Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 169 Run Fast

Chapter 169 Run Fast

On this day, Cao Wenzhao received news that Qinshui, Yangcheng, and Jincheng asked him for help. Only then did Cao Wenzhao learn that Gao Yingxiang led his troops out of the mountains and was preparing to attack Jincheng, Yangcheng and Qincheng. water.

Cao Wenzhao was overjoyed, no matter how Gao Yingxiang passed from Lingchuan, he immediately summoned his generals, the most famous of his subordinates were his nephews Cao Bianjiao and Ma Ke, who followed Cao Wenzhao to fight in Shaanxi and Shanxi. The land has repeatedly made military exploits.

After calling the two men, Cao Wenzhao immediately ordered the two men to lead [-] infantry to rescue Qinshui and Yangcheng counties respectively, and he personally led [-] Guanning cavalry to Jincheng to rescue the siege.

Cao Wenzhao's plan is to lead a thousand Guanning iron cavalry to Jincheng at the fastest speed, and then turn to Yangcheng after defeating the rogues in Jincheng. As long as Yangcheng can hold on for a day or two, his troops and those The infantry can arrive.

As soon as Cao Wenzhao's troops came out of Gaoping, Gao Yingxiang knew that Cao Wenzhao was dispatched.

After fighting against the government and army for so many years, Gao Yingxiang would have died if he hadn't known to send scouts out to gather information before the war.

Gao Yingxiang not only knew that Cao Wenzhao had moved, he also knew that even Lingchuan and his gang followed suit.

Gao Yingxiang knew very well that the people in Lingchuan would naturally not help him fight the army, if he wanted to fight, he would have fought long ago, how can he wait until now?So it is self-evident who these people are targeting.

Not long after, Gao Yingxiang received a threatening letter from Li Jing, and now Gao Yingxiang was dumbfounded. Gao Yingxiang never imagined that his actions would attract a group of hungry wolves.

Fortunately, he responded in a timely manner, and hurriedly sent someone to send a letter to Li Jing, telling Li Jing that after taking down Qinshui and Yangcheng, he would immediately attack in the direction of Hengqu.

After Li Jing read the letter, he asked the messenger to tell Gao Yingxiang to finish the counties of Hengqu, Wenxi, Quwo, etc., and go to wherever he fell in love, but if he didn't listen to the call before that, he would immediately join forces with the army to kill him .

After reading Li Jing's reply, Gao Yingxiang knew that Li Jing would never be soft on him if he started to play tricks again at this time.

Seeing that the official army and the Jishi army were vaguely attacking him from both sides, Gao Yingxiang did not dare to stay in Jincheng anymore, and led the army to turn around and attack Yangcheng.

Gao Yingxiang also has a cavalry unit under his command. Although it can't compare with Cao Wenzhao's Guanning Iron Cavalry, it is still very powerful compared to other official troops. This is why he can repeatedly defeat the official army.

The three armies seem to be operating at the same time, but in fact, there are first and last.

The one with the most advantage was Gao Yingxiang. Before he came out of Shanhe Town, he had made a plan to divide his troops, and he had the most obvious advantage in terms of speed of action.

Next was Li Jing, because he had an army hanging behind Gao Yingxiang, which allowed him to know Gao Yingxiang's movements in the first place.

Cao Wenzhao was the last to act, because he didn't know that Gao Yingxiang's troops had actually emerged from the mountain.

Although he also sent scouts to keep an eye on Gao Yingxiang's troops, since Li Jing's troops were lying across Lingchuan, it was not so easy for the scouts to inquire about information and send letters back and forth.

Especially when Gao Yingxiang was about to leave Zhaojialing, Li Jing ordered Cao Wenzhao's eyes and ears to be blocked.

Li Jing himself is a special soldier, and his subordinates are best trained except for the assault squad, and they are scouts. Although Cao Wenzhao's subordinates are also elite, they are not as well-trained as Li Jing, a professional elite. In a few days, Cao Wen Zhao's scouts were beaten to nothing.

Therefore, Cao Wenzhao didn't know that Gao Yingxiang had escaped until Qinshui, Yangcheng and Jincheng sent him for help.

But late action does not mean slow speed.

Gaoping County is less than eighty miles away from Jincheng, and Cao Wenzhao led a cavalry unit with one man and two cavalry. It only takes two hours for Cao Wenzhao's troops to reach Jincheng.

Except for the scouts and messengers riding horses, Li Jing's subordinates were all infantry. Naturally, the infantry's marching speed could not compare with that of the cavalry. Zhao's troops did not see it.

(Here is a brief introduction to the map. Hongshanling is located in the north of Henan Province, at the border with Shanxi. Six years after Chongzhen in the Ming Dynasty, it was the base of Gao Yingxiang's troops, and now it also has this place name.

Lingchuan County is to the west of Hongshanling, about [-] miles away. To the north of Lingchuan is Huguan, Shanxi, and the straight-line distance to Lingchuan is about [-] miles. The famous Taihang Mountain Grand Canyon is in Huguan.Lingchuan County also belongs to the Taihang Mountain area, but it is already the remnant of the Taihang Mountain.

Gaoping County is to the west of Lingchuan, about sixty miles away from Lingchuan. Jincheng is in the south of Gaoping County, and the straight-line distance is also about sixty to seventy miles. It used to be Zhili Prefecture in the early Ming Dynasty. , was once the state capital of Zezhou.Forty miles to the west from Jincheng is Yangcheng County, and another forty miles to the northwest is Qinshui County, the distance is not too far.

In the Ming Dynasty, these four counties were all under the jurisdiction of Zezhou. From the fourth year of Chongzhen, Zezhou became the main battlefield for the rebels and the official army. It was not until the sixth year of Chongzhen that the rebels were expelled from Zezhou by the official army.To the south of Jincheng is Jiyuan in Henan Province, where Wang Ziyong, the leader of the rebel army, died of illness.

More than 100 miles west from Qinshui is Quwo County, which is under the jurisdiction of Pingyang Prefecture. Hengqu County to the south of Quwo is under the jurisdiction of Jiangzhou. This area belongs to the Zhongtiao Mountain area and contains copper mines. The purpose of Li Jing's occupation here It is to seize the resources here. )
When Gao Yingxiang led the army to Yangcheng, Li Zicheng had already begun to attack the city. Gao Yingxiang did not hesitate, and immediately led the army to join the siege team. With Gao Yingxiang's new force joining, Yangcheng was quickly captured.

Both Gao Yingxiang and Li Zicheng knew that Cao Wenzhao had led his troops to Yangcheng. After robbing Yangcheng, they didn't stop, and drove directly to Qinshui County. The three troops joined together and attacked overnight. Qinshui County was plundered again, and then abandoned the city and turned towards Hengqu.

Cao Wenzhao was amazed that Gao Yingxiang even conquered two county towns, and then escaped overnight.

This is a bit different from the style of the rogues in the past. In the past, the rogues always liked to occupy a city for a period of time every time they captured a city.

As for the official army coming, it is also a battle first, stay there if you win the battle, and run away if you can't win the battle.

But now they rob after fighting, and run after robbing, and don't spend the night in the city at all.

And what puzzled Cao Wenzhao the most was, why did the rogues run so fast all of a sudden?

Now the speed of action of the rogue bandits is obviously much faster than before, and the officers and soldiers simply can't catch up.

After a little thought, Cao Wenzhao knew that Gao Yingxiang's troops must have left behind the old and the weak, women and children, and then started to act.

You must know that the officers and soldiers were able to catch up with the rogues at this time, not because the officers and soldiers ran faster than the rogues.

Except for the cavalry, everyone walks on two legs. Officers and soldiers are not long-distance runners, so they cannot run faster than rogues.

The reason why the officers and soldiers were able to catch up with the rogues was because the rogues were led by the family and moved around. With those old and weak women and children dragging them down, of course they couldn't run fast.

But now Gao Yingxiang suddenly dropped these burdens, and his actions suddenly became faster, and the officers and soldiers under Cao Wenzhao couldn't adapt at all.

This time Cao Wenzhao began to have a headache.

You must know that most of Cao Wenzhao's troops are not locals. They come here to fight to get rewards.
Cao Wenzhao wanted to get rid of the infantry, and only pursued him with a thousand Guanning iron cavalry. However, the combat effectiveness of Gao Yingxiang's troops should not be underestimated.

Therefore, to be on the safe side, Cao Wenzhao dispatched on foot and cavalry together.

But since Cao Wenzhao has already been thrown a certain distance away by Gao Yingxiang, it is not so easy to catch up.

Moreover, Gao Yingxiang's whereabouts are uncertain, and he has no way of intercepting him.

Originally, Cao Wenzhao thought that after taking Qinshui County, Gao Yingxiang would go to Yicheng County to join the rebel army in Pingyang Prefecture, but Gao Yingxiang actually went to Jiangxian County in the southwest.

Cao Wenzhao pondered for a long time, and finally made up his mind that no matter where Gao Yingxiang went, he would first occupy Quwo, the passage from Jiangzhou to Pingyang Mansion.


Lingchuan County Government.

Li Jing and Yuan Keli took the letter sent by the forward troops, and then compared the map to check the locations of Gao Yingxiang's and Cao Wenzhao's troops.

"Sir, Gao Yingxiang's current location is here, less than [-] miles away from Jiang County. Cao Wenzhao's location is here, hehe, this guy thought Gao Yingxiang would attack Yicheng County, so he went in the direction of Yicheng. This way, the distance between the two sides is at least seventy or eighty miles. Zhang Chu’s position is here, and he will catch up with Gao Yingxiang in ten miles! Gao Qi’s troops have just arrived in Qinshui, and it seems that Gao Qi’s speed is not fast enough! "Li Jing pointed to the map and said.

Yuan Keli shook his head and said, "Gao Qi left late, it's not too late to reach Qinshui now."

Then Yuan Keli pointed to the position of Cao Wenzhao that Li Jing pointed to just now and said: "In fact, Cao Wenzhao's strategic vision is still very clever. You think he went in the wrong direction and did not catch up with the intruder. In fact, Cao Wenzhao left A good move, sometimes, you have to consider the problem from the perspective of others. Cao Wenzhao not only has to deal with Gao Yingxiang himself, he also has to deal with other rogues.

To the west of Yicheng is Quwo, which is the only way from Jiangzhou to Pingyang Mansion. Cao Wenzhao is now heading to Yicheng County, with the purpose of going to Quwo to block this passage.In this way, if the intruder wants to go to Pingyang Mansion, he has to pass his level first. If the intruder does not reach Pingyang Mansion, then Cao Wenzhao can choose the target to attack at will. convenient.

However, this created a problem for us. If Cao Wenzhao stayed in Quwo to deal with the intruders, then our calculations would be completely lost. "

Li Jingjing nodded and said: "Fortunately, we and Cao Wenzhao have formed a pincer attack on Gao Yingxiang, so that he dare not rush north to join the rogues in Pingyang Mansion. The longer he is active in Jiangzhou, the more Cao Wenzhao will become." Headache."

Yuan Keli shook his head and said: "Although that is the case, we can't afford it! Gao Qi leads the army outside, and all the supplies and supplies must be supplied from Lingchuan, and the supplies from Lingchuan must be supplied from Hongshanling. Luck, where do we have the manpower to afford such a long supply now!"

Li Jingwen nodded silently, this is the biggest difference between Ji Shijun and rogue bandits.

(End of this chapter)

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