Chapter 171

Cao Wenzhao himself was born in the frontier army. He knew very well that the frontier army was no match for the Donglu in field battles. He could only rely on the city wall for defense. ?
What's more, the copper mines are in charge of a special mine supervisor, unless he doesn't want to live, he will only move his mind about these copper mines.

But Li Jing obviously didn't care about these things. He greeted Cao Wenzhao now because he didn't want to antagonize the officers and soldiers. If Cao Wenzhao didn't agree to this condition, I'm afraid Li Jing would come hard.

Cao Wenzhao has investigated the strength of the Jishi Army very clearly. He knows that the weapons of this army are extremely powerful. With only 2000 men, tens of thousands of intruders were beaten to the ground and fled in embarrassment. Hundreds of people trapped the intruders in Zhaojialing for several days. Even compared with Guan Ning's iron cavalry, this kind of strength is not far behind, or even worse.

Of course, Cao Wenzhao was not afraid of Li Jing's Jishi Army, let alone fighting with the Jishi Army. He was never afraid when he fought against Donglu, and he would not be afraid of a mere Jishi Army now. There is no Cao Wen in this world. The enemy that Zhao was afraid of.

Cao Wenzhao didn't want to go to war with Ji Shijun because he had no time to entangle with Ji Shijun now. He could not be afraid of any enemy, but he had to be afraid of the emperor.

There were frequent calls for help from Taiyuan, Fenzhou, Pingyang and other places, and it seemed that the fire was imminent. At this time, if he wanted to force the Jishi Army into the camp of the rogues again, Chongzhen would dismiss him immediately.

Although agreeing to Li Jing's conditions will cause endless disasters in the future, it is the future after all, so let's focus on the present first, not to mention that the conditions Li Jing gave him are indeed good.

Cao Wenzhao pondered for a long time, and finally made up his mind to agree to Li Jing's conditions, but asked Li Jing to send over 6 taels of silver immediately, and then sent troops to defeat the intruders quickly.

As for Li Jing wanting to send him two thousand soldiers, even if Li Jing dared to send him Cao Wenzhao, he would not dare to take it.

If there is such a group of uncles in his army who don't worry about food, clothing, and money, it is estimated that in a few days, all his original subordinates will run away with them. Who will he turn to for reasoning?

Hearing that Cao Wenzhao asked Li Jing to send money and attack immediately, the messenger said: "My commander-in-chief has ordered the vanguard troops of the Jishi Army to move in the direction of Yuanqu, and the commander-in-chief has also set off with the follow-up troops, and the money will come soon." can deliver."

Hearing that the Jishi Army had launched an operation, Cao Wenzhao suddenly knew that Li Jing was determined to win these four counties, no matter whether he agreed to Li Jing's conditions, Li Jing would do it.

At this time, without any hesitation, Cao Wenzhao immediately agreed to Li Jing's conditions.

After Li Jing got the news, he was overjoyed and immediately accelerated his march. Two days later, Li Jing led his troops to the junction of Qinshui and Yicheng counties, and then sent someone to notify Cao Wenzhao.

After the two sides handed over 6 taels of silver at the junction, Cao Wenzhao then sent his army northward and headed straight for Pingyang Mansion, while Li Jing divided his troops and marched towards the target county.

At the same time, after Gao Qi led his troops to Yuanqu, Gao Yingxiang immediately abandoned the city, then led his army to capture Jiangxian again, and then swept several counties around Jiangxian again.When Li Jing's troops arrived at these counties, Gao Yingxiang had already led his troops away.

So far, Gao Yingxiang has helped Li Jing complete the strategic layout.


Although Gao Yingxiang helped Li Jing complete the strategic layout, Gao Yingxiang's troops were still entrenched in the vicinity and did not go far.If Li Jing wants to develop here, he cannot be allowed to stay here.

However, Li Jing would not do such a thing as killing a donkey, and it was far from the time to kill a donkey.

It will take at least five years to kill the donkey until there is no need to grind. According to Li Jing's estimation, it will take at least five years.

During this period of time, Li Jing still needs the gangsters to continue to toss and attract the court's attention.

So after taking over several counties captured by Gao Yingxiang, Li Jing thought about it a lot, and finally pointed out a way for Gao Yingxiang: turn to Shaanxi and go back to his hometown to fight guerrillas.

Gao Yingxiang was extremely angry at Li Jing's suggestion. After the messenger left, he yelled at Li Jing for being unjust, saying that Li Jing knew that Hong Chengchou was in Shaanxi and sent him back to Shaanxi to die.

Seeing that Gao Yingxiang didn't understand what he meant, Li Jing didn't bother to explain to him, and finally told Gao Yingxiang to go to wherever he fell in love, as long as he didn't make trouble near my territory.

Gao Yingxiang understood this sentence, because he thought he was an eyesore.

But he had nowhere to go right now.

In the north, Cao Wenzhao was fighting with several bandits' troops in full swing, and he didn't want to join in the fun.

As for the fact that the south is too close to Li Jing's territory, one day Li Jing might get angry and beat him up.

Gao Yingxiang thought about it for a long time, and decided to go to Yangcheng. This is not Li Jing's territory, and there are still a few wealthy places there that he hasn't snatched yet. Besides, his family members are also there, so they have to take care of them. .

Gao Yingxiang did not return to Shaanxi, but Li Zicheng did.

Obviously, after listening to Li Jing's suggestion, Li Zicheng thought about it a lot.

Li Zicheng is a very smart man. Recently, he has been fighting continuously. He found that after they get rid of the old and weak, women and children, as long as they act quickly, the officers and soldiers have nothing to do with them. Even Cao Wenzhao can't catch up with them. Could it be that Hong Chengchou can catch up?

In addition, this place is different from Shaanxi. In southern Shanxi, it is difficult for them to recruit people to join their robbery team, but Shaanxi is different. It is their hometown. As long as they go back, they can recruit thousands of people at any time. , and the folk customs in Shaanxi are fierce, and the people there are far stronger than those in southern Shanxi.

Li Zicheng wanted to understand the benefits, so he proposed to Gao Yingxiang to return to Shaanxi, Gao Yingxiang couldn't refuse, so he had to agree.

So Li Zicheng took his men out of Hejin to the west, then to Jixian County in the north, and finally turned west to Yichuan, Shaanxi, and returned to Shaanxi through mountains and mountains.

After Li Zicheng left, Gao Yingxiang greeted Li Jing, and led his troops to turn east and head towards Yangcheng County.

Gao Yingxiang was going to Yangcheng, but Li Jing didn't stop him.

Li Jing also knew that it would be difficult for Gao Yingxiang to return to Shaanxi. Gao Yingxiang had tens of thousands of troops, and the old and weak women and children under him were still playing hide-and-seek in Wangwu Mountain.He wants to run back to Shaanxi with the elite, and these people will become lonely ghosts.

And now Li Jing also needs Gao Yingxiang to help him with some finishing touches.

At the beginning, Li Jing only asked Gao Yingxiang to attack four counties, but this guy didn't know whether he was crazy or what, he attacked all the counties around Jiang County, of which only five were captured, and three others were almost captured. He hit it down.

Except for Yicheng County, the surrounding areas of Gao Yingxiang's counties were continuously raided by bandits, and the remaining counties were hardly damaged except for the county seat.

Originally, Li Jing thought it was a good thing, but who knew it was not the case at all.

Gao Yingxiang successively occupied five counties, namely: Jiang County, Yuanqu County, Yicheng County, Quwo County and Wenxi County.

The officials and those rich businessmen and gentry in these five counties were basically all killed by Gao Yingxiang's troops, and almost all were in a state of anarchy.

But among these five counties, only the people in Yicheng County, which was the most destructive, were the most obedient. Like Lingchuan County, after Li Jing's troops entered the city, they began to give away porridge to save the people, and quickly won over the people inside and outside the city. support.

As for the rest of the counties, Li Jing's subordinates only tried to win over the hearts of the people in the city, and those outside the city ignored him at all.Not only that, but those ordinary people also held a skeptical attitude towards Ji Shijun.

Hearing such a report, Li Jing was puzzled for a moment, and hurriedly asked why.

After asking about it, I found out that after Ji Shijun came in, many people in the city came to eat when they gave out porridge for relief. up.

After some inquiries, the officer in charge learned that the people who left did not live in the city at all. These people just heard the news and ran into the city to make a living. There were not many ordinary people who actually lived in the city. There are not even a thousand families, and most of them are illiterates who can't read big characters. It's useless to issue government orders to these people!
The people outside the city didn't suffer much. Although Ji Shijun drove away the rogues, they were not the imperial court's army after all, and those who gave orders were not serious court officials. These ordinary people ignored them at all.

Hearing this reason, Li Jingda was very annoyed, these foolish people took Ji Shijun's friendliness as a soft persimmon.

This is really Ma Shan being ridden by others, and Ren Shan being bullied!
Shaking his head, Li Jing sighed to Yuan Keli who had come all the way and hadn't had time to rest: "Sir, it seems that as long as the common people don't suffer, they are not so easy to mess with, especially those rich businessmen and officials."

Yuan Keli nodded and said with a smile: "Since ancient times, it has been easy to conquer the world, but difficult to rule the world. How old is this place and you start to have headaches? There is still a long way to go! But this is also an opportunity for you to learn how to handle government affairs. You have governed Hongshanling before. , but the layout of Hongshanling is too small, and there are not many problems and troubles. Some time ago, Lingchuan was occupied, and Lingchuan has just gone through the war, and the people's hearts are easy to gather. Now it occupies the land of five counties, and all kinds of things need you to deal with it. It's time to really test you."

Li Jingwen nodded silently.

After a pause, Yuan Keli continued: "I received news from you that the damage to several counties here is not serious. I guess this place is not like Lingchuan, where you can recruit people just by saying that you can recruit people, so I brought a batch of people from Lingchuan. People come here. However, you have to find a way to get the common people here, especially the gentry, to ask you, so that the people you arrange will be obeyed when they go to talk and do things."

Li Jing smiled slightly, and immediately understood Yuan Keli's meaning.

Li Jing still has a way to deal with these common people, especially those wealthy businessmen and officials, and the way is very simple, to deal with them by pretending to be bandits.

In fact, it cannot be said to be playing a bandit, it should be said that it is more appropriate to play the role of a bandit.

After these people have suffered from the rogues, the Jishi Army will come forward to drive the rogues away, and then provide relief to them. These people will trust the Jishi Army and feel that the Jishi Army is better than the official army.

 The second update, I wish you all a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

(End of this chapter)

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