Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 165 The Thief Ship

Chapter 165 The Thief Ship
Yuan Keli and Li Jing could cooperate so well not because of Li Jing, but because of Yuan Keli.

After getting along with Li Jing for a period of time, Yuan Keli found that Li Jing was very shrewd in dealing with many things, but he didn't seem to understand some aspects at all, such as how to be a leader and how to establish the prestige of a leader.

Yuan Keli knew that as a leader, one should not speak casually, let alone say wrong things. If Li Jing said wrong things or even did wrong things, it would reduce his prestige.

Now that Li Jing is accepted as a student, how can Yuan Keli not teach such things?But this kind of thing can't be learned after preaching, it mainly depends on Li Jing's own comprehension. What Yuan Keli has to do is to let Li Jing comprehend how to be a leader.

Yuan Keli has gone through four dynasties and even served as the emperor's teacher. He knows very well how to let the leaders control the situation.

Yuan Keli knew that sometimes, some words were far more suitable for him than Li Jing, even if he said something wrong, it didn't matter, because the final decision was not him, but Li Jing.

Of course Yuan Keli knew that although he was Li Jing's husband and was appointed as a military adviser by Li Jing, not everyone obeyed him. He often spoke in advance when Li Jing was about to speak, and even spoke on behalf of Li Jing. All are a little dissatisfied.But Yuan Keli didn't care, as long as he could cultivate Li Jing into a talent, he would be satisfied.

In fact, Li Jing didn't understand why Yuan Keli always spoke first when he wanted to speak.But after a few times, Li Jing found that after Yuan Keli finished speaking first, he was very comfortable to speak again, and it was easier to make decisions.

At this time, Li Jing finally understood Yuan Keli's intentions. Yuan Keli was teaching him how to be a leader. As a leader, one should not talk casually, but should listen to other people's opinions before making a decision.

Gradually, the cooperation between Li Jing and Yuan Keli became better and better, and they became more and more tacit. Sometimes the two sides could understand what the other party meant with a look or a movement.

Yuan Keli was very pleased with Li Jing's performance.

Although Li Jing didn't understand poetry, he was by no means illiterate, and his comprehension was extremely high, especially his comprehension ability in politics was almost clear.

Seeing Li Jing's gradual transformation from a loyal bandit leader to a seasoned political figure, Yuan Keli felt very relieved.

But Yuan Keli knew that Li Jing still had a long way to go, how many people did Li Jing have now?And these people will never have second thoughts about Li Jing, these people are just fighting for a title.

Only as Li Jing's power grew and people of all colors began to appear on the stage, was it time to test Li Jing's political skills.

Now Yang Liufeng and Zhou Hengchen are the touchstones to test Li Jing. If Li Jing performs well, these two people will become his loyal subordinates. If Li Jing does not perform well, he can only kill them. Then look for the management personnel of Lingchuan again.

The performance of Yuan Keli and Li Jing is different when it comes to killing people. Yuan Keli is much more decisive than Li Jing. As long as you block my way, you will kick me out, and you will kill me. You will never be soft when you strike.

On the other hand, Li Jing often talks about human feelings, especially for the old brothers in Hongshanling, as long as they don't make a big mistake that must be killed, they generally don't kill people lightly.

In this regard, Yuan Keli couldn't say who was right and who was wrong in what he and Li Jing did, so the two often disagreed on this point.

This difference did not gradually disappear until the laws of Hongshanling were officially promulgated.

Hongshanling's law was developed on the basis of the Daming Law, which abolished many tortures and increased many punishments.

For example, there are many crimes in the law of the Ming Dynasty, such as implicating the nine clans, sitting together, etc. After reading it, Li Jing abolished the regulation of sitting together. Li Jing believes that one person does things and one person is responsible, and it has nothing to do with wives, children, relatives and friends, unless these people also participate in it. .

As for Ling Chi, skinning, beheading, and other horrific tortures were also cancelled. It was nothing more than a death, so why do so many tricks?Could it be said that killing a thousand swords is not the same as killing one sword in deterrence?

For the crime of corruption, Li Jing’s punishment is to directly kill a certain amount, and then confiscate the corrupted property. In addition, for the crime of bribery, Li Jing’s regulation is that no matter whether it is accepting or giving bribes, all of them will be executed if the amount reaches a certain amount.

If the amount of embezzlement and bribery does not result in death, a fine of five times the amount of embezzlement and bribery will be imposed, and various punishments will be imposed at the same time, such as rod punishment, imprisonment, etc.

Everyone in Hongshanling was stunned by Li Jing's regulation. Isn't this too cruel?Is bribery the same punishment as bribery?

Li Jing's explanation is that it is to make people afraid to pay bribes. If no one offers bribes, no one will accept bribes.

However, Li Jing also has strict definitions and regulations for giving and accepting bribes. It doesn't mean taking people's money or giving and accepting bribes.

For example, if an official is poor, and his friends or relatives support him, as long as the official does not seek profit for these people or shirks responsibility, it is not considered bribery.

Could it be that the relatives and friends of this official cannot help their own relatives and friends?
In fact, Li Jing also knew that after adding this regulation, it might take advantage of other people's loopholes, but the laws of the world are not perfect.

Compared with the Daming Law, the laws enacted by Hongshanling have much lighter punishments, but they are stricter in many aspects. When they saw the laws promulgated by Li Jing, many people secretly clicked their tongues.

But they quickly realized the benefits of this law, that is, within the jurisdiction of Hongshanling, no one dared to take bribes or take bribes, and if one person made a mistake, the whole family would not have to suffer, and there would be no family ruin. This situation.

With the promulgation of the law, Li Jing began to formulate a new system.

It is still the same to take over the system of Ming Dynasty, and then modify it, remove the inappropriate parts and add the inadequacies. On this point, Yuan Keli really made great efforts.

Because no one knows better than him the pros and cons of the Ming Dynasty system.

The Ming Dynasty implemented a six-part cabinet system, in which the chief assistant of the cabinet had the greatest power, so powerful that it could not even compare with the previous prime ministers. As for the cabinet members below the second assistant, they did not have much power at all.

In this way, if Shoufu is mediocre, then the whole country will basically not have any development.

After discussions between Yuan Keli, Li Jing and others, improvements were made according to the institutional framework of the Ming Dynasty.

Hongshanling also established a structure similar to the cabinet, the main members are: Li Jing, Yuan Keli, Shen Zheng, Gao Qi, Ma Wu, Sun Meng and Zhang Ao.

Among them, Li Jing is equivalent to the first assistant, and the remaining six are equivalent to cabinet members.

In today's words, Li Jing is in charge of the overall work, and the rest are in charge of the specific work.

Then under this structure, various institutions are also set up, and the supervisors are the above-mentioned people. Of course, most of them are empty shells, and some institutions have no one.

Although Li Jing had the final say on everything on the mountain, the people who assisted him had great power. For example, Gao Qi was not only in charge of the training of the soldiers, but also the law enforcement team.

As long as someone makes a mistake, the law enforcement team can directly take it down without asking Li Jing for instructions, and only needs to report afterwards. Of course, the law enforcement team has no right to punish.

For example, Shen Zheng is in charge of all matters related to logistics. When Shen Zheng finds problems, he can also deal with them directly, and then tell Li Jing afterwards.

Another example is Ma Wu's intelligence department, which is all handled by Ma Wu himself.

Li Jing hopes to tell everyone through his own actions that power cannot be controlled by one person.

Of course, we can't let everyone do whatever they want. If these people make mistakes, then Yuan Keli will ask everyone to discuss how to deal with it, and then Li Jing will come to make a decision, or Li Jing will directly come up with opinions and ask for everyone's consent.

This approach is indeed very democratic. No matter who makes a mistake, he will be punished. Of course, the premise is to obtain the consent of Li Jing and the rest of the people. Renegotiate, or if Li Jing agrees, but the others disagree, then renegotiate.

Li Jingnong's thing can only be regarded as a prototype. After all, Hongshanling's jurisdiction is limited and its population is small.

But Li Jing hopes to lay the foundation for the future. Li Jing knows that everything is foregone, and if it is not forewarned, it will be abandoned. If you do these things well now, there will be no chaos in the future.

It should be said that Hongshanling has made this thing very effective. Everyone is very enthusiastic, and Hongshanling's development is thriving.

But now Hongshanling is facing one of the biggest problems, that is, there are too few people in charge of affairs on the mountain, and almost only a few people are working. If this continues, these few people will be exhausted.

Therefore, everyone knows that talents are the most urgent need right now.

This is also the reason why Li Jing, Yuan Keli and others were so anxious to bring Yang Liufeng and Zhou Hengchen in.

In addition, what Ji Shijun did in Lingchuan cannot be hidden from these two people for long. Instead of letting them see it for themselves, it is better to tell them earlier and let them make a choice earlier, which is in everyone's interest.

Seeing Li Jing's knife-like gaze, Yang Liufeng and Zhou Hengchen sighed secretly. Now that they have boarded the thief ship, they don't say anything, just follow along.

Immediately, the two stood up and bowed to salute: "Xiaguan (late student) understands."

Li Jingjing nodded and said: "It's good to understand. All the work of the two of you now is to stabilize the people's hearts in Lingchuan. My father-in-law has arranged for people to go down to clear the land. After the land is cleared, those who have no owners and those who have been forcibly taken All the plundered land will be given to those peasants who have no land, and you two must handle this matter well."

Yang Liufeng wondered: "You still want us to be court officials?"

Li Jingjing nodded and said: "That's natural, proceed with caution, I am very optimistic about you, I hope you can learn how to govern the local area from Zhou County Magistrate, I am afraid that I will hand over to you more than one county town in the future. Show them the laws and regulations, and don't let them make mistakes."

Yuan Keli nodded, and called Hutou to his room to bring the regulations.

Hearing that Ji Shijun still had laws and regulations, Zhou and Yang were amazed, and couldn't help wondering what the laws and regulations formulated by Li Jing would be.

(End of this chapter)

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