was bright, someone from his subordinates reported that the army had arrived outside Lingchuan City, and this time it seemed that there were twice as many troops.

Upon hearing this, Gao Yingxiang got up from the bed and hurriedly asked if the other party had attacked the city.

Hearing that the opponent had not attacked the city yet, Gao Yingxiang felt relieved.

But not long after he put his heart down, someone brought him up again.

Another subordinate came to report that the other party blocked all the north gate, west gate and south gate of Lingchuan, and set up cannons, as if intending to attack the city.

"Damn it! Who are these guys? They're going to kill me!" Gao Yingxiang kicked over the water basin just brought by the soldiers.

After a while, Gao Yingxiang asked, "How many cannons do they have?"

The soldier who reported the message hurriedly said: "There are at least fifty guns, but I think these guns are not big, and their power should be limited."

"Damn it! Small cannons are also cannons. They are not powerful enough to last! Fifty cannons? The officers and soldiers have never mobilized so many cannons before attacking a city. Come and find out who these guys are!" Gao Yingxiang scolded road.

"King Chuang, don't care who it is, hurry up and find a way." Said the soldier.

"Think of a way! Withdraw, withdraw immediately!" Gao Yingxiang said urgently.

"Where are you going?" the soldier said.

Gao Yingxiang scolded: "Where are you going to retreat? You stupid brain! The enemy army surrounded the north gate, west gate, and south gate, leaving only the east gate. Naturally, we withdrew from the east gate to Lin County. Send an order immediately All the ministries withdrew from the east gate and went straight to Lin County, I don't believe they can catch up with me in the mountains and forests with cannons!"

After hearing this, the soldiers rushed out to deliver the order.

After all the troops assembled, Li Zicheng reminded: "Uncle, should we leave a troop here to contain the enemy, or else we hastily withdraw our troops, and once they catch up, the consequences will be disastrous!"

"It makes sense! In this way, you stay to contain the enemy army, and I will lead the large army to go first. When we all withdraw from Lingchuan, you immediately abandon the city and follow!" Gao Yingxiang said.

Li Zicheng didn't expect that he made a suggestion, and actually got himself into it. Gao Yingxiang actually asked him to block the enemy. Li Zicheng almost fainted at that time, secretly slapped himself, and secretly scolded himself for talking too much.

Naturally, it was Li Jing's troops who surrounded Lingchuan, while the vanguard led by Gao Qi was the one who fought against Gao Yingxiang earlier.

The so-called plans are not as fast as changes. Li Jing's original combat thinking was based on the attack direction of the officers and soldiers.

First of all, under the pursuit of Cao Wenzhao, Gao Yingxiang did not dare to stay in Zezhou for a long time, so he could only rush towards Lingchuan, and let Gao Qi intercept halfway, forcing Gao Yingxiang to quickly attack Lingchuan.

Gao Yingxiang went down to several counties, Chongzhen would be furious, and Cao Wenzhao would chase after him as long as he didn't want to lose his position and head, so Gao Yingxiang would not and would not dare to stay overnight in Lingchuan.

Then Li Jing continued to force Gao Yingxiang to flee in the direction of Lin County, because if Gao Yingxiang captured Lin County, Anyang County would most likely become Gao Yingxiang's next target.

There is a prince of the Ming Dynasty living in Anyang County. If something happens to this prince, even if Cao Wenzhao has a hundred heads, it is not enough to chop off, so Cao Wenzhao dare not let Gao Yingxiang enter even if he is very brave. In Lin County, all troops must be mobilized to encircle and wipe out Gao Yingxiang.

As long as Cao Wenzhao uses all his energy and strength to deal with Gao Yingxiang, Lingchuan will be under Li Jing's control.

In addition, if the rebel army entered the border of Henan, the imperial court would inevitably organize soldiers and horses in Henan to encircle and suppress them. Lin County would bear the brunt, and the first to use soldiers and horses of Zhangde Wei Sun Meng.This gave Sun Meng the opportunity to take control of the military. As long as Sun Meng obtained the military power, it would be much easier for Li Jing to do things in the future.

Li Jing calculated for a long time, but he didn't expect that Cao Wenzhao would stop at Gaoping, but Gao Qi's department had already joined the fire with Gao Yingxiang's department, and accidentally captured more than 4000 rebels. There was not enough food, so Li Jing had no choice but to ask Gao Qi to join him.

After Li Jing joined Gao Qi, he only waited for Cao Wenzhao to catch up before continuing to put pressure on Gao Yingxiang. Unexpectedly, Cao Wenzhao still stopped at Gaoping and did not move out.

Now Li Jing began to hesitate. The longer Gao Yingxiang stayed in Lingchuan, the more damage he caused to Lingchuan. Li Jing planned to make Lingchuan his own territory. If Lingchuan was robbed by Gao Yingxiang, Li Jing would be fine. It's not a waste of work, and it will take a lot of effort to restore Lingchuan's vitality.

But now that Cao Wenzhao has not moved, Li Jing is facing an embarrassing situation.

Lingchuan is the only way from Gaoping to Lin County. If Li Jing drives Gao Yingxiang away and occupies Lingchuan, it will block Cao Wenzhao's pursuit. Once Cao Wenzhao gives up chasing Gao Yingxiang and turns to deal with Li Jing , then Li Jing's actions above are tantamount to setting fire to himself.

Whether to expel Gao Yingxiang from Lingchuan now, Li Jing pondered for a long time but couldn't make up his mind.

Because of Cao Wenzhao's sudden stop and Li Jing's hesitation, Gao Yingxiang got a day and a night of respite in Lingchuan.

One day and one night, what would happen to Lingchuan occupied by the rebel army, Li Jing knew the result even if he thought about it with his feet.

After weighing for a long time, Li Jing finally decided to besiege Lingchuan, force Gao Yingxiang away, and then occupy Lingchuan.Because Gao Yingxiang could afford to wait, but Li Jing couldn't.

If Cao Wenzhao really abandoned Gao Yingxiang to fight him, he could only raise the flag to rebel and fight Cao Wenzhao.

Li Jing ordered the city to besieged on three sides, of which the north and west sides were completely bluffing. Li Jing only sent a few hundred auxiliary soldiers on these two sides, but Gao Yingxiang, who had suffered a lot, never dared to take the risk of breaking out from the direction of the siege.

Sure enough, when Li Jing ordered the artillery to be fired, Gao Yingxiang couldn't sit still.

Soon Li Jing received the news that Gao Yingxiang led people to escape through the east gate.

Although Gao Yingxiang's main force ran away, there were still a large number of rebel guards on the city wall.

Li Jingjing nodded, it seems that the rebellious army is not so stupid, and knows to leave some people to stop the enemy.

Seeing a Li character flag hanging on the city tower, Li Jing's heart twitched. Could it be that Li Zicheng stayed in the city to stop him?If it was Li Zicheng, he couldn't be killed, and he would have to rely on him to attract the attention of officers and soldiers in the future.

After thinking about it, Li Jing pointed to the city wall of Lingchuan and said to Chen Dazhuang: "Da Zhuang, raise the angle of elevation of the cannon for me. Don't hit the city gate or the city wall. I want your shells to fall directly on the wall to rebel the army." on the head."

Li Jing built a total of [-] cannons, Hongshanling kept [-] for defense, and took [-] for the expedition. Chen Dazhuang worked steadily and was Li Jing's direct descendant, so he was appointed by Li Jing as the artillery captain.

Hearing that Li Jing was the first to call his own name, Chen Dazhuang was overjoyed and said, "Marshal, you can do it."

"Go and prepare, wait for my order before firing." Li Jingjing nodded and smiled.

"Yes!" Chen Dazhuang received the order, turned around and shouted: "Brothers, today is our chance to show our faces! The commander-in-chief has ordered that you are not allowed to hit the city gate, you are not allowed to hit the city wall, and you want the shells to fall directly on the heads of the rebels inside the city wall. Listen carefully, this cannonball is a precious thing, if you hit the wrong place and waste the cannonball, I will not be polite to you!"

"Yes!" All the artillerymen responded in unison.

"Aim..." Chen Dazhuang shouted.

In an instant, the artillerymen quickly raised the elevation angle of the guns.

After a while, Li Jing received news from the east gate that Gao Yingxiang's men had almost run away.

Li Jing nodded to Chen Dazhuang, Chen Dazhuang raised his hand high, and then he waved vigorously and shouted: "Fire!"

"Tom! tom! tom!.."

After a deafening roar, gunpowder smoke filled the city wall.

Li Zicheng had long seen that the enemy had set up artillery, and the low walls of Lingchuan City were thin. Li Zicheng knew that relying on the city walls would not be able to stop the enemy's artillery bombardment.

Therefore, Li Zicheng didn't really plan to stop the enemy in Lingchuan, he gathered his troops long ago, and abandoned the city as soon as Gao Yingxiang's brigade left.

Of course, it is still necessary to send hundreds of people on the city wall to show off. The enemy has cannons, so they must first break the city walls before attacking the city. With these hundreds of people blocking him, he would have plenty of time to escape.

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(End of this chapter)

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